Herbal Hygienist

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Deep Waters

“Save me, O my God. The floods have risen. Deeper and deeper I sink in the mire; the waters rise around me.” Psalm 67: 1-2

Has this ever been you?  Have you ever felt you were sinking so deep into darkness, light might never appear again?  Life is hard.  For some, life seems more hard than easy.  There are lessons to be learned in this life and it is very important to pay attention.  We are to be students of the Word.  We begin as infants and grow into adults, however, we are to grow spiritually as well. Sadly, many never move past spiritual infancy.

God is the professor who gives assignments.  Students who work hard on their assignments and study, do better than those who procrastinate, only half heartedly complete the assignment, or worse, don't work on it at all.  Each person has a purpose in representing our true God.  Are you working on yours?  What grade would you recieve on your assignment?

Where are you in this grid?  When challenges arise, how to you respond?  Do you look to the Lord for answers and wait patiently for the answer? Maybe you become anxious, aggitated or angry with God and the circumstances that arise.  These are not characteristics of God.  These negative feelings come form the dark spiritual forces of Satan, who will work day and night to sabotage you spiritually.  Don't be lulled into Satan's trap. Satan is the Father of Lies.  He will whisper things to you that will bring doubt and fear. Stand firm on the foundation of God, who loves you and wants all that is good for you.

Know also that God's timing is always perfect.  Nothing is a surprise to our great creator.  In the season of joy...thankfully praise God.  In the season of uncertainity...thankfully praise God.  In the season of unrest...thankfully praise God.  God is molding you and making you into the person you are designed to be.

If you haven't worked on your assignment well enough, and not recieved the grade you need, you will not be allowed to move forward.  If you can't move forward, you will start over until the lesson has been learned.

Health-bite:  complete the assignments