Herbal Hygienist

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Oh Ricky You're So Fine....

Ricky came into my life about three weeks ago.  We met at Costco in the seasonal summer isle.  It took me awhile to figure out if I wanted Ricky to be a part of my life or not. Tall, attractive, and thoughts of fun were enticing.  I contemplated how much time would I be willing to give up for this new relationship. Eventually, we did leave together and accompanied me to my river house at Colonial Beach. Since our meeting, Ricky has taught me much about life.  Just like anything new, there’s an element of excitement about a new relationship. There’s the discovery stage and getting to know one another.  That’s where Ricky and I are; getting to know each other.

The first time we were out on the water together, it was smooth and relaxing.  Almost meditative.  It was a delightful experience, to which, I craved more.  The next day, was almost the same.  The water was peaceful and being out there was, again, relaxing.  At the end of the weekend, we parted ways until the next time.

A couple of days ago, I returned to the river and looked forward to seeing Ricky.  It was a breezy morning and the surf looked a bit rough, but I wanted to be out on the water, so Ricky and I started out.  As much as I wanted to hang out on the water, I just wasn’t able to stay out very long.  The surf and waves were coming in too fast for me to be successful at my endeavors.  As I sat there thinking about the water, I began to understand that the river and life are, in many ways, parallel.  The waves were bouncing me to and from; sometimes with a gentle rock and other times it was unsteady.  When things happen in life that are gentle and move effortlessly, I seldom think about it or give gratitude for it.  It’s when life seems unsteady that I notice the change.  

It’s at that moment choices are made.  There isn’t a wrong choice, necessarily; but perhaps, a better choice.  There’s the choice to fight and seek to control the situation, or the choice to let life flow into whatever it needs to do to get us to the next thing.  As I pondered the current situation on the water, I decided to sit down and relax into the water and the current.  I took some time to reflect on the day and the place in where I was.  Rather than being upset that the water was too rough, I let the water rush over me and gave gratitude that I was even in the water in the first place.  I knew that eventually the river would calm, and I’d be back out in it another time.

 Later that same day, the water was much calmer.  I decided it would be a great time for Ricky and I to get back out on the river.  As we took off, there were a few waves coming from the side that I didn’t notice.  Suddenly, I found myself in the water, knocked off balance.  Life sometimes, is like that. It just knocks a person off balance. I laughed as I climbed up on the board again, tasting the saltiness of the river and the surprise of a sudden dip.  I found my balance and was off.  The current was swift.  I felt it as soon as I entered in the water, so moving down stream was rather calming and relaxing.  The sun was out, but the breeze and low humidity made it a great day to be out on the river.  As Ricky and I reached our destination, I turned around to head back home.  I paddled and paddled then realized I had only gone a few yards.  Wow, the way back was going to take some effort.  The tide was going out, and the current was strong.

Again, life and the river have something to teach.  Both can change in a moment and leave one wondering what to do.  Does one give up or does one dig deep to get through it?  There are always choices to make in every situation. We make decisions all day long. Some are easy…coffee or tea? Others not so much. I had choices to make at this moment. I could paddle to shore and call someone to pick me up. I could paddle back and be frustrated at myself for having come out in the first place. Or, I could paddle back with the thought of gratitude in the process of a good workout with an unexpected plunge and the scenery of this beautiful river. In that moment, it’s a change in thought that makes the difference. It took me three times longer to get back to my house, but I understand the value of perseverance. In the end, I had a great experience and a very good workout…which I felt the next day.  Life has it’s difficulties that knock us off balance, but the acknowledgement in that determination makes it all worthwhile.  Strength is in the mind more than the physical.  Once the mind is set on the intention, the physical will work to make it happen.  Ricky, my paddle board, is a quiet teacher.  No doubt I will have more to learn from Ricky and the river.  In the meantime, I watch the water, feel the air, and love this world I call home.  


Health bite:  Set the intention and the physical will follow.