Herbal Hygienist

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Not long ago, I listened to message in which fortitude was mentioned.  After hearing what the speaker had to say about fortitude, I decided that this would my word for the year. Yes, it’s March, but not everything has to start in January…..right?

This week at work, the common theme surrounding my patients seemed to be a feeling of overwhelming hopelessness.  Maybe it’s the time of year, or perhaps it was just the timing of the patients in which I cared for.  Either way, their situations were real and upsetting to them.  

Each morning during my quiet reflection, I’ve been asking what it is I can do to help someone today.  As each day renews, it’s an opportunity to impact someone in a positive way along their life’s journey.  We all need each other in this life to show love, kindness, and generosity.  I’ve come to realize that many of the habits and thoughts I’ve held onto were dividing me from others.  Now that I’m aware of it, I’ve made significant changes in my thoughts and actions.  It’s easy to divide people into categories, and I found myself labeling or placing judgment when I should have been extending a part of myself in love and kindness.  I began to think about these behaviors and wonder if it’s because of fear or ego?  

People tend to be fearful or angry when one does not agree with the virtues they hold closest to them. When I consider what drives behavior, I think there are many variables that go into our behavior. We all love the pleasure responses we receive as a reward system when life feels good. But, I think it’s also fear in differences of opinion or being “wrong” which leads to a lack of self-worth that then can lead to that pleasure response not being met.  Each of us desires acceptance and the pleasures in life.  It’s what keeps up coming back to chocolate!!  Just kidding, not kidding.  When I consider my own life and the conflicts l have encountered, the one thing that seems to be true is each party has a strong opinion and works to change the opposing side using strong words and sometimes hurtful words.  Very few times the arguments ended harmoniously.  Each side wanted to be heard, but the unfortunate part was there was a lot of talking, but very little hearing/listening.  What would it mean to move in a different way?

 Rather than seeking division, conflict, or being offended.  Simply listen to the other party and respond with love, kindness, and thanksgiving.  I have found the more I tell someone to do something, the less likely it will be done; but if I can inspire someone to make a change or encourage them, they will likely move in that direction.  We carry those conflicts with us wherever we go.  People and conflicts can weigh us down and life will seem difficult especially when relationships are strained or broken.  Where does a person go from there?

Back to fortitude.  Fortitude is having courage in the face of pain and adversity.  We all face those challenges from time to time.  Sometimes life feels good, and we coast along.  The problem with “coasting” along is there is no growth.  Life becomes stagnant.  When life, brings those challenges, embrace them as opportunities for growth.  Embrace the chance to learn and strengthen your being, your thoughts, and your spirit.  Each time when challenges in life seem heavy, it is.  Reach for fortitude and carry on.  The end of the challenge will bring you the realization that something significant happened, and you are a better, wiser person having gone through it.  Often times during these challenges, doors open and close.  While it can be stressful, it could also be that abundance and joy is on the other side.  The only way to know is to go through the open door. 

No one wants discomfort, so we try to avoid it.  I’m telling you to seek it, find it, embrace it.  It’s growth.  No one should stop growing until our soul is no longer living in our earthy body.  This world is full of wonders.  Reach today for something new.  Grow all you can to help not only yourself, but others around you. What you give will come back to you ten fold.

Health bite: Reach for the next step in life for self growth and challenge those around you to do the same.