Life After Teenagers

mountain path

 Train up a child in the way he should go:and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Parenting is rewarding, challenging, mind blowing, and sometimes pretty scary stuff. Today at the office, two lively young ladies, came in for their dental appointments. Both wanted to go first, both asked for gloves and a mask to take home later. Both wanted the same toothbrush. Dad tried to keep control, but eventually gave up and looked at his phone.

My girls have had their own lively antics while out, and I'm sure by-standers could see my frustrations.  I'm sure I lost my patience on more than one occasion. It happens to us all.

My girls are now in their early 20s.  If asked what they remember about their childhood, I don't think they will quickly remember the challenges of obedience. Thankfully, we tend to remember the good things in life and celebrate success.

As I was walking my two lively patients out with their dad, I assured him there is life on the other side of raising energetic children.

I came home to find dinner cooking, and enjoying after dinner conversation about life, careers, and guys. The roles have changed a bit for me now.  So many parents want to be friends with their children, and one day you will.  Until then, children and teenagers need parents. There will be times when neither of you will like each other. Many times I felt inadequate and unworthy of being a parent. That's when I turned to God and let him know I despreately needed His guidance.  Out of the most difficult situations brought the most growth and closeness in our family.

There is life on the other side of teenagers and I'm enjoying it immensely!

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