As a dental hygienist, one of the things my patients ask me is what I recommend to use in their home care regimen to get a healthier outcome.

Here are my oral health suggestions:

  • Bio Gaia Oral Probiotics—This has been a game changer! Since recommending this to my patients in 2023, both my patients and myself have noticed a shift in oral health. I use them daily myself and have noticed a nice change in my gut health!

  • A Sonicare electric toothbrush—I fell in love with the Sonicare electric toothbrush after becoming a dental hygienist. So much research has been done comparing an electric toothbrush to a manual one. No one can deny that the movement of the electric brush far out performs that of a manual, and as a result, more plaque/biofilm is disrupted. I personally prefer the Sonicare brand as it is both gentle and effective.

  • A Waterflosser—For those people who HATE to use string floss, here is your alternative. That being said, there is little to NO scientific evidence that string floss is effective. As a matter of fact, almost everything else is more effective! While the Waterflosser does help to establish healthier gums, it’s important to understand that slowing down and spending about 2-3 seconds around each tooth is what is needed.

  • Gum Soft Pics (Advanced)—For the patient who HATES to floss (again, no science behind flossing) these gems are wonderful for cleaning the interproximal spaces of the teeth. Remember, in between is where disease starts! The advanced version is a bit sturdier and easier to reach those back teeth!

  • Gum Soft Pics—I personally keep these with me at all times! Rarely do I pick up string floss, however, I use these all the time. They are great to keep and use in the car, at my desk, or while watching television or reading.

  • TePe (Implants)—All on 4 or HYBRIDGE or around an implant that has not been restored yet, these are wonderful for reaching those hard to brush and clean areas.

  • Black is White toothpaste—I was introduced to this toothpaste in 2023 at a dental hygiene conference, and I’ve been using it ever since. There is NO foaming action and it leaves my teeth looking white and feeling clean.

  • Closys mouth rinse—What I love about this mouth rinse is that there are no added chemicals. It contains chloride dioxide that significantly reduced malodor and helps to fight off bad bacteria.

    There is a no one size fits all here. Each person is different, which is why it’s nice to have choices!

Here are my health and wellness recommendations:

  • Host Defense Lion’s Mane Supplements—I’m asked often about what to do about brain fog and memory. Lion’s Mane is the go to herbal support, in my opinion. I met the owners and those that represent this company. They offer lots of educational programs to help people understand the science behind their products.

  • Host Defense Brain Supplement—One of the most frequent questions I get is what to do about memory and brain fog. While Lion’s Mane is the mushroom that is most often recommended, this combination contains mushrooms and other herbs that help support the brain and cognition.

  • Gaia—This company is in North Carolina. I met them at one of my herbal conferences and liked what I learned about their practices. I use them when needed. I’ve been using Ashwagandha on and off for years for energy, thyroid, and stress relief. It’s also warming and notice a nice benefit in the winter months when my body runs cold.

  • Xylitol Sweetner—Giving up eating sugar is not easy, but an easy substitute for sweetening beverages like coffee and tea is xylitol. As a dental hygienist, I recommend xylitol to patients. The oral effects are positive in that is helps to break up pathogens that cause cavities.

  • Monk Fruit with Erythritol—This is a great sugar alternative for cooking. I like the erythritol because it does not upset the G.I. system like xylitol does, plus it has a profound effect on the oral bacteria (the bad guys).

Question? I have answers…..or at least an opinion :-)