Herbal Hygienist

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2019--A Year in Review

December 31, 2019, marks the end of a decade. The newness of 2020 has the potential to be the best year or decade yet. Perhaps this is the decade to seek some type of self-improvement whether it’s taking your health back, learning a new skill, or practicing self-care. Maybe it will be a transitional decade as children will grow up and move away, maybe a marriage or college graduation or maybe retire and decide what’s next? So much can happen in ten years. A lot can happen in one year.

In the beginning of 2019, I was employed as a full-time dental hygienist while teaching at O’Hehir University and developing my Rooted In Wellness health coaching brand.  Living primarily in Broadway with two weekends or so in Colonial Beach.  (At the end of December 2017, I purchased a house at Colonial Beach, Virginia, with a wonderful view of the Potomac River. This place gave me space to cultivate and discover things about myself that were hidden for decades.)

As I reflect on this past year, I realize how adventurous and exciting life is, but also how time moves so quickly.  I’ve discovered the importance of quiet time and reflection.  Reflection of not only of the day’s events, but reflection of how I want to show up in the world.  Each of us has a choice to make each and every day.  How will I show up?  Will it be for my own personal gain?  Will it be as a helper to those around me?  Will I show up in peace and love?  Will I show up grumpy and offended at the world?  Showing up with intention will set the course of the day.  There are days that are difficult; believe me, I know.  The next day promises a new 24 hours to begin again, and it’s taking one step at a time that gets us down the path in our life’s journey.  Reflection on those difficult days is a time to learn and grow.  That awareness and completion of struggles is what makes us stronger, more resilient, and ready for the next leg of the journey.


In March, I embarked on a nine-month herbalism course to become a Clinical Herbalist.  This foundation course opened my eyes to the healing potential of plants.  God knew we would be sick, and provided resources that our bodies could use to heal from those problems.  That’s not to say that modern medicine doesn’t have a place, because it most certainly does.  However, I’m of the thought, why not have and use both?  After all, it is plant medicine that is used to formulate prescription medications.  Because of this course, I’ve been learning more and more about the native plants that grow in my yard and woods to build my apothecary.

In June, I took an energy healing course to learn about the benefits of energy and healing of the mind, body, and spirit.  I was skeptical at first about something I couldn’t see; it seemed so woo woo.  However, woo woo it is, I’m convinced it does work.  In the weekend course of Level 1, each student was able to practice these methods on one another.  It is a simple and beautiful way to provide healing energy to everyone.  When I stop to think about it, I’m reminded that I can’t see the wind, the radio waves, or the cell phone waves or even the electrical currents, but I can see the results of them.  Energy healing is like that.  As a student, I’ve had the opportunity to practice on family and friends.  I was so excited after Level I, I signed up for Level II and III.  Now I’ll wait for Level IV in April 2020.  This will be a wonderful addition to Rooted In Wellness health coaching and will fit in nicely with herbalism.

In July I finished up my dental hygiene position to embark on what is next for me.  This was the last piece of my old life, and I was released from it. It was truly a leap of faith, especially financially. However, since then, I have been able to pay my bills and actually somehow save money.  With the extra time, I’ve been able to help others with my energy healing practice, writing for my blog, and assisting people with living their best life.  I’ve also traveled more than ever, reconnected with my cousin, took up tennis, and cultivated relationships.  I’m also able to spend more time at the river house where I found my footing to keep moving forward.


Each one of you are invited to spend some time reflecting on the journey of this year. No doubt there were struggles. No doubt there were joys. No doubt you got through it, perhaps even more resilient than in the beginning of the year. While it’s important to be present in the now, it’s also beneficial to reflect on the ways and the directions your path have taken. Are you where you thought you’d be?

This next year is the beginning of a new decade. A renewed energy of our potential and how what we think about grows. See yourself in new and exciting ways. See yourself with those you care for the most. See yourself as living your best life. When was the last time you took an objective look at what isn’t working in your relationships or your life?  If you feel like the energy output is consistently meeting with resistance, then likely it isn’t intended to work out.  The clear and honest energy you are receiving may be telling you it’s time to end things and find closure with what is no longer serving you. People come and go throughout our life.  Relationships serve a purpose for a period of time.  It helps us learn and grow as people that then readies us for the next step.  As people come into our lives, others will leave.  Sometimes we may not want to say goodbye, but nature is taking its course.  Even if it’s painful to let someone go, know that every ending allows for a new beginning.  Whatever the case is for you, be honest with yourself.  Take advantage of the opportunity to redirect.  It’s up to you to decide what you want and to take action to make it happen, whether it’s dissolving a business, forging a new alliance, entering a marriage or initiating a breakup.  Ending one commitment clears space for another to enter your life.  Don’t ignore your limitations, refuse to change, and miss this opportunity to explore new possibilities.  By not moving forward, then you’ve effectively decided to keep things the same and solidifying your current situation. In the end, each person is the driver of their own life. While it’s easy to shift blame onto others, this pattern only serves to keep a person stuck in a situation. Only with taking a closer, inward look can the truth be revealed. Embrace the exciting possibilities of 2020. How do you want to show up?

Health Bite: Give homage to your own personal journey and embark on the beginning of this new exciting decade.