
A little of this and a little of that….

Sounds like a recipe? Well, for me, it’s my life.  While some people can pick a lane and travel through life with one occupation, mine, well, let’s just say, I’ve been on many roads.  In part, I think, it is due to my dosha, Vata, which is air/ether. Structure isn’t necessary for me as a whole and that becomes a problem only when trying to accomplish a large task.  Oh, I’ll get it done, but I’ll be distracted along the way, so just be patient.

Distractions keep me from focus. I know that I’m easily distracted by all the activities and interests I have.  On any given week, I facilitate an online BS degree program, work clinical dental hygiene, dabble in my world of herbology/health promotion, work behind the scenes at the dental practice in HR, manage AirBNB rentals, and block time for social events.  I love all the things I do and have difficulty letting anything go.  I keep saying, “Yes!” 

I do wonder what it is that holds me back from busting out of the gate with my wellness model?  My passion is to assist people in their health journey and help heal diseased bodies. To be completely vulnerable, I would say it’s fear of failure, so I just keep it as a side hustle, make excuses that I’m too busy, and down play what I can offer.

What if? What if? What if?  I’m embarrassed to tell you how many times that same question goes through my head.  Fear, not courage, is what normally enters my being.  When I ask myself why some people are successful and others are not, what I come up with each time is the successful person, even though they may be fearful, they go for it.  I call that courageous.  Courage is being afraid, yet doing it anyway.

 So how does one overcome something so large….like fear of failure?

“Don’t let the fear of falling keep you from flying.”

Recently, a woman confided that she, too, has made decisions based on fear.  She reported that fear has prevented her from doing things she has aspired to do. Then she said something that stuck.  “Don’t let the fear of falling keep you from flying.”  This was told to her by a close family member as she was trying to decide whether or not to take the next step in her career.  With that in mind, she decided to do just that…fly.

How can I overcome my fears and people pleasing tendencies to rise above and live my purpose?  I’ve decided to keep the word, “fly” on the forefront of my mind as a simple reminder that time does not stop, it keeps flying whether I’m in this world or not.  What will be my contribution?  I love the image of the hummingbird. They are beautiful, graceful, strong, and tenacious. As I reflect on what I want for this coming year, I’ve put into place some new practices to help overcome these fears and create a foundation for success.

First of all, it’s important to put a name with the fear.  Sitting quietly in meditation and observing the body’s responses to thoughts and feelings.  A daily practice of meditation will help gain greater clarity and bring forth those fears to confront. Set aside time to just be.

Sitting with my fear during this mediation time or reflection is important.  Often times, I make quick decisions that I later realize were not in my best interest.  Rather, it’s better to do nothing and allow time for the mind to think about that fear, reflect on it so it can be productive, deliberate and be effective.

Goal setting is necessary for clarity in moving toward the desired outcome.  During those meditation and reflective times, imagine the success has already happened.  Allow the mind and body to feel the accomplishments.  Allowing the mind to experience success will help drown out fear.

Stop making excuses! With all the interests I have, it’s very easy for me to make excuses as to why I haven’t accomplished my desires (not addressing the fears, which is the root cause).  Making excuses will ultimately leave me unfulfilled and empty.  I will need to take a different, proactive approach.  One of which is setting up my priorities and goal setting for periods of time that are achievable and measurable.  That way, I can see the success, even if it is a small feat.

If you are like me, distracted and fearful, then come along and try something different.  Make a commitment to yourself to build success one block at a time.  Fly high or fall with fear. There’s the choice.

1—Mediate—discover the root of the fear

2—Sit with the fear—give it a name

3—Goal set—see your success as already completed

4—No excuses—prioritize 

This year, make it the best one yet! Fly with success!




A Fungus Amongus


I Carrot For You