Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro


What are essential oils? Many people, including healthcare workers, are unaware of the therapeutic benefits of essential oils.  With advancements in pharmaceutical technology, essential oils have been

What are essential oils? Many people, including healthcare workers, are unaware of the therapeutic benefits of essential oils.  With advancements in pharmaceutical technology, essential oils have been disregarded until recently.  With antibiotic resistance, people have begun to look to alternatives to mainstream medications.  Essential oils are derived from plants: stems, flowers, bark, leaves, and roots. It takes pounds of plant material to make just a drop of essential oil.  Essential oils are volatile as they can quickly evaporate when exposed to air.

The chemical components of essential oils are similar to that of human cell tissues.  This similarity allows the body to accept them and the ability to penetrate into the cell membranes and diffuse through the blood and tissues.  Due to their small molecular makeup, they can be processed by the body very quickly and can travel through the entire body within minutes.  Bacteria, fungus, and viruses are smart and can change making antibiotics ineffective.  Essential oils are different.  With each distillation process, the end product looks different, not allowing bacteria to adapt for resistance.  Each essential oil varies depending on the amount of sun exposure, rain fall, and climate in which the plant was grown.  Because of this process, harmful organisms have a difficult time combating the effects of essential oils. 

Be aware, that not all essential oils are the same.  Price varies depending on the amount of material needed to produce the oil and also the scarcity of the plant.  Not all essential oils are equal as there are pure and adulterated oils.  Pure essential oils are just that…pure with no additives and is imperative to achieve therapeutic benefits.  Many of the essential oils on the market today, however, have been mixed with other compounds to extend their life, thus, making their impact on health minimal.  Adulterated oils can have negative side effects resulting in burns, skin irritation and rashes.  At this time there are no federal regulations on the making of essential oils.  Some things to keep in mind when purchasing essential oils are:  where were the plants grown, method of distillation used, and if there are any statements about purity to verify that no synthetic solvents or chemicals were used. 

There are different ways to deliver essential oils: topically, internally, and through inhalation.  

  • Topically, oil is placed directly onto the skin, often with a carrier oil like coconut, olive, grapeseed, or almond oil.  Using a carrier oil helps to extend the oil, soften the skin, and facilitate the absorption of the oil.  
  • Internally, oils can be consumed by placing drops either under the tongue, in a capsule form, or by adding to beverages or food. Inhalation can occur either through a diffuser, direct, or through a humidifier or vaporizer. 
  • The diffuser is the most popular form of inhalation.  Diffusers work by atomizing a fine mist of the desired oil into the air where they will remain suspended for several hours.  Direct inhalation can be achieved by placing a drop or two of oil in the palm of the hands then cupping both hands over the nose and mouth while breathing in deeply.  

Essential oils have been shown to be safe with no side effects, which is also a desirable benefit when compared to pharmaceuticals.  Because of their potent concentration, only a small amount of essential oil should be used to experience therapeutic effects.  People should start gradually with a desired oil, read the labels, and check with their health-care professional if there are any conditions that may contraindicate the use of essential oils.  Should any irritation occur, flush with oil rather than water as essential oils are not water soluble.  The acceptance of essential oils in medical practices is on the increase as a better understanding of their benefits are coming into light. 

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Dabney Vaccaro Dabney Vaccaro

Chemotherapy Drugs Exposed



Do chemotherapy drugs work? I guess that depends on how one describes work. The first line against cancer is usually surgery (if possible) followed by chemotherapy agents. Chemotherapy agents is a complex concoction of drugs that are toxic to all cells, healthy and cancerous. It is typically administered through an IV, but oral medication can also be prescribed in addition to or in place of IV drugs. Those mixing and handling these drugs must wear hazmat suits that protect them from these harmful chemicals. Oral medications come in a plastic bag with a hazmat symbol on the package. It seems counter productive to give a sick person poison, yet in centers all over the country volunteers line up for their therapy in hopes to gain a longer life. How did all of this come about?

In Italy autopsies were completed on soldiers exposed to mustard gas during World War I. What was discovered was those exposed to this toxic gas had lower leukocytes. It was then theorized that using this type of chemical could benefit those with leukemia or lymphoma. Thus, chemotherapy agents were born. Since that time, more and more money has been funded to the development of chemotherapy drugs in the hopes to cure cancer. At least that's what we are lead to believe.

Chemotherapy agents target daughter cells of the tumor, but not the stem cell that is the main source of the disease. As the daughter cells die off, the tumor shrinks, but the stem cell is still alive. Typically, when it comes back, it will be more aggressive and likely will have metastasized. I wonder how many patients know this information? Cancer treatment is a lucrative business. What's more, remember those hazmat signs I talked about earlier? The reason they are required is that these drugs cause cancer! That's right! The same drugs administered to kill cancer also causes cancer. Ever wonder why cancer comes back? Not only is it ineffective in killing cancer, it also causes cancer to occur.

It's the only medicine recommended by doctors when a patient is diagnosed with cancer. The medical community offers NO other means of treatment. This standard of care leaves cancer victims looking like WWII concentration camp prisoners, and we accept it! Chemotherapy is ugly. It rips away lean muscle, taxes major organs, and leaves the patient close to death. Sadly, more patients die of complications from the chemotherapy agents than from the cancer itself. Is this really all there is? What about building up the body with nutrition and natural ways instead of mustard gas?

It's difficult to make decisions that go against the normal protocols. Even people closest to those with cancer diagnosis won't understand. My husband has been taking chemotherapy drugs for nearly three years, both IV and oral medications. I know first hand the high costs of therapy and the ill effects on the body. Yet in spite of all of this, he continues to use this type of therapy. While taking chemo, he was sick, lost weight, and had very little appetite. The reason he chose this route was because he trusted that the medical community had his back. He and I think differently about his treatment, but because I love him, I have been supportive with his decisions. There is no way I would every put those chemicals into my body. It's not worth the risk to me. Chemotherapy treatments affect EVERYONE! I am helpless as he lays in bed sick and weak. We have both cried as he lay suffering. I have watched his muscles melt away leaving him skinny while his once pink and healthy flesh has turned pale and grey.

Thankfully, we have walked together with our Lord, Jesus, who has given us light and hope in this dark season. He has given us wisdom in dealing with evil for it is all around us. I know there is reason for everything, and He continues to point us in the directions He wants us to go. You can plan to hear more about this subject very soon, as I am embarking on wonderful information about the history of this highly profitable therapy that will not cure cancer.

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Faith & Hope, Blog Dabney Vaccaro Faith & Hope, Blog Dabney Vaccaro

Where's The Charcoal?

The first thing I think of, when I hear the word charcoal, is hamburgers and hot dogs.  In the summer, the potent smell can make one's mouth start to water! I had never heard of activated charcoal until I read it in Rachel Weaver's book, "Be Your Own Doctor."  Apparently, it's really good for belly aches, poisons, infections, and other things.  Alternative medicine is something I'm unfamilair with.  I take my vitamins, use essential oils occasionally, but to really try and heal something myself seems too good to be true. It's scary actually, largely due to it not being "main stream."  What if I add too much or not enough of something.  I just don't know.

So I took a chance and ordered activated charcoal off of  The book said it was good to have in the household "just in case."  Okay, I'll bite.  My shipment came two days ago.  I had it sitting on the counter and wondered, where am I going to keep this?

Yesterday, our family went out to eat to celebrate a birthday.  One of us ate too much fried food, mashed potatoes, rolls, and cookies.  Top it off with chemo pills and tummy is upset!

Now normally, our household is up at least until 10:00 - 10:30 each night, but  this night, someone was feeling sick.  I mean really sick.  Pancreatitis is quite painful.  After stirring back and forth, lying down and not being able get comfortable, I remembered this book I had recently purchased.

Looking through the table of contents, I found a page about charcoal and how charcoal water can settle the stomach.  So I mixed it up.  Waited the required 30 minutes and presented it to the patient.

The patient was not thrilled looking at this glass of grey/black water.  Frankly, I'd be wary of me too!  I don't know about this either.  I did take a sip so I could sell it and how it tastes so good.  Actually, it tastes just like water.  Reluctantly, the patient took a couple of sips, laid down and went fast to sleep.

The next morning, there were no signs or symptoms of the previous night.  The pain was gone in just a few moments and we were able to sleep through the night.  I'm liking this stuff!

Recipe: mix 1/4 cup activated charcoal to 2 quarts water; cap the jar and mix well, wait 30 minutes, pour into a glass. Drink as much as needed during the day.  Refill the jar as often as you wish until all the charcoal is used up.

Health-bite: charcoal water for stomach upset/nausea

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