Natural Remedies Dabney Vaccaro Natural Remedies Dabney Vaccaro

Insect Repellent....Stop Being Bugged!

Enjoying the sunshine, fresh air and warm days outside are wonderful!  Morning or evening walks, outside games, and picnics are ways people spend those summer days.  Why would anyone spend a moment inside when


Enjoying the sunshine, fresh air and warm days outside are wonderful!  Morning or evening walks, outside games, and picnics are ways people spend those summer days.  Why would anyone spend a moment inside when they can be outside?  Insects, of course, would cause people to seek the inside.  Pests, especially mosquitos and gnats can be a deterrent to enjoying the great outdoors.  Recently, a friend of mine asked me if there were any essential oils that could help chase away those pesky bugs.  I've tried many concoctions, but this one seems to work the best for me.  I used it recently while working in the yard (I live in the woods), and was not bothered by mosquitos at all.  I also sprayed my daughter down before she went into the woods and she reported no problems either.  I sprayed the oils around my doorway hoping to deter unwanted guests from entering the house.  There's nothing worse than being awakened by a mosquito buzzing around my head at night!  Try it and let me know what you think.

Bug Spray

25-50 sprays per 2-ounce bottle

  • 10 drops citronella oil

  • 10 drops eucalyptus oil

  • 6 drops geranium oil

  • 1 ounce rubbing alcohol

  • 2 ounces of water

Combine the ingredients in a 2-ounce spray bottle and lightly spray areas affected.  Store in a spray bottle in a cool, dark area for up to 3 months.

The essential oils listed in this recipe contain insect-repelling components that make it a powerful blend.

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Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro


What are essential oils? Many people, including healthcare workers, are unaware of the therapeutic benefits of essential oils.  With advancements in pharmaceutical technology, essential oils have been

What are essential oils? Many people, including healthcare workers, are unaware of the therapeutic benefits of essential oils.  With advancements in pharmaceutical technology, essential oils have been disregarded until recently.  With antibiotic resistance, people have begun to look to alternatives to mainstream medications.  Essential oils are derived from plants: stems, flowers, bark, leaves, and roots. It takes pounds of plant material to make just a drop of essential oil.  Essential oils are volatile as they can quickly evaporate when exposed to air.

The chemical components of essential oils are similar to that of human cell tissues.  This similarity allows the body to accept them and the ability to penetrate into the cell membranes and diffuse through the blood and tissues.  Due to their small molecular makeup, they can be processed by the body very quickly and can travel through the entire body within minutes.  Bacteria, fungus, and viruses are smart and can change making antibiotics ineffective.  Essential oils are different.  With each distillation process, the end product looks different, not allowing bacteria to adapt for resistance.  Each essential oil varies depending on the amount of sun exposure, rain fall, and climate in which the plant was grown.  Because of this process, harmful organisms have a difficult time combating the effects of essential oils. 

Be aware, that not all essential oils are the same.  Price varies depending on the amount of material needed to produce the oil and also the scarcity of the plant.  Not all essential oils are equal as there are pure and adulterated oils.  Pure essential oils are just that…pure with no additives and is imperative to achieve therapeutic benefits.  Many of the essential oils on the market today, however, have been mixed with other compounds to extend their life, thus, making their impact on health minimal.  Adulterated oils can have negative side effects resulting in burns, skin irritation and rashes.  At this time there are no federal regulations on the making of essential oils.  Some things to keep in mind when purchasing essential oils are:  where were the plants grown, method of distillation used, and if there are any statements about purity to verify that no synthetic solvents or chemicals were used. 

There are different ways to deliver essential oils: topically, internally, and through inhalation.  

  • Topically, oil is placed directly onto the skin, often with a carrier oil like coconut, olive, grapeseed, or almond oil.  Using a carrier oil helps to extend the oil, soften the skin, and facilitate the absorption of the oil.  
  • Internally, oils can be consumed by placing drops either under the tongue, in a capsule form, or by adding to beverages or food. Inhalation can occur either through a diffuser, direct, or through a humidifier or vaporizer. 
  • The diffuser is the most popular form of inhalation.  Diffusers work by atomizing a fine mist of the desired oil into the air where they will remain suspended for several hours.  Direct inhalation can be achieved by placing a drop or two of oil in the palm of the hands then cupping both hands over the nose and mouth while breathing in deeply.  

Essential oils have been shown to be safe with no side effects, which is also a desirable benefit when compared to pharmaceuticals.  Because of their potent concentration, only a small amount of essential oil should be used to experience therapeutic effects.  People should start gradually with a desired oil, read the labels, and check with their health-care professional if there are any conditions that may contraindicate the use of essential oils.  Should any irritation occur, flush with oil rather than water as essential oils are not water soluble.  The acceptance of essential oils in medical practices is on the increase as a better understanding of their benefits are coming into light. 

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Health & Wellbeing, Blog Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing, Blog Dabney Vaccaro

Essential Oils

Centuries ago, oils were used as medicine for healing.  Today, they are used in difussers, added to salts for a bath, and massage therapy among other things. The first time I was thoroughly introduced to essential oils was during a continuing education course.  The hygienist that spoke had taken classes on essential oils and their use in medicine. Particularly, to be used along side today's modern medicine.

I was intrigued at the idea and decided to purchase a few and see for myself.  The first thing I did was to place the oil into a diffuser.  My family enjoyed the aromas of lavendar, especially after a long day of school or work.  Lavendar oil is also beneficial to apply to burns to ease the pain and reduce scaring.  I have found more benefits of essential oil.

During my husband's chemotherapy, he was told to apply a lot of lotion to his hands and feet. One of the many side effects was large, painful sores that would develop. This could be particularly debilitating since he was an electrical lineman.  Along with the lotion, he applied frankincense essential oil to his hands.  He never broke out in those painful sores on either his hands or feet. Of course, saying  prayers helped too.

The most sought after oil in this house is the peppermint oil.  One of my children suffers with migraines. She has since she was five years old.  Once when she had the beginning stages of a migraine, I placed a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil on the nape of her neck and gently massaged the area in upward strokes toward her head.  It helped...a lot, according to her. Now, whenever she has the start of a headache, she immediately goes for the peppermint essential oil.  If she applies it soon enough, then she can avoid over-the-counter medications. She says the oil doesn't take it completely away, but it's tolerable.  Recently, my mother-in-law had a very bad headache.  I asked her if she would like to try the oil.  Because her presciption medication wasn't working, she said she would try it.

She told me just prior to applying the oil, she would need to lay down and try to sleep it off. I applied the oil, as I always did before, to the nape of the neck and massaged it in upward strokes towards the head.  She thanked me and I thought she was going to get up to go lay down, but we sat at the kitchen table for over an hour and had a wonderful conversation. I asked her how she was doing.  She told me she felt so much better that she didn't need to go lay down. The next day, she called her friends and told them about the peppermint oil!

Beware, not all oil is the same. There is no governing body that oversees the essentail oil industry and there is no seal of approval. Generally, those that are USDA-certified organic oils are best.  Here are a few tips to keep in mind when purchasing essential oils:

  • The latin name is listed in the product description.  If the label says peppermint essential oil, it could contain filler ingredients.
  • The company tests their products (GC/MS) This oil passed a purity test.
  • The company's oils offer different prices.  So a lemon oil should be much cheaper than rose oil, because it is far easier to extract oil from a lemon than from a flower.
  • The oil comes in an amber or dark blue glass bottle to protect it from oxidation.

There are a lot of oils to choose from. In future posts, I will relay more information and stories.  Feel free to share your stories too.

Health-bite: learn the benefits of essentail oils

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