Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro

...And the Greatest of these is LOVE...

We just celebrated St. Valentine’s Day this week.  This day can bring about many emotions for those in relationships and those who are not.  It can be a time to reflect on the importance of that certain person in life, or the awareness of the lack of someone.  I laugh, often, on this day because, my daughter’s, years ago named it….Singles Awareness Day.


We just celebrated St. Valentine’s Day this week.  This day can bring about many emotions for those in relationships and those who are not.  It can be a time to reflect on the importance of that certain person in life, or the awareness of the lack of someone.  I laugh, often, on this day because, my daughter’s, years ago named it….Singles Awareness Day.   I think this is hilarious and it certainly lifts the sigma that by not having someone “special” we are somehow incomplete.   Our society tries to match people into relationships.  What was once a few online dating sites, now are apps, groups, and sites that strategically align certain criteria to form a union of interests.   But what is wrong with being single?   What if that special person never materializes?   Should one “settle” for someone less compatible?  I think each of us is capable of compatibility with someone, and it’s a matter of having a connection, core values, and interests.   There is nothing dreadful, though, about being single.  

Whether you are single, married, or in a relationship, at heart of the matter, really is love for others.  But what is love, really?   It’s used so flippantly in conversations that often, I think it’s like saying “hello.”   It’s a casual word at the end of a phone call or text.   It gets used so much, that it loses its spark.  Initially, our mind floods with thoughts and emotions of a new interest...I’m so in love…  It can last for days, weeks, or months.   Our heart races at the anticipation of being together with our new interest and the imagination can run wild.  We experience a bliss, or what I call blindness, of what we are really seeing and experiencing.  Often, we overlook habits or behaviors that don’t line up with our values.  Once the mountain top experience is over, we can begin to experience and see who the person really is.  A good parameter is to ask your friends what they think.  Their view is a wide-angle vision, and I’ve found that this perspective is healthy in the long term.   When we are so close our person, it’s difficult to see the real picture.  Initially, we are full speed ahead in a new relationship, but I want to caution you to purposefully slow down and take your time.  Our media displays romance with happy endings, but that’s not always the case.  Good relationships in life take time, energy and work.  Some are easy while others are more challenging.

 How does one love the other?  Let’s first talk about love.  There are differences in love.  There is the love we have for our children.  Love we express for our parents/siblings.  There is love we have for friends.  Then there’s that special love we have for a partner.  Each of these relationships are important and at the core is the same.  All the accumulations of material wealth will die, but our relationships will continue even after death.  The impact we have on others is eternal.  Each of us was created by a God from love.  It’s the core of who we are.  Throughout the Bible, there is story after story of love.  Jesus was sent here to demonstrate love.  His life was sacrificed because of love. 

New King James Version -I Corinthians 13:1-13

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love I am only a resounding gong or clanging cymbal resounding in the wind. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and can understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have faith, that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I give all I possess to the poor, and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love has no fear; it does not worry; love keeps no records of wrongs; never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now, we see in a mirror, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Agape love is what each of us should practice daily.  Here is a short video that explains this type of love:

Self-sacrifice is the core of love.  It’s not divisions by right or wrong.  It’s not prejudices by color, race, religion, or sex.  It’s not narcissism of what’s most important for my gain.  It’s not what’s in it for me?  Self-serving relationships end in disaster.  True love has no strings attached.  It’s giving without expecting anything in return.  The beauty of this concept is what comes back is abundance and the awareness that there is something greater in life.  It’s a feeling of wonder and joy that is indescribable.  While each of us have special gifts, talents and purpose, each of us also have the gift of love.  We are meant to love and be loved.  Make a point each day to make someone else’s day a little brighter by showing and expressing agape love.

Health bite:  The more love you give way, the richer your life becomes.

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Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro

That "To Do" List...

Our society today is busy and rushed.  There are so many tasks to be completed, we often come up short at the end of the day.  That “to do list” is never quite done before more items are added to it.  The stress and busyness ensue.  If one is not careful, the negative mind will say that failure has occurred or maybe the plan was not executed properly.  

 Our mind


Our society today is busy and rushed.  There are so many tasks to be completed, we often come up short at the end of the day.  That “to do list” is never quite done before more items are added to it.  The stress and busyness ensue.  If one is not careful, the negative mind will say that failure has occurred or maybe the plan was not executed properly.  

 Our mind a wonderful organ, but often it steers us into believing we are less than what we were made to be.  We are of the Divine and are capable of so much.  What grows is what gets our time and attention.  If the attention is directed to meaningless tasks, what can grow from it?  A tired, stressed mind and body.  Often, time is spent in mundane or useless ways that does not bring forth fruit. How our time is spent says a lot about our character.

 We are born with nothing, and we will leave with nothing.  It’s what we do in between that matters most.  I believe each of us was born with a specific purpose and gifts to contribute to the world and can make it a better place for others.  

 “The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out” (Proverbs 20:5).

 All people are made in the image of God.  Each of us are born with a purpose and calling that we can discover or completely miss.  Influencing of the Holy Spirit in our lives gives us insight to His purposes for us.  We find peace and courage when we sense the confirmation of the Spirit that we are in the right place at the right time of our designated calling.  We can be on the right path or completely off the road.  

 We are made to be resilient and withstand the difficulties in life.  We are called to respond with graciousness, love and compassion to not only others, but to ourselves.  When struggles and difficulties come, and they will, it’s not those circumstances that define us, but how we respond to those circumstances.  One can choose to be thankful for the treasures and blessings given by our Lord, or choose to be down trodden, angry and resentful of the hardships.  

 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9).

 Anxiety and depression are often symptoms of inner struggles. Society deems to place boundaries on our minds and our lives leaving unrest.  It’s easier to be busy and a taskmaster than to take the time to just BE. Be alone with your creator and ask those difficult questions and listen for the answers.  Each of us have wounds.  There’s no way to be in this world without encountering wounds or suffering hardships.  That’s life.

 Here’s the good news….Life is abundant!  There’s a newness each and every day.  It’s a time to rejoice and praise our loving Jesus for all he has provided.  Start each day with a grateful heart.  Count the blessings, one by one.  Turn off the negativity in the brain and start to live your purpose.  Make this day one to remember.  Bless everyone you see with a smile, a prayer, or a hug.  “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”  (Psalm 118:24).

Health Bite: Slow down….experience abundance!



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Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro

My Kids are Color Blind

After twenty plus years of being with my daughters, I just realized they are color blind! I didn't notice it at first. It was a subtle awakening for me, even though subconsciously I'm sure it's been there for years. I suspect that future


After twenty plus years of being with my daughters, I just realized they are color blind! I didn't notice it at first. It was a subtle awakening for me, even though subconsciously I'm sure it's been there for years. I suspect that future generations may also be affected as well. Those of us in older folks, see color much more clearly, in part, because of the environment in which we grew up. I wonder if you've been impacted with this condition?

In my school, I was the a minority. Most of my friends were of color until I was 12 years old and I moved away. At my new school, I was in the majority of students who were white. Emphasis on color was not a critical part of my upbringing, other than the caution of integrating two cultures could bring difficulties in marriages. When it comes to skin color, my children are color blind. Perhaps there may be a time when we will see people as people rather than the the color of their skin.

A few months ago, my oldest daughter reported she had a new neighbor. She began to tell me he was a pastor of a local church and was very nice. She had gone over to help him mow his grass and chatted a while. It wasn't until I was visiting one day that I noticed he was not Caucasian. Never did my daughter once say anything about his ethnicity. During conversations, talk is made of friends, neighbors and co-workers as people, not what color or socioeconomic status they come from. I've come to realized that this group of young women see people as God intends us to see people not colors.  

The millennials often get bad press, but I'm here to say there is certainly a lot of good we can learn from this group of people. I'm learning all the time, and they help me to open my mind to other ways of thinking. What would life be like if we were all color blind? I think we could certainly live in a more peaceful setting. Why do we fight to divide when clearly we should unite?

We all have the same God. He created each of us differently to provide different gifts to glorify Him. My eye's have been opened because of the gifts I have received my my children. Jesus came for the poor and forgotten. He didn't spend his time with the elite. As a matter of fact, He often offended the wealthy and the scholars. Jesus spread love to those He taught and asked us to love His people and care for His sheep. Relationships were what Jesus was about. It wasn't about division or who is right or wrong. It was about loving someone through the truth of the Gospel. Sometimes loving someone means telling the truth even if it hurts, but holding fast to the relationship while walking with someone is the key to truly loving someone and hoping for change. Today, look around and see what colors are clear to you.

Health bite:  The colors you see may be separating you from important relationships.

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Faith & Hope Dabney Vaccaro Faith & Hope Dabney Vaccaro

This is only a test......

Have you ever experienced a moment you thought you had lived before, a second chance, or déjà vu? Sometimes I wonder if these encounters are “do over” scenarios because the first time wasn’t pleasing to God. As we move through life, we learn and grow, but then comes a test of how we respond to the situation we just learned about. I’ll give you an example:

Recently, our family planned a trip to Colorado to bury my mother-in-law. We purchased tickets to fly from Richmond in the afternoon. Due to many unfortunate events (car trouble, over sleeping, traffic, food, wrong directions,) we were running very close to catching our flight. Finally, we got to the gate within ten minutes before take off! We had checked in earlier through our phones, so everything was going to be alright. We made it….so we thought! The flight agent looked at us and frankly told us she had given our seats away, and then proceeded to close the door! We had missed our flight!

Now, this was about to get ugly. In my mind, I wanted jumped across the counter and demand she make things right. The agent was rude and unprofessional in many ways. She was also unwilling to help us find another flight that would leave in time for us to get to Colorado for the graveside service the next morning. We were all stressed beyond measure and exhausted from the day’s events. It would have been easy to cause a scene and yell at the agent for the unfairness we were feeling. Even the thought of going home seemed like a good option. It took a few moments to calm down and begin to let our brains absorb what just happened. Then I remembered: this is a test….how will you respond?

Last year, while traveling to Belize, we had a similar situation arise. Due to events beyond our control, our connecting flight left for home without us. The handling of the situation was, obviously, not pleasing to God so our family had to take time to learn, grow, and re-test.

After some time to regroup, we were able to secure a flight that evening, receive a full refund for the flight we had missed, and meet a flight agent who was a very helpful young lady. She was a home school graduate and a Believer. We arrived in Colorado to celebrate life with extended family and friends. It was a wonderful adventure, and we are hopeful this time passed our test!

The next time when situations keep repeating, stop and think. Is this a test? How should I respond so that Christ will be pleased, honored, and glorified? Life is full of lessons, and we should be open to keep learning and growing.

“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.” James 1:2-3

Health-bite: Stop, think, pray, pass your test!

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Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro

Deep Waters

“Save me, O my God. The floods have risen. Deeper and deeper I sink in the mire; the waters rise around me.” Psalm 67: 1-2

Has this ever been you?  Have you ever felt you were sinking so deep into darkness, light might never appear again?  Life is hard.  For some, life seems more hard than easy.  There are lessons to be learned in this life and it is very important to pay attention.  We are to be students of the Word.  We begin as infants and grow into adults, however, we are to grow spiritually as well. Sadly, many never move past spiritual infancy.

God is the professor who gives assignments.  Students who work hard on their assignments and study, do better than those who procrastinate, only half heartedly complete the assignment, or worse, don't work on it at all.  Each person has a purpose in representing our true God.  Are you working on yours?  What grade would you recieve on your assignment?

Where are you in this grid?  When challenges arise, how to you respond?  Do you look to the Lord for answers and wait patiently for the answer? Maybe you become anxious, aggitated or angry with God and the circumstances that arise.  These are not characteristics of God.  These negative feelings come form the dark spiritual forces of Satan, who will work day and night to sabotage you spiritually.  Don't be lulled into Satan's trap. Satan is the Father of Lies.  He will whisper things to you that will bring doubt and fear. Stand firm on the foundation of God, who loves you and wants all that is good for you.

Know also that God's timing is always perfect.  Nothing is a surprise to our great creator.  In the season of joy...thankfully praise God.  In the season of uncertainity...thankfully praise God.  In the season of unrest...thankfully praise God.  God is molding you and making you into the person you are designed to be.

If you haven't worked on your assignment well enough, and not recieved the grade you need, you will not be allowed to move forward.  If you can't move forward, you will start over until the lesson has been learned.

Health-bite:  complete the assignments

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