Health & Wellbeing, Faith & Hope, Blog Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing, Faith & Hope, Blog Dabney Vaccaro

Making A Smooth Work Week

Meal planning can be fun and exciting.  The best thing about it is getting to choose what foods appear on the menu.  Sometimes, foods appear on my menu because a family member has a special request or has a favorite food.  Choosing recipes that contain foods that are on sale can help save money while still eating healthy.  Once the menu has been determined, make the shopping list.  Including all the items necessary for the week. One way to save money is to stock up on staples when they are on sale. Items such as canned and dried beans and legumes, canned tomatoes, rice, lentils, quinoa, farro, vegetable and/or chicken stock, and pasta have a long shelf life.  These items will be used frequently, so expiration will likely not be an issue. To make things simpler and speedier throughout the work week, plan to spend about a hour prepping the fresh vegetables and cooking the dried beans, if using.  So, if two of the recipes this week call for chopped onions, chop enough for both recipes and store in an air-tight container.  Same with other fresh veggies.  If using avocado or berries, it's best to cut/rinse those the time they are needed.  If food preparation will be speedier throughout the week, there will be less chance of grabbing something high in calories or fat due to hunger pangs.  With some thought and planning, success will be in reach for a healthier, more nutritious suppers.

Health-bite: plan for the week ahead

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