Oral health, Blog Dabney Vaccaro Oral health, Blog Dabney Vaccaro

Wisdom Teeth--Should they stay or Should they go?

Most humans develop 32 permanent teeth. There are occasions in which permanent teeth do not develop, usually due to heredity factors. Some people don't develop any wisdom teeth while most have anywhere from one to four.  There are other instances, in fact, when tooth buds don't appear to replace the primary teeth. In which case, primary teeth remain for a longer period of time. On the other hand, I have known some people who have developed more than four wisdom teeth! So why do dentist recommend they be removed? After all, God placed them there. There are some ethic groups whose jaw line is large enough to withstand that extra row of teeth, but not necessarily keep them clean enough to be disease free. Those of us who have a European background don't have jaw lines that provide that extra room for our wisdom teeth. As a result, they become impacted or partially erupted. In which case, they can become painful.  Dental professionals have the unique opportunity to see outcomes of poor decisions over a life span. Looking into the mouth of a young adult, the dental professional can in vision, in some ways, the future outcomes of the teeth. On the other hand, looking into the mouth of the older adult gives much information.


"They aren't bothering me" is the usual response from a patient as to why the wisdom teeth are still present. The fact is they don't hurt YET! The photo on the left is a radiograph of an impacted wisdom tooth that has "grown" into the second molar. Because of the inability to clean around it well, bacteria has invaded the second molar. As a result, the second molar may be lost in a lifetime due to extensive decay caused by the wisdom tooth. Please note that the wisdom tooth still needs to be extracted PLUS a root canal, post, and crown will likely be placed on the second molar in an effort to save the tooth.  "An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure" certainly applies to this case.

Other things to consider as the dental patient ages, medications need to be evaluated if an extraction is necessary as well as an expected longer healing time. Dental professionals give recommendations based on overall oral health. Are you seriously going to floss those wisdom teeth? It's difficult to have flossing compliance for the teeth the patient can reach. That's why wisdom teeth are often a reservoir of bacteria that infect the rest of the mouth. Removing the wisdom teeth is beneficial in helping to prevent decay and periodontal disease. If you have any questions regarding your overall dental health, contact your dentist.

Health-bite: Removal of wisdom teeth can prevent future oral disease.

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Health & Wellbeing, Blog Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing, Blog Dabney Vaccaro

Cold and Flu Tea

When I was a little girl, my mother gave me honey when I had a cough.  My husband remembered drinking tea with lemon and honey when he was sick.  We all probably have some story to tell how home remedies were used to nurse the sick back to health. Recently, I found a tea recipe that is suppose to prevent or help with symptoms of a cold or flu.  I first tried it on my daughter who came home from college on a weekend and proceeded to get sick the very next day.  Having just read about this, she was willing to try this tea cocktail.  The taste was flavorful she said as she drank it all down.  Shortly, thereafter, she said she was feeling a little better.  Now maybe it was coincidence, but within a matter of a few hours, she was out of bed, stiring around and eating food.

Another story to share is one from work.  One of the folks I work with started with a cold.  This particular person is VERY skeptical about anything that not purchased at a drug store.  I offered to make the tea, and because of the cold that was upon them, agreed to try it.  At first, this person wasn't in favor of the tea's taste, but after the first couple of sips stated it was, in fact, good.

Amazingly, after drinking a few sips of the tea, the report was "Something happened, the stuff in the back of my troat is gone and I can breathe better." For the rest of the day, this person felt pretty good. The next day, there was disappointment that I didn't bring anymore tea. I think the tea may help reduce the effects of the cold or flu and maybe even shorten the duration.  This is not a cure, but can help with symptoms.

Personally, I find the flavors quite good, but I like tea anyway.  There are a lot of different spices in this one.  I have to admit, the cayenne pepper scared me a little!  Be careful not to use too much, a little goes a long way.

I placed the spices in a coffee filter and steeped it that way in the hot water.  I purchased the metal tea steeps, but the spices are so small, they go through. I don't like floaters in my drinks, so I opted for the coffee filter.  If you have fresh herbs, then the metal tea steeps will work fine.

Here is the recipe straight out of "Be Your Own Doctor" by Rachel Weaver.

cup of tea

Cold and Flu Tea

1 whole clove
1/2 tsp thyme
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp sage
1/2 cinnamon stick
1 tsp honey juice for half a lemon

Place spices together. Add honey and lemon juice in the cup. Let spices steep for several minutes and drink.

Health-bite: drink natural teas for cold and flu

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