Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro

Salted Caramel or S'mores?

Seasons change, and that goes along with seasons in life. For almost nine years, I have been on a health journey that would forever change my life. During that time, I went from eating meat to becoming a vegetarian, then a vegan, back to vegetarian, then pescatarian, and now a flexitarian. If you are wondering if I was just confused, maybe I was. The biggest lesson I learned during this process was how to listen to my body…which isn’t easy to do. It takes a lot of practice and discipline.

Loaded Cinnamon Buns…..Tempting?

Loaded Cinnamon Buns…..Tempting?

Seasons change, and that goes along with seasons in life. For almost nine years, I have been on a health journey that would forever change my life. During that time, I went from eating meat to becoming a vegetarian, then a vegan, back to vegetarian, then pescatarian, and now a flexitarian. If you are wondering if I was just confused, maybe I was. The biggest lesson I learned during this process was how to listen to my body…which isn’t easy to do.  It takes a lot of practice and discipline.  

Not Only Lip Service

The tongue and brain can weigh heavily on food choices, especially when it comes to sweets.  Even with all the “titles” I gave myself, the one thing I realized was sugar’s effect on my body.  Not only in the physiology (weight gain) but psychologically (brain fog, failure to recall words) as well. I also came away with a knowledge about how sugar can single handedly destroy the body’s system cell by cell. Yeah, I know it seems dramatic and extreme, but evidence supports how sugar breaks down the immune system. You see, sugar affects the way the white blood cells attack bacteria. Sugar triggers a low-grade inflammatory response in the body and grows from there. For a body that is already compromised, consuming sugar is like adding a piece of wood to the fire. It just keeps burning hotter and hotter.  

COVID-19 & Sugar

During the recent pandemic, it was noted that many of those who tested positive to COVID-19 were also diabetic. This link may indicate that people with higher levels of sugar can contract the COVID-19 virus much easier. There is also evidence demonstrating that consuming 75 to 100 grams of sugar is enough to hinder the body’s immune function. (1) That may sound like a lot, and it is, but it’s essentially two cans of soda. Even consuming a grande chai latte from your favorite coffee shop will get you half way there.  

When sugar is consumed, it temporarily tamps downs the immune system’s ability to respond to challenges. This impairment can last several hours, so if sweets are consumed throughout the day, then the immune system is at a disadvantage for most of, if not, all day. How can the body fight off bacteria or viruses or other assaults when there are no soldiers ready for battle?

Make the Change

For decades, I got two colds a year. It was usually during the spring and fall when the weather changed. However, it’s been years since I’ve had a cold or the flu. Mostly I contribute that to eating well, but I take seriously the amounts of sugar I consume. I’m not as strict as I used to be. I do indulge from time to time for a special occasion. Ironically, my body tells me pretty quickly it doesn’t like it. So, that keeps me in check. That foggy headed feeling returns along with the crash when the sugar runs out. The other thing I notice is my propensity to want more sugar. The cravings start again, and I’m reminded of the toxic relationship we once shared. I’ve worked hard to get into shape both physically and mentally, and I’m not willing to sacrifice the hard work by eating high calorie, nutrition-less sweets.

As the weather warms, exercise is easier, as well as, fresh vegetables for consumption.  Why not make a plan to quit sugar for 30 days? Find a friend to help you on your journey.  I’d be happy to work with you to devise a plan that will work with your lifestyle.

Breaking up with sugar is not easy.  It may seem like a friend that loves you, but I can assure you it does not. If you are interested in learning more about how I broke up with sugar, read more here.








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Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro

Are You Exempt?

Sugar is in virtually every processed food in some way, shape, and form. Food manufacturers have chemically altered our food to make our brains crave it. As a result, the American population continues to become sicker with a compromised quality of life. Sugar cravings can be strong and the temptations are difficult to resist for those who have a sweet tooth. The white stuff can difficult to avoid, and a person has to be a savvy label reader to understand all the different names of sugar. Plus, the names keep changing, which makes it even harder. Don’t be fooled into thinking sugar free is better. As a matter of fact, it’s worse. It’s never a good idea to put toxins into the body and think there won’t be negative consequences.

Sugar is in virtually every processed food in some way, shape, and form. Food manufacturers have chemically altered our food to make our brains crave it. As a result, the American population continues to become sicker with a compromised quality of life.  Sugar cravings can be strong and the temptations are difficult to resist for those who have a sweet tooth. The white stuff can difficult to avoid, and a person has to be a savvy label reader to understand all the different names of sugar. Plus, the names keep changing, which makes it even harder. Don’t be fooled into thinking sugar free is better.  As a matter of fact, it’s worse. It’s never a good idea to put toxins into the body and think there won’t be negative consequences.  What’s more, those toxins get trapped in fat cells and can cause disease.  That’s why eating real, whole foods is beneficial.  Our food is our best medicine, but if we give our body junk, we will get a junkie body.  If we give it nourishment, we will get a healthy body.  


Breaking up with sugar is essential for both oral health and systemic health. As a dental hygienist, I have seen firsthand patients who negate sugar from their diet. Their oral/gum appearance is healthy, with stippled gingiva and no bleeding. As much as we want to stick to the old models of brush, floss, and rinse, there is so much more than those principles in achieving oral health. It starts and ends with sugar. Why? Sugar is an inflammatory product. NO ONE is exempt from the inflammatory effects of sugar. Inflammation is linked to virtually every chronic disease: cardiovascular disease, cancer, IBS, eczema, autoimmune disorders, Alzheimer’s Disease, and more.  That’s why it’s so destructive. Get off the sugar train and enjoy the only life you have…before it’s too late.

Here are a few tips that can help in your break up with sugar…..

  1. Protein up:  Protein plays a valuable role in balancing the blood sugar levels. Often times when a craving for sugar or carbohydrate hits, what is needed is a good source of protein. It's also digested at a slower rate than carbohydrates and the protein-rich foods are usually low on the glycemic index. 

  2. Balanced sugar level:  When sugar is ingested, blood sugar levels spike and that "sugar rush" is reached. Whatever goes up, comes down and that crash can leave the body feeling sluggish and desperate for another sugar fix. Stabilize the blood sugar by consuming meals that include a mix of complex carbohydrates, fiber, healthy fats and protein. Since this mix will take a while to break down and absorb, the blood sugar level will be more balanced and cravings for sugar will be reduced. 

  3. Drink water:  Staying well hydrated improves digestion, reduces pain, lubricates joints, fuels cells, transports chemical messengers throughout the body, enhances kidney function, and keeps up feeling energized. Studies show drinking water prior to a meal will prevent overeating and may lead to weight loss. When satiety is reached, there is a less likely chance of indulging in a cookie or a slice of cake. 

  4. Go to sleep:  Sleep deprivation increased the production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin. When the body is sleep deprived, the chances of eating junk food like pizza and candy are greatly increased. These foods activate the reward centers of the brain which indicates likely unhealthy choices will be made when the body is really craving is sleep. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night and those sugar cravings will reduce or may even disappear altogether. 

  5. Sip some tea:  Before reaching for a sugary snack, brew a cup of tea first. By the time the water gets hot and the tea seeps, the craving will likely pass. Choosing a tea with spices like cinnamon, ginger or turmeric will help regulate blood sugar. 

  6. Keep sugar out:  The best way to beat sugar cravings is to not purchase them in the first place. If the sugary treats aren't in the house, there is a less likely chance of temptation. Instead stock the pantry and fridge with fresh vegetable, fruits, nuts, seeds, spices and teas that is in ready reach when a craving or hunger strikes.

Health Bite: Now is the time to break up with sugar.

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Health & Wellbeing, Blog Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing, Blog Dabney Vaccaro

Staying Sugar Free

It's the time of year where sugary foods are found at the office, parties, and at home. Baking goodies as gifts has been a way to let others know you are thinking of them.  Sugar cravings can become strong and temptations are difficult to resist for those who have a sweet tooth. How is a person to maintain a healthy lifestyle with so much eye candy? Here are a few tips that can help:

  1. Protein up:  Protein is a plays a valuable role in balancing the blood sugar levels. Often times when a craving for sugar or carbohydrate hits, what is needed is a good source of protein. It's also digested at a slower rate than carbohydrates and the protein-rich foods are usually low on the glycemic index.

  2. Balanced sugar level:  When sugar is ingested, blood sugar levels spike and that "sugar rush" is reached. Whatever goes up, comes down and that crash can leave the body feeling sluggish and desperate for another sugar fix. Stabilize the blood sugar by consuming meals that include a mix of complex carbohydrates, fiber, healthy fats and protein. Since this mix will take a while to break down and absorb, the blood sugar level will be more balanced and cravings for sugar will be reduced.

  3. Drink water:  Staying  well hydrated improves digestion, reduces pain, lubricates joints, fuels cells, transports chemical messengers throughout the body, enhances kidney function, and keeps up feeling energized. Studies show drinking water prior to a meal will prevent overeating and may lead to weight loss. When satiety is reached, there is a less likely chance of indulging in a cookie or a slice of cake.

  4. Go to sleep:  Sleep deprivation increased the production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin. When the body is sleep deprived, the chances of eating junk food like pizza and candy are greatly increased. These foods activate the reward centers of the brain which indicates likely unhealthy choices will be made when the body is really craving is sleep. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night and those sugar cravings will reduce or may even disappear altogether.

  5. Sip some tea:  Before reaching for a sugary snack, brew a cup of tea first. By the time the water gets hot and the tea seeps, the craving will likely pass. Choosing a tea with spices like cinnamon, ginger or turmeric will help regulate blood sugar.

  6. Keep sugar out:  The best way to beat sugar cravings is to not purchase them in the first place. If the sugary treats aren't in the house, there is a less likely chance of temptation. Instead stock the pantry and fridge with fresh vegetable, fruits, nuts, seeds, spices and teas that is in ready reach when a craving or hunger strikes.

health-bite: fight off sugar cravings

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