Exercise, Blog Dabney Vaccaro Exercise, Blog Dabney Vaccaro

Walk To Run

As spring approaches, more folks will be seen running, jogging, or walking.  It is a wonderful outlet for many people to reduce stress, exercise the heart, and be invigorated.  For myself, on the other hand, I am not a runner.  I want to be. I dream to be, yet I fall short.  I have signed up for, and participated in, 5K races in an effort to "be a runner."

A friend suggested I download an app, Couch to 5K.  I took her advice, downloaded the app, and started working.  All was going well, but my 5K date arrived before I finished all the prep work.  For a novice, I didn't do too bad.  I just simply didn't prepare.

With great enthusiasm, I started off strong with a light jog.  As people passed me on both sides, I thought, "Well good, now they won't be in my way."  After what seemed like hours, I noticed I had made it to the first kilometer!  Great, I should take a break.  My lungs were rebelling against me for this crazy stunt!  I finished, but let's just say I didn't break any records!  I did learn a lot though....running is hard work!  At least for me.

When I ask runners if they enjoy running, most tell me they really don't enjoy it, but enjoy the RESULTS of running.  A clear mind, weight control, and overall greater sense of awareness among other things, is what seems to drive runners.  I must agree, after I caught my breath, I did feel accomplished.  During the next two days following the race, I was aware of my physical inadequacies....

This spring, I'm signing up for at least one 5K.  It's an event my whole family can participate in.  The cost is low and can help a cause.  This time, I plan to start preparation ahead of time.  Here are a few tips I ran across (pun intended) in case anyone else is interested in running:

Run everyday

Consistency is the key.  By running everyday, the body will improve its ability to burn fat.  It also teachs the mind to work through challenges whether physical or mental.

Compete only with yourself

There will always be someone who is faster, so relax.  Focus on making personal improvements.

Hang around with serious runners

Spend time with seasoned runners.  It will be easier to pick up tidbits such as pace, routes, and what to wear.

Build some muscle

Strength training reduces the impact on joints which will allow for longer running distances.

Find a reason

Sign up to run for a cause.  It will help with motivation in reaching goals while raising awareness for organizations that make a difference.

As spring approaches, there will be more races to choose from.  There is a website available to find races anywhere in the country.  Go to Running In The USA to find races at all levels.

Health-bite: prepare for the race

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Health & Wellbeing, Faith & Hope, Blog Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing, Faith & Hope, Blog Dabney Vaccaro

Making A Smooth Work Week

Meal planning can be fun and exciting.  The best thing about it is getting to choose what foods appear on the menu.  Sometimes, foods appear on my menu because a family member has a special request or has a favorite food.  Choosing recipes that contain foods that are on sale can help save money while still eating healthy.  Once the menu has been determined, make the shopping list.  Including all the items necessary for the week. One way to save money is to stock up on staples when they are on sale. Items such as canned and dried beans and legumes, canned tomatoes, rice, lentils, quinoa, farro, vegetable and/or chicken stock, and pasta have a long shelf life.  These items will be used frequently, so expiration will likely not be an issue. To make things simpler and speedier throughout the work week, plan to spend about a hour prepping the fresh vegetables and cooking the dried beans, if using.  So, if two of the recipes this week call for chopped onions, chop enough for both recipes and store in an air-tight container.  Same with other fresh veggies.  If using avocado or berries, it's best to cut/rinse those the time they are needed.  If food preparation will be speedier throughout the week, there will be less chance of grabbing something high in calories or fat due to hunger pangs.  With some thought and planning, success will be in reach for a healthier, more nutritious suppers.

Health-bite: plan for the week ahead

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Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro Health & Wellbeing Dabney Vaccaro

Eating Out and Not Blowing It!

Eating out is a treat! Once in a while, I will get a night off.  At least in our house, I cook almost every night.  That wasn't always the case.  Our family used to eat out a lot, and I'm sorry to say, it was mostly fast food. With a busy schedule, it was easy and the kids were happy.  With three active children, it seemed my taxi service was always in demand.  Ball games, Girl Scouts, music lessons...someone needed to go somewhere.  In hind sight, I would have liked it to be different. I was uneducated about the nutritional emptiness in fast food.  High fat, high calories, low nutrition...not to mention the costs.  Fortunately, my family is better educated and make wiser choices about the foods they eat and where they eat.

All-you-can-eat buffets are a big stumbling block, if calories are being counted. It's really easy to over consume, particularly since those spoons are too large and portion sizes are difficult to determine!  We used to choose quantity over quality, but no more. I'm not saying it's wrong not to indulge from time to time.  Enjoying foods is a nice pleasure in life.  The problem occurs when we get mixed up about what food is. Do you eat to live or live to eat?  If you are in the second category...you might have a problem with food.  Think about that for a moment. Once aware of the difference, changes can be made to slow down and think about WHAT is being consumed.

So here are some tips for staying on track next time.  Maybe just choose two or three tips to try.

  1. Consider ordering food that is "healthy", "low fat", or those on the "lighter" menu.

  2. Beware of low-carb choices...they are usually loaded with fat.

  3. Drink at least one glass of water before the meal arrives.

  4. Once the meal arrives, ask for a box and place half the meal in the box to take home.

  5. If ordering a salad, ask for the dressing on the side. Creamer dressings are higher in calories. Use the fork-dip method by dipping the fork into the salad dressing first, then skewer the salad. It's surprising how much dressing is left once the salad is gone!

  6. Skip the drinks. This includes sweet tea and sodas. Consuming empty calories is a quick way to consume too many calories, especially, if the server continues to top it off. It's best to stick with water.

  7. Order fish.

  8. Ask the server to skip the bread basket.

  9. Skip dessert. Although very tempting, serving sizes are too large and can contain as many calories as the main course.

Choosing to eat a home is ultimately the best choice, because there is control over the ingredients.  It's fun to go out though, especially on special occasions.  So get dressed up and enjoy the evening with family and/or friends.

Health-bite: don't get caught eating a day's calories in one sitting

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