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Words for Thought!

~~The mind is powerful.  So powerful, in fact, that people have made claims to have healed themselves through thought and mindset.  We often think in negatives instead of positives.  For instance, a mindset that says, “I hope I don’t get the Corona virus,” is a negative statement.  A positive statement/mindset is to say, “I’ll be healthy during this period of time.”  It puts a positive spin on the mind and the body.  Let me explain.  What we give focus to expands.  Our thoughts become our beliefs and the world responds.  The universe works in positives not negatives.  So, let’s take out the word “don’t” (which is a negative) in our first sentence.  It now says: “I hope I get the Corona virus.”  I’m sure no one wants this to be their thought of the day, so by changing the sentence in a positive way creates a healthy mindset.  Let’s say that again: I’ll be healthy during this period of time.

~~Another way to keep the body healthy is through our immune system.  That should be our primary focus as we continue to stay well.  As I’ve said over and over again in many of my posts is how the consumption of sugar creates sickness.  Sugar single handedly creates havoc on the immune system, compromising the body’s ability to stay strong and fight off foreign invaders.  The consumption of sugar increases stress in the body.  Free radicals are a result of cellular metabolism and the body’s antioxidant defenses become overwhelmed leading to oxidative stress.  In short, sugar exhausts the immune system and weakens it against disease.  By consuming whole plant-based foods, our body will naturally get the sugars our body needs for energy and to build strong healthy cells, which will keep our defenses ready for battle.  

~~Have you noticed when the body gets tired, it becomes weak?  Adequate sleep and destressing are an important factor in wellness.  During the period of sleep, our body recovers from assaults during our wakeful time at work and play.  Sadly, many Americans are devoid of adequate sleep leaving our body a prime target for sickness.  Preparing our body for sleep is just as important as getting ready to start the day, if not more so.  We live in an environment of artificial light that tricks our body into thinking it is still daylight.  Serotonin, a hormone responsible for sleep, is greatly affected by light.  When there is not enough serotonin, it takes longer to fall asleep.  It’s best to curtail electronics at least an hour prior to bedtime.  That includes checking your phone one last time before turning out the light.  Create a soothing place to sleep with no television or nightlight in the bedroom.  Read or mediate to relax the body, mind, and spirit.  Set an intention to rest well and dream vividly.

~~Eat whole, plant based foods. Years ago, we ate food from plants, now many of us eat foods made in a plant. Those chemicals are toxins that our body stores creating changes in our DNA and RNA. If you are what you eat….what would you be?