Herbal Hygienist

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That "To Do" List...

Our society today is busy and rushed.  There are so many tasks to be completed, we often come up short at the end of the day.  That “to do list” is never quite done before more items are added to it.  The stress and busyness ensue.  If one is not careful, the negative mind will say that failure has occurred or maybe the plan was not executed properly.  

 Our mind a wonderful organ, but often it steers us into believing we are less than what we were made to be.  We are of the Divine and are capable of so much.  What grows is what gets our time and attention.  If the attention is directed to meaningless tasks, what can grow from it?  A tired, stressed mind and body.  Often, time is spent in mundane or useless ways that does not bring forth fruit. How our time is spent says a lot about our character.

 We are born with nothing, and we will leave with nothing.  It’s what we do in between that matters most.  I believe each of us was born with a specific purpose and gifts to contribute to the world and can make it a better place for others.  

 “The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out” (Proverbs 20:5).

 All people are made in the image of God.  Each of us are born with a purpose and calling that we can discover or completely miss.  Influencing of the Holy Spirit in our lives gives us insight to His purposes for us.  We find peace and courage when we sense the confirmation of the Spirit that we are in the right place at the right time of our designated calling.  We can be on the right path or completely off the road.  

 We are made to be resilient and withstand the difficulties in life.  We are called to respond with graciousness, love and compassion to not only others, but to ourselves.  When struggles and difficulties come, and they will, it’s not those circumstances that define us, but how we respond to those circumstances.  One can choose to be thankful for the treasures and blessings given by our Lord, or choose to be down trodden, angry and resentful of the hardships.  

 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9).

 Anxiety and depression are often symptoms of inner struggles. Society deems to place boundaries on our minds and our lives leaving unrest.  It’s easier to be busy and a taskmaster than to take the time to just BE. Be alone with your creator and ask those difficult questions and listen for the answers.  Each of us have wounds.  There’s no way to be in this world without encountering wounds or suffering hardships.  That’s life.

 Here’s the good news….Life is abundant!  There’s a newness each and every day.  It’s a time to rejoice and praise our loving Jesus for all he has provided.  Start each day with a grateful heart.  Count the blessings, one by one.  Turn off the negativity in the brain and start to live your purpose.  Make this day one to remember.  Bless everyone you see with a smile, a prayer, or a hug.  “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”  (Psalm 118:24).

Health Bite: Slow down….experience abundance!