Big Fat Lies


For decades, we have been told to eat a low-fat diet to avoid high cholesterol, heart disease, and weight loss.  It was in the 1970s that Ancel Keys hypothesized that eating a high fat diet would make us fat and give us heart disease.  What happened after that has been disastrous!  The food manufacturers jump on board to start “creating” food that didn’t contain fat.  Fat makes food taste good, so what could these food producers do if they take the flavor out of their products?  They added more sugar and salt, of course.  The fat was replaced with sugar and salt, so it would taste good.  And we’ve been growing in girth ever since!  Fat gives us satiety and is essential in maintaining and producing healthy cells.  Healthy fats are important for maintaining a healthy brain and boosting our immune system. 

Eating a low-fat diet produces cravings and leads to a higher caloric intake.  Sugars in the processed foods leave us wanting more.  Sugar has been shown to created binge like behavior meaning it’s difficult to just stop at one sugary treat.  When the body is fed healthy fat, cravings are much less because the body is satisfied.  "The problem with most diets is that they lack the key ingredient that makes food taste good and cuts your hunger.  Healthy fats are the best source of energy for your body, and they keep your metabolism and fat-burning mechanisms running as they're meant to," according to Dr. Mark Hyman. 

Nutrition is a confusing world.  Research and recommendations change weekly, but one thing doesn’t.  Eat real food.  If you recognize the food that was grown ON a plant rather than IN a plant, you are making a good choice!  But let’s identify some healthy fats and ones that are not so healthy.

The Good Guys:

Nuts-- These wonder jewels are loaded with good fats along with many essential nutrients our body needs to maintain health.

Avocados-- This fruit has been gaining in popularity over the past decade.  Rich in omega 3’s, avocados helps with smoothness of skin and contribute to strong nails and healthier hair.

Olives-- Whether it’s green or black, olives have been shown to have anti-inflammatory benefits.

Coconut Oil-- Research continues to grow around the benefits (or not) of coconut oil.  The surprising facts of coconut oil is that the fats of this oil are easier to digest, and it is not as readily stored as fat by the body.  The body is able to use it quickly for energy.

Olive Oil-- Using olive oil, just like olives, has been shown to provide an anti-inflammatory factor for the body.  It is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats and contains a large number of antioxidants.  Be careful not to heat it up too much, otherwise, this healthy oil becomes unhealthy.

The Bad Guys:

Hydrogenated fats are the worst type if dietary fat, also known as trans-fat.  The process turns healthy oils into solids that prevent them from becoming rancid.  This type of fat has been shown to raise LDL cholesterol (the bad one) and lowers HDL (the good one).  Trans fats also create inflammation and contribute to insulin resistance.   Hydrogenated fats are found in margarines, pastries, vegetable oils or shortening.  Just about any processed, baked food contains hydrogenated oil.

Other oils to avoid or use sparingly are:  vegetable, cottonseed, safflower, canola, and peanut oils.  These omega-6 oils play only a small role in health, so use wisely.

Consuming healthy fats have been shown to help curb cravings and, therefore, makes weight loss easier.  It’s important to try and eat a combination of a protein, healthy fat, and a carbohydrate at every meal or snack.  This grouping helps stabilize blood sugars in the body and even out the energy levels to avoid spikes that will then lead to a crash.  Maintaining those levels in the body is key to managing energy and cravings.  

There’s more to health and weight loss than calories in and calories out.  If you need some guidance or thinking of making some changes that will give you more energy, give me a call.  I’ll be happy to meet with you.

Health bite:  Eating fat doesn’t make a person fat


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