A Little Weed


Last year, I’ve branched out a bit more in my desire to understand healing and wellness.  Last March, I began a 9-month course on herbalism at the Sacred Plant Traditions in Charlottesville, Virginia.  Each month from March until November, a class meets for a weekend long class.  It’s the foundation of a three-year program to become a Master Herbalist.  Time will tell if this is where I am to go, but I’m excited at the possibilities.  

 Each month, I’m amazed at the wonders of herbs.  Funny thing is, most of what we talk about isn’t rosemary, basil, or culinary herbs which most people think about.  It’s weeds in our yard we work to remove and/or spray in the spring and summer so a luscious green lawn can appear.  Somewhere along the line of “modern living,” the desire for rich, green grass began to be highly sought after.  As a result, we began to kill off the pharmacy living in our back yard.  Toxic chemicals are used to kill the weeds and fertilizers are used to feed the grass.  While this makes for a lush, green lawn, I wonder what else it’s doing?  All those man-made chemicals are getting into the earth and the ground water, which will eventually end up creating a problem somewhere down the line.  It’s usually to our marine life.  They don’t get the option to move to another area that is less polluted, they have to learn to deal with the situation.  This could be an opportunity to talk about Glyphosate, aka Roundup, but that’s for another time.

Plants are simply amazing.  They are life and energy.  They have so much to give, yet are humble and quiet….except the dandelion.  That one is a bit loud and showy.  Here’s a bit of history about the dandelion:  When the early settlers came over from England, they were distraught that there were no dandelions in this New World.  They began to plant fields of them because of their known medicinal benefits.  And, now for decades since, we’ve been trying to kill them.  The entire dandelion plant can be used for medicine.  The roots, the leaves, and the flowers are all edible.  It’s a bitter, that is essential in health.  As people, we tend to move toward foods that are sweet and that is more pleasurable, but it’s necessary to consume a fair amount of bitters.  Those bitters support our immune system in a large degree.  The chlorophyll in the greens help to cleanse and purify the blood. The bitter taste counterbalances all those sweets that weaken the immune system.  

The flower of the dandelion looks pretty in a salad as does other flowers from “weeds.” Chickweed, is an early grower in the spring that can be added to salads.  It’s an anti-inflammatory and is most often used in a salve for boils, rashes, eczema and other skin issues.  Most everyone has some plantain growing in their yard. Plantain is a blood stopper and can be made into a poultice and applied immediately when there is a cut or small wound.  In reality, we have a pharmacy right outside our door, if we choose to allow those plants to grow instead of destroying them.  One way to consume the medicinal value of plants is through teas.

I’ve really grown to enjoy drinking herbal teas.  As an advocate for water consumption, I’m often drinking from a water bottle and seek to refill it a few times throughout the day.  It’s a way to keep track if I’m hydrating enough. Since my class, though, I’ve been drinking more herbal teas in my bottle so I can get the medicinal benefits while still keeping hydrated. I had no idea certain plants could strengthen the heart tissues, help with abdominal distress, or move lymphatics. The more I learn, the more I want to know and understand these beautiful plants. This time of year, plants are dormant and rest after a summer of growing. Now is the perfect time to think about your yard and what you would like to cultivate for the next year and build your own pharmacy. 

In the beginning, it can be quite overwhelming where to begin. I’d recommend starting with the plants that grow in your own area and there are many. Rosemary Gladstar has written numerous books, but one that comes to mind is Medicinal Herbs.  You may also be able to look for some local classes that can help you learn more about the medicinal plants in your area.

Health Bite: Cultivate your own green pharmacy.




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