Silent Words

An indulgence while on vacation!

An indulgence while on vacation!

Actions speak louder than words, is a saying I’ve heard and said many times in my life. I was able to confirm this saying recently as I spent time with folks I didn’t know very well.  Casual or occasional gatherings hardly allow a person the opportunity to be themselves.  Usually, we are on our best behavior in social engagements. However, spending hours and days together can be a true awakening, and I don’t mean that in a negative way, necessarily. It’s simply a chance to get to know someone on a much deeper level.

As a wellness coach, I strive to lead by example. However, I do enjoy occasional treats that life has to offer. As a social butterfly, I attend gatherings often. Within those gathers are wonderfully prepared foods and look and smell wonderful. When I know I’m going to a gathering, I take something to share that I know I can consume; however, on occasion, I do allow myself the option to partake in foods that, well, may not be as healthy. I call it the 80/20 rule. If I eat well 80 percent of the time, then my body is healthy enough to compensate for the 20 percent of the time I don’t eat as well. Unfortunately, most Americans eat poorly 80 percent of the time.

Recently, I was on vacation while hurricane Dorian was leaving its trail. The ripple effect of the hurricane was felt all the way to Curacao. The current was strong some days even though the storm was thousands of miles away. This effect transpires to people as well. Have you ever noticed that people mirror another person’s behavior? The next time you are having a conversation with someone, notice how they are standing. Now look at how you are standing. Is it the same? Often times we mirror each other without realizing it. It’s a way to feel connected to the other person. Notice in restaurants, when someone orders a healthy meal, others are more inclined to do the same. However, if an unhealthy choice is made, others will allow themselves the same privilege. People feel less judged when everyone is doing the same thing. However, I would like to challenge this audience to think differently when it comes to food related choices. Instead of mirroring other’s decisions when those choices will not benefit you, allow the others to mirror you, without judgement. Let actions speak louder than words. Allow that ripple effect to make a positive impact on someone else’s life.

Once you have decided you are on a health and wellness journey, the ripple effect you play is greater than you know. By choosing not to be a follower by mirroring poor choices, you become a silent leader. Choose to do what is right for you without judgement for someone else. I give permission for others to consume what is it they want or need, and I, therefore, hope for the same respect.

After a week of spending time with my new friends, there was talk about health and wellness by setting exercise goals, and a plan to make better choices with food once they returned home. By the end of the trip, the couple had formulated how many days they plan to go to the gym and how they plan to change their dietary needs. Both my cousin and myself, who were traveling alongside this couple didn’t try to persuade them in anyway. We allowed them to choose; after all, it was their vacation too. They merely watched and decided they wanted something different for themselves.

Each of us has the opportunity to be a role model for someone else. It’s a pretty huge responsibility when you think about it. More than telling others what to do, which will be met with resistance, isn’t it better to be kind, loving, and do what is right for you? Be the silent leader by allowing others to mirror the healthy choices you make. For that matter, couldn’t we apply this premise to every aspect of our life!

Health Bite: Lead by example


Fall Equinox


A Little Movement