Life After Teenagers
Train up a child in the way he should go:and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Parenting is rewarding, challenging, mind blowing, and sometimes pretty scary stuff. Today at the office, two lively young ladies, came in for their dental appointments. Both wanted to go first, both asked for gloves and a mask to take home later. Both wanted the same toothbrush. Dad tried to keep control, but eventually gave up and looked at his phone.
My girls have had their own lively antics while out, and I'm sure by-standers could see my frustrations. I'm sure I lost my patience on more than one occasion. It happens to us all.
My girls are now in their early 20s. If asked what they remember about their childhood, I don't think they will quickly remember the challenges of obedience. Thankfully, we tend to remember the good things in life and celebrate success.
As I was walking my two lively patients out with their dad, I assured him there is life on the other side of raising energetic children.
I came home to find dinner cooking, and enjoying after dinner conversation about life, careers, and guys. The roles have changed a bit for me now. So many parents want to be friends with their children, and one day you will. Until then, children and teenagers need parents. There will be times when neither of you will like each other. Many times I felt inadequate and unworthy of being a parent. That's when I turned to God and let him know I despreately needed His guidance. Out of the most difficult situations brought the most growth and closeness in our family.
There is life on the other side of teenagers and I'm enjoying it immensely!
Health-bite: turn to God's Word for parenting advice
Why Xylitol For Tooth Decay?
Oh no, not another artificial sweetener! Don't we have enough already? Sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, what's next?
While most other artificial sweeteners have zero calories, xylitol has 2.4 calories per gram. That's 40% less calories than other carbohydrates. Discovered in 1891, the benefits of xylitol remained quiet for decades. In 1960, it was approved for use with diabetics, and in 1970 for cavity prevention.
This isn't like all the other sugar substitutes. Xylitol is found in tree bark, plants, fruits and vegetables. Our own body makes 5-10 grams of xylitol every day. Today, manufacturers produce xylitol from corn cobs and corn stalks (the products themselves don't contain corn). The down side of ingesting too much at once, is gastric upset. Since it is digested as a fiber, it pulls water from the tissues and can cause diarrhea. But, if ingested over a period of time, xylitol will not cause this side effect.
With a glycemic level of 7, xylitol does not raise insulin levels, making it safe for diabetics. So how does this sugar work? Well its a 5-carbon sugar instead of a 6 (like sorbitol, mannitol, and maltitol.) Because it's a 5-carbon sugar, it passes through the bacterial membrane and can not be metabolized. While the bacteria uses up its energy trying to pump out the molecule, it uses up all its energy. The bacteria is unable to stick to one another, because it's used up the acid and is unable to make more. The bacterial communication becomes disrupted and the biofilm structure breaks apart. The bacteria then slide down the digestive and nasal tracks and exits the body! Cool, right?
The reason I'm so excited about xylitol is the effects with the teeth. It actually helps to fight tooth decay. A 1989 study by the University of Michigan took 1,277 students and divided them into four groups. Over a 40-month period, students were given 100% xylitol gum several times a day. Over the period of 40 months, students were monitored for tooth decay. The study revealed a dramatic decrease in decay. Five years later, a follow-up study by the University of Washington showed a 70% reduction in tooth decay, even though the students were no longer using the xylitol. Thus, the conclusion is xylitol changes the oral micro-flora.
For those who do not have a problem with tooth decay, the oral micro-flora is healthy. But, for those who have the bacteria that is causing cavities, xylitol may be able to eliminate those bad guys! Because bacteria works hard to grow every minute of the day, frequency is the key. Using gum and/or mints, getting five exposures throughout the day works best. While good is three exposures a day, it's best to strive for five. The gum is not a recreation gum, meaning, chewing only for five minutes will give the exposure needed. Once the flavor is gone, all the xylitol has been released.
So to break it down:
- after breakfast--chew gum or mint
- mid-morning--have a mint or gum
- after lunch--chew gum or mint
- mid-afternoon--have a mint or gum
- after supper--have a mint or gum
Some gum manufacturers market gum as having xylitol, but it's so far down on the list of ingredients, it has little benefit. Look for gum or mints that contain 100% xylitol. I find mine at our local health food store. Spry is the leading manufacturer of xylitol. I have included the link to their website. European countries have been recommending xylitol for years to prevent tooth decay, but we are still recommending fluoride. Fluoride is found in water, toothpastes, and mouth rinses, yet I continue to see tooth decay. Isn't it time to try something new? It reminds me of what I heard about the definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different outcome."
health-bite: xylitol for tooth decay
Getting Enough Iron
Did you know you have to eat a cup of beets everyday to keep up your iron level? No? Just kidding. I like beets, but they are definitely not on my daily food planner. Are you getting enough iron? I'm not talking about the stuff in the blood that makes you feel tired when there's not enough. Although, you need that too! I'm talking about weight lifting. For years, I spent my time focusing on cardio. My husband, Joe, was a workout monster and kept telling me to lift weights. I looked at his big muscles and thought, I don't want to look like that! I politely declined each time he asked me to work out with him and did my own thing.
Now granted, I'm one of "those" people that could eat just about anything and not get in too much trouble.....sorry, I can't help genetics! But now that I'm older, I have to watch what I'm doing. I gained about 20 pounds at one point. I was having muscle aches after working all day, and knew I had to do something or I would not be able to keep working as much as I was.
It so happened after looking for options via the internet, I came across a website that turned things around for me. has many exercise routines and schedules to help you reach your goals. For about 20 minutes, four days a week, I pump some iron (it makes my husband smile...especially knowing he was right.) Guess what? I don't look like my husband...not even close. Starting off slow and with 3 pound dumbbells, I was gradually able to move up in weights.
While cardio is important in heart-health, weight lifting is important in bone health. Since getting more iron in my diet, I have lost my 15 pound goal, plus an extra 5 I didn't count on. The best thing about "pumping iron" is muscles burn more calories, so I can use up more calories sitting here writing this post. I feel stronger, because I am. I like the results I'm seeing which gives me the desire to continue.
Always check with your physician prior to starting any exercise routines to make sure it's right for you. It's important to keep moving for your whole health, even if it's walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator.
Health-bite: pump some iron
Sugary Sweet
Sugar substitutes have been around for decades. Today, there are more than ever to choose from. Popular zero-calorie sweeteners include: saccharin (sold as Sweet N Low), aspartame, acesulfame K, sucralose (Spenda), and stevia. Even though there are no calories, the tastes are thousands of times sweeter than table sugar. For years, non-calorie sweeteners have been marketed as a healthy alternative because they have less calories, but the numbers are showing a relationship between the percent of people using artificial sweeteners, the amount of products containing those sweeteners, and the obese population.
How does this work? Well, we are so incredibly made! When the tongue tastes sweet, a signal is sent to the brain. The brain sends a message to the pancreas that sugar is on the way. The pancreas then releases insulin (which plays an important role in body fat accumulation.) While all this is happening, signals are sent to the brains satiety center. The center becomes confused as to whether or not the body is receiving calories. What happens next is really cool.....
The result of all this confusion going on in our body is increased hunger, satiety decreases, insulin spikes and the brain tells the person to eat more, which, of course, leads to weight gain.
Crazy, right?!?
Here's the breakdown on the stuff:
Saccharin--man made sweetener is 200-700 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar); scientific studies in the 1970's raised concerns that saccharin could be carcinogenic.
Aspartame--used in sodas, gum, cereals, supplements, jams, sweets, vitamins, prescription drugs, and over the counter medications like Alka Seltzer Plus; aspartame contains methanol that breaks down to form formaldehyde and formic acid, which is carcinogenic and mutagenic. The EPA defines safe consumption of methanol as 7.8 mg per day, which is about a 1/2 can of diet soda.
Acesulfame K--was approved in 1988 as an artificial sweetener, yet most people are unaware of its presence in their food and beverages. Exposure for a long period of time can lead to headaches, liver complications, mental confusion, cancerous developments, visual impairments and renal diseases.
Sucralose--the active ingredient in Spenda is 600 times sweeter than sucrose. Marketing sells it as made from sugar so it tastes like sugar. It starts out that way anyway, but during the chemical process, the alteration composition is converted into something entirely different. Our body can not digest it, making it a zero-calorie food. Heres the real story: Researchers have found that the unmetabolized sucralose passes right through the body and into sewage treatment centers, out into the ground waters looking the same as it did in that cup of coffee.
Stevia--an extract that is a natural sweetener and is 300 times sweeter than sugar. It was approved in 2008 as a sugar substitute and considered safe by the FDA.
Here is the bottom line:
- Natural is better than chemical.
- Sweets derived from fruits and nature are better than processed sugar or artificially sweetened foods.
- Read what is in the food...if it is not recognizable, then choose something else.
Health-bite: stick with natural sugars
Who's In Charge?
What do you believe in? What drives you to who you are or where you are going? It may not be who or what you think. I used to think I was in control of my thoughts and my actions. It was my mind that went astray because I was not concentrating hard enough. If someone made me mad and I reacted emotionally, it was justified because of that person or situation. It's not my fault! What I thought and felt were mine and mine alone.
Look at what the Word of God says about thoughts and actions of this world:
"For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies--the evil rulers of the unseen world; and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world." Ephesians 6:12
My refuge is Christ Jesus, who strengthens me. Without His help in my life, I don't know where I would be. Certainly not a hygienist or the caregiver I've become. Life is a journey. Christ's desire in our lives is to praise and please Him. Unfortunately, the dark powers that are in charge right now often overshadow our best intentions.
Recently, I had the realization that things that seem fun or exciting often take us away from our sovereign Lord. Our purpose is to please God, not man. So many pitfalls that cause me to stumble, often I wonder if I will be able to get up again. Life is hard! Each one has or will have moments when you may ask, "How much more?"
Center in Christ. My time with Christ is in the morning before everyone awakes. It's a time for me to sit in silence with my creator and bask in His greatness. It's a time of devotion and prayer before my day begins. This wasn't always the case. For years I went to church, prayed before meals, occasionally prayed at night before bed. Sometimes during the day I prayed, if I thought He could help me.
What changed? My daughter, Heather, invited me to read a book with her that changed my prayer life. I think it will change yours too. Draw the Circle, by Mark Batterson, opened my eyes to the living God who hears my prayers and loves me now matter what. Since then, I've made significant changes in my personal life. God knows all, and I want to live in His plan. Not mine. I'm a Type A personality, I love order and control. I want to choose, make decisions, and plan. Unfortunately, that's when I screw up! I really don't know what's best. At the time it seems good, fun, exciting! But it took me away from God. Life is a journey...not for me, but for God.
Without a firm foundation and self-control, failure awaits just around the corner. To be faithful to anything, requires commitment and self-control. It's putting everything else in front of self.
Life is a journey of discovery. I want to continue to discover every day of my life here on earth how to glorify and love to the fullest. If you walk in the pathway He has set for you, a peace overshadows doubt. A calmness overtakes chaos. Love wins over hate.
Where is your heart? Is it in this world of fulfilling the ME? Or is it in Christ Jesus?
Health-bite: center yourself in the Word of God
The Link
More and more medical research studies are showing an increased link between oral health and overall health. It makes sense to me, but again, this is my play ground. Bacteria, plaque, material alba, calculas, blood, and spit make for a fun day at the dental office!
We all have bacteria in our mouth, it's when we allow too many to live there that problems occur. There are basically two categories for oral bacteria. One group causes periodontal diesase and the other causes cavities. What most people don't realize is this bacteria is contagious. Babies are not born with oral bacteria flora. When testing the baby's oral bacteria, it was the same as the caregiver, which is usually mom. Amazing! That's why it's so important to keep up with routine checkups and cleanings. As a dental hygienist, our occupation is one of the only ones in prevention. I take my job seriously in helping people to be cavity free. The first set of teeth are free, if not cared for properly, teeth can become very costly.
While it's true no one really needs teeth, they are beneficial when it comes for eating and speaking. Each tooth is important in providing help to the others for chewing. Digestion begins in the mouth first when saliva enters to help moisten and breakdown foods for the stomach. Without adequate teeth to chew, food will go down in larger pieces and digestion will take longer.
Those with diabetes are particularly at risk for periodontal diesase and eventual tooth loss. There is a two way path between oral inflammation and uncontrolled diabetes. The American Diabetes Association has more information on this subject. I always ask for the diabetic patient's A1C level (an inflammatory marker) at each appointment. It helps me gauge information during my dental assessment.
Hopefully, you will find information that is both meaningful and helpful in the posts. In daily practice, there isn't enough time to reveal all the information, however, on this platform more information can be spread to a wider audience. I love my job and teaching patients who want to learn, live better lives.
Health-bite: reduce bacteria in the mouth
What Are We Having For Dinner?
The most difficult part of cooking is coming up with the menu! Some weeks I feel like I make the same stuff. Food becomes boring and I loose my enthusiasm for cooking. Sometimes I poll the audience for ideas. Most of the time I get, "I don't care," or worse, "Pizza!" That's when I pour a glass of wine or cup of coffee and look through the cook books. Just like most cooks, I have a select few that are my "go tos." If your family is like mine, we all have different favorites and types of food we like and those not so much. It can be frustrating to please all the eaters. Be inspired to choose foods that are low in fat calories and full of spices and flavors. Try something creative and "sell" the idea to the family that you are making some wonderful new foods and you are excited for them to try these creations.
There are many wonderful online recipe sites. What I most like are ones in which readers can offer reviews and tips that work. One of my favorite sites is This site offers tips, menu ideas, and even recipes for a wide range of categories. You can even sign up for emails to get a recipe of the day.
Keep in mind the number of calories consumed during the day matters. Eating a big breakfast yields a smaller lunch and supper. Depending on each one's goals, the number of calories consumed will vary. On busy days it's easy to blow the calorie budget. Plan accordingly by doubling recipes and freezing one for another time. One of my family's favorite quick meal is taco salad.
simply place tortilla chips in individual bowls
add chopped lettuce
scoop on 1/4 cup canned refried black beans or Quiona Black Bean Salad
add onion, olives, avocado, salsa, chopped tomatoes
use plain Greek yogurt for the sour cream
sprinkle lightly with cheese
Health-bite: have a planned menu
What A Strange Thing
Let's face it. Exercise is one of those things most of us hate. It's a strange thing. When someone says to me "exercise," I want to run into the next room so I can avoid the topic altogether. Even though we know we should do it, somehow there always seems to be more important things that need to get done, and before you know it it's time for bed! Oh well, I'll start tomorrow, right? Where do I start? What type of exercise is best suited for me? Do I really need to exercise? Isn't dieting enough? These are questions I asked myself.
Daily activity matters. Moving is good. One day I wore a pedometer to work. I was so sure I was active. I wore it with pride, making sure it was secure and placed in the right location so every step would be accurately recorded! After all, I needed to count every step. Boy was I surprised! I barley got 2,000 steps. Shocking! I thought, I've got to do something, but where was I going to add one more thing into an already packed day?
Being in the middle-aged category, I had already began to notice my metabolism slowing down. Weight was creeping up slowly, and I knew it wasn't going to go away. I work full time, have three young adult daughters, two of which are still at home. Even though they do somewhat have their own lives, they are home in the evenings...usually hungry. Our family chooses to have supper together each night as a means of connecting with one other, so that means someone has to prepare the meal. That role falls to me. One of my many weaknesses is the inability to delegate. I enjoy cooking and preparing nutritious and flavorful food for my family. I'm not really creative, but I am known to "doctor" a recipe or two. Anyway, after a full day of working in a busy dental office, I'm wiped out. But no chance to relax to my second job! Once I'm home, I clock in to begin supper, cleaning up messes that were made from the morning rush, taking care of the beasts (my two dogs and a handful of chickens.) Whew! Just when was I going to exercise? I'm too tired!
What really snap me into making a change was an event. In 2011, my husband and children's father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This was devastating! At 52, he was healthy, hard-working man. A manly man, if you will. It was that moment my role changed forever.
Choices took on a new dimension. I vowed more than ever to lead by example by exercising and becoming aware of what I put into my body.
With trial and error, I lost my goal of 10 pounds, plus 5 more that came off without trying. I truly believe the combination of food choices and exercise is what jump started my metabolism for me. I hope you will be inspired to take charge of your life in all ways. Humans are complex organisms. What works for one may not work for another. The key is not to give up on yourself. You are worth the effort to be healthier!
Health-bite: be active TODAY
Do I Have To Floss?
I happen to have an occupation where truth is often evaded. I'm a detective. My job is deciphering whether or not a person is a liar. I'm a detective of the mouth. I'm a dental hygienist! The dreaded question is you floss? The most common answer I hear is: "Not as much as I should." What does that mean? Once a week, twice a month, major holidays? Then, there are those who say: "I floss every day..sometimes even twice a day." Claps for you! However, looking at the inflammation and bleeding gums might say otherwise.
Healthy gums don't bleed, period!
Bleeding occurs when too much bacteria has caused an immune response. Removing the bacteria in a timely manner will yield healthy gums. Does this mean you need to floss? I'll get to that in a moment. People are more inclined to brush. There's immediate pleasure: fresh breath, slippery teeth, it feels good (or at least it should). So why don't people want to floss? Well, because unless it's done routinely, it hurts, gums bleed, stuff is flying out everywhere, drooling all over your face and hands. The feel good sensation doesn't happen. Truth is......wait for's more important to clean in between the teeth than brush. WHAT?? How can this be? Using a fingernail or eating crunchy foods can knock off plaque and bacteria. What knocks off bacteria in between? Something mechanical.
We, meaning students in dental schools, are taught that flossing is the gold standard, but if it's not being used, it's not too golden! There are so many choices to clean in between the teeth. I personally use a Waterpik. There is a learning curve that takes place, but it's well worth the effort. Studies show it removes toxins produced by bacteria and allows the gums to remain healthy.
Soft piks by Gum is another great alternative to flossing. I recommend these all the time to my patients who tell me straight up they are not going to floss. I have seen good improvements in oral health when people use something to clean between their teeth.
So, back to the question. Do I have to floss? The answer is NO, you don't have to floss your teeth. However, if avoiding cavities or periodontal disease happens to be your goal...well, then get to removing that stuff from in between the teeth! Besides, all that rotting stuff in between your teeth STINKS!
Health-bite: clean in between the teeth for fresh breath
Determine The Enemy
Most of us live in the land of plenty. Chances are those reading this post also come from the land of plenty. Is that why we have an obesity epidemic? Why Type 2 diabetes is on the rise? Why disease diagnosis in young children are more than ever?
Years ago...I mean even 60 years ago, our grandparents farmed and worked labor jobs. Of course, there were those who went to work in factories, offices and such. But they ate food that was grown locally or in their own back yards. Then things drastically changed during the course of least with food. We began to purchase our food already made. It came pre-packaged. Wow! All we had to do was heat it in the oven. Then came microwaves! This way of cooking food was even better!
Or was it?
What is in that product that was purchased with your hard earned money? What is going into your mouth or your family's mouths? Honestly, I can make out some of the words in the ingredient list, but not all of them. We are now purchasing products of food science. Manufactures hire scientists to make food that we will lie!
Change the brain!
Not long ago, I attended a class on food addiction. Apparently, our brains go crazy for certain types of foods. The dopamine receptors in the brain light up and we feel least for a while. So what are these foods our brain wants and craves? Highly addictive foods are those processed foods created by manufacturers which contain sugar (high fructose corn syrup), salt, and fat. We wage ourselves in battle each time we give into food science. You see, we used to eat foods that were grown ON a plant, now we eat foods that were made IN a plant. Know your enemy. Change your brain! Addiction to food is harder because it's all around us. We socialize with food, watch television with food, and it's a legal purchase everywhere! Commercials tell us we will be happier, more loving, smarter.....they don't tell us we are putting ourselves at risk for disease.
My addiction is sugar. What's yours?
Health-bite: find your enemy
Accountability Buddy
So you decided to make a new start, huh? Hopefully you made some realistic goals. Making a goal of losing that extra 10 pounds by next month probably isn't realistic. Giving yourself three months probably is. Remember, you want to be successful; don't set yourself up for failure. Have you found a buddy yet? Someone to be accountable to will make you more successful in reaching your goals. I have three daughters who are in their 20s. They exercise and have goals, but I can tell you, they work out more regularly when one pushes the other. They also push me more and I'm not as likely to give a lame excuse as to why I can't exercise.
If you just can't find someone to help you be accountable, look into downloading an app onto your phone or other device. I personally like MyFitnessPal (see icon below). Purchasing a device like a FitBit can be helpful too. This devise helps you keep track of physical exercise by monitoring movements. It can also monitor your sleep habits. Read reviews and ask your friends and family what apps they like. It's best to have both a living person and an app of some type to help you stay motivated and reach your goals. Use the technology available. Select one that best fits your needs and go for it!
Health-bite: Find A Buddy
The Right Thing
Why is it that we, as humans, put off doing what's best for our health? I see people walking up and down my rural dirt road trying to do the right thing. Gym memberships will increase after January first in an effort to do the right thing. These efforts are usually short lived, largely, because our enthusiasm leaves us. Illness brings about a different sort of awareness. It asks the question, Why? Or Why me? In the beginning, efforts are made to counteract the diagnosis. Eating better, diet, and exercise, but then....back to our old ways. But why? Are we that stupid?
Healthy choices need to become everyday choices. Millions of dollars are spent on treatments and medications due to sickness. Why not spend money on good food? Yes, it's more expensive initially to buy fresh vegetables and fruits, but what are the costs of a medical intervention?
Purchase fresh foods that are in season or those that are on sale. By learning to Be a savey shopper by using coupons and viewing grocery ads, you can save money, eat better, and feel good. The prep work to healthier living is worth the alternative. I'm not saying you will never get sick, but I am saying you can decrease your chances.
It will take time, don't give up!
So as the New Year begins, and we make new goals, what will yours be? Will you promise to exercise more? Eat better? Loose those extra pounds? Whatever your goals, own it and see it through. Make a list of how you plan to accomplish your goals. Set a time frame that's achievable. What gets measured, gets done!
Health bite: set goals