Couponing Basics
I have memories of my frugal mother with her elaborate filing system for coupons. As a stay-at-home mother, she needed to make ends meet. I thought we were poor. Anything purchased had to be on sale. My brother and I never received anything during the year unless it was a birthday, Easter, or Christmas. Anything else we wanted needed to be purchased by saving enough money through our allowance. My mom pinched a penny until it screamed! I am glad she did. It taught me to value a dollar. Recently, have I adapted some couponing efforts myself. About a year ago now, I began to explore couponing as a hobby. I look at it as a game, because it is, if you play wisely. Although time consuming, rush at the end, when you walk away with two bags of goodies and paid $.50 is awesome!
It can be done, because I have done it. My stock pile mostly consists of disposables like personal care items and household products. The purpose of the stock pile is to purchase items when it is on sale. The items are stored until needed and instead of purchasing the needed items when they may not be on sale, you shop at your own store....the stockpile. So far it has worked well for our family of five. With college age daughters, they love to browse the stock pile for goodies. I have also purchased baby care items when the price is right to use for baby showers. Coupons for toys appear from time to time, and if there is a sale and I have a coupon, I'll pick it up. Birthday presents already purchased. This past Christmas I was able to purchase several toys and games with combined sales and coupons to donate to the local toy drive for less fortunate children. Because I had coupons and took advantage of the sale, I was able to purchase more with the money. My husband changes the oil in our vehicles. Every now and again coupons for automotive items appear. I remember going, with my husband, to one of the discount box stores to purchase oil using the coupons. Even he got excited about the savings.
Now it doesn't make sense to purchase items you won't use just because they are on sale. Saving money is purchasing items you will USE that are on SALE and you have a COUPON. Sale items are cycled through about every three months, so if you don’t have many coupons in the beginning, don’t worry. Begin by collecting coupons in the weekend newspapers. Depending on the regions, it could be the Saturday or Sunday that have the most coupons. Typically, papers like the Washington Post will have the most coupon inserts compared to a smaller-town paper. Purchase at least two papers. Many times sales are buy one get one free or 50% off. Believe it or not, you can use a coupon on a free item….crazy, right? I highly recommend printing coupons that are found on-line. and are two sources to use in printing coupons. I would also advise purchasing an inexpensive laser printer. I got a Brother laser printer for less than $100. The ink cartilage savings off-set the cost of the laser printer, and I use this printer a lot. I also use recycled paper. If someone in the family prints something and needs to re-print, I don’t throw away the paper. I turn it around than print coupons on the blank side. Stores don’t care if there is something on the back. The bar code is all they need to scan.
Organize the coupons according to what you need. I used 4x6 index cards as dividers and sorted them accordingly and filed the coupons into each category. There is some time in the start up. I spent a few weeks getting organized and learning about the way each store works with coupons. There are ladies out there that make saving money their full time job! Here are a few to check out:
Health-bite: saving money through coupons and have fun!
Natural vs. Processed Cheese
Who doesn't love cheese? Well, maybe someone who is allergic to milk, but besides that...what's not to love? I mean it's gooey, soft, creamy, and full of fat. What's not to love? Let's find out, shall we?
According to the International Dairy Foods Association, cheese has been around for 4,000 years. No one really knows who first discovered cheese, however, it is believed to be first transported in the bladder of sheep....ewww! Anyway, I'm glad we are past that part in history. Cheese making has been increasing in production since its beginning. It wasn't until the 1800's that America built it's first factory in Greene County, Wisconsin, by Swiss immigrants. By 1880, 3,923 dairy factories were producing 216 million pounds of cheese. In 1920, the total natural cheese production of 418 million pounds to 2.2 billion pounds in 1970. Production was booming, but the food industry decided there needed to be some adjustments. As a result, processed cheese was created.
Both natural and processed cheese come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Processed cheeses most commonly comes wrapped in plastic in a single slice. It's also found in cans, tubes and boxes. Natural cheeses are found in loaf sizes or in the shape of a wheel, which can be sliced, cubed or grated. Natural cheese is 100% cheese, whereby, processed is 51% or less cheese. The other 49% or more is something else. I wonder what???
Processed cheese begins with natural cheese that is melted down, emulsified and the preservatives and artificial ingredients are added to hold it all together. Lastly, salt is added to the mixture, sometimes twice a much as natural cheese. It is then poured and reformed in the desired cheese product. Processed cheese is produced in a matter of days and is placed on the grocery store shelf for purchase. Natural cheeses are aged depending on sharpness up to three years before it is packaged and shipped to the store for purchase.
Processed cheeses contain emulsifiers, saturated vegetable oil, extra salt, food colorings, whey and sugar. Scientist have developed processed cheese that will last longer on the shelf, resist separating when cooked, and provide a uniform appearance and physical behavior. What makes processed cheese so appealing? The low cost to consumers. Manufactures have lower distribution costs, a steady supply, and a faster production time compared to natural cheeses. Bottom line, it's cheap food.
In 2002, the FDA warned Kraft's use of labeling on some of their products. Now processed cheeses are labeled cheese PRODUCT or cheese FOOD. Read your labels. Have you seen the You Tube video that floated around about the American cheese slice? It is interesting that the cheese never melts. This is where I could put my personal opinion in, but I'm choosing to bite my tongue, so to speak, and end this post here. Be aware of what you are purchasing for yourself and your families. Be a wise consumer. Stay with natural, whole foods as much as you can. Purchase the best foods you can afford.
Health-bite: purchase natural cheeses
The Amazing Xylitol
As a part of my license retention, continuing education hours are needed each year. In recent months, I attended a class which spoke, in part, about xylitol. In a previous post, I mentioned xylitol, yet from another speaker at a continuing education class. There seems to be a common theme about this xylitol business. So what's the big deal?
Xylitol was first discovered in Finland. During WWII, Finland chose not to participate in the war and closed it's boarders. Because of this, Finland was cut off by the outside world. Since the country had to use its own resources, they extracted sugar from birch trees. When the war was over, dentists soon realized the children in Finland had very little tooth decay.
The sugars extracted in the birch trees was named xylitol. Xylitol is in all fruits and vegetables. As a matter of fact, our own bodies produce about a tablespoon a day. It is to plants what glucose is to humans. Today, it's found in sugar-free gums, candy, and toothpastes. This product is different from the other sugars in that bacteria (all Strep and Yeast) cannot digest it, so there is a reduction in plaque and biofilm in the mouth with using it frequently. Sucrose is a 6-carbon chain that is taken in by the bacteria, metabolized, and used for energy. Xylitol is a 5-carbon chain, so bacteria pumps it in thinking its time to eat, but soon realize they’ve made a mistake. The bacteria uses up all its energy trying to pump it out.
Marketed a sugar substitute, it is not calorie free. It has a glycemic value of 7 and has 40% less calories than sugar. This is good news for diabetics and those watching their calorie intake. Xylitol has been used in many areas from fighting tooth decay to sinus infections. Exposure times are key though. In order to get the maximum benefit from xylitol, multiple exposures throughout the day must be made. The bacteria is hungry, and feeding it on a regular basis will decrease overall oral plaque by 70%.
You will want to use products that are 100% sweetened with xylitol. They can be found in your local health food store or on-line. Other products containing xylitol can be purchased in retail stores, but there is not enough of the substance to really make a difference. If going to the health food store to purchase 100% xylitol gum is out, then purchase Ice Breakers gum. It has the most xylitol than any of the other gums.
So here's the instructions on caries prevention in children:
• In the morning before school, chew 2 pieces of gum after brushing teeth. • Place one packet of Xylosweet (4 grams) in a water bottle at room temperature and pack for lunch. • Give the child either 2 mints or 5-6 Sparx candies to have after lunch. • Give the child 2 pieces of gum to chew when they get home from school. • Give the child 5-6 pieces of Sparx candies or 2 mints after tooth brushing at bedtime.
I personally have tried all the flavors and find them to be satisfactory. I have a jar of the gum on my kitchen counter and my family (throughout the day) will periodically reach in a grab a couple of pieces. This is NOT recreational gum. The flavor only lasts about 10 minutes. This gum is used to help keep the oral flora healthy and prevent tooth decay by eliminating as many Strep-bacteria as possible.
Look for future posts for specifics on how to use xylitol for sinus problems, dry mouth, and other uses.
Health-bite: 3-5 exposures of xylitol to prevent tooth decay
Cold and Flu Tea
When I was a little girl, my mother gave me honey when I had a cough. My husband remembered drinking tea with lemon and honey when he was sick. We all probably have some story to tell how home remedies were used to nurse the sick back to health. Recently, I found a tea recipe that is suppose to prevent or help with symptoms of a cold or flu. I first tried it on my daughter who came home from college on a weekend and proceeded to get sick the very next day. Having just read about this, she was willing to try this tea cocktail. The taste was flavorful she said as she drank it all down. Shortly, thereafter, she said she was feeling a little better. Now maybe it was coincidence, but within a matter of a few hours, she was out of bed, stiring around and eating food.
Another story to share is one from work. One of the folks I work with started with a cold. This particular person is VERY skeptical about anything that not purchased at a drug store. I offered to make the tea, and because of the cold that was upon them, agreed to try it. At first, this person wasn't in favor of the tea's taste, but after the first couple of sips stated it was, in fact, good.
Amazingly, after drinking a few sips of the tea, the report was "Something happened, the stuff in the back of my troat is gone and I can breathe better." For the rest of the day, this person felt pretty good. The next day, there was disappointment that I didn't bring anymore tea. I think the tea may help reduce the effects of the cold or flu and maybe even shorten the duration. This is not a cure, but can help with symptoms.
Personally, I find the flavors quite good, but I like tea anyway. There are a lot of different spices in this one. I have to admit, the cayenne pepper scared me a little! Be careful not to use too much, a little goes a long way.
I placed the spices in a coffee filter and steeped it that way in the hot water. I purchased the metal tea steeps, but the spices are so small, they go through. I don't like floaters in my drinks, so I opted for the coffee filter. If you have fresh herbs, then the metal tea steeps will work fine.
Here is the recipe straight out of "Be Your Own Doctor" by Rachel Weaver.
Cold and Flu Tea
1 whole clove
1/2 tsp thyme
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp sage
1/2 cinnamon stick
1 tsp honey juice for half a lemon
Place spices together. Add honey and lemon juice in the cup. Let spices steep for several minutes and drink.
Health-bite: drink natural teas for cold and flu
Liquid Aminos
Once upon a time, my mom gave me something called liquid aminos. She told me it was better to use than soy sauce. I'm sure I tried it, but for some reason, I wasn't ready to really use it. It's strange now, thinking back about why I really wasn't interested. I just wasn't ready. Do you remember something you were told before, maybe ignored, and now wonder why you didn't act on the advice? There have been times when I told my children something and they gave me that look that says, "You don't know what you are talking about." You know that look, right? However, when someone else gives the same advice, for some reason it is received better. Maybe the first time hearing something plants the seed, then it just has to sprout and grow. So when I heard it again, I thought, "Oh, yeah, I know about that!" I'm guessing I just wasn't able to appreciate the advice (sorry mom).
Since I'm a relatively new vegetarian, I'm trying to eat smart and not just carb out, which is what I did in the beginning. I think it's funny that the first thing people ask when I tell them I'm a vegetarian is, "What about your protein?" or "You need protein!" Let me tell you, I usually exceed my daily protein. It's really easy to get enough in a day. Most Americans consume too many grams of protein, which can lead to health issues like obesity, heart and kidney disease, just to name a few. We, as Americans, are so fortunate to live in a country where food is plentiful, unlike other countries, where meat is scarce. As a result, we all tend to overindulge.
So let me introduce you to liquid aminos. This product is a better choice and wonderful replacement for traditional soy sauce. Let's compare and contrast:
Serving size: 1 TBSP
Both have 0g fat and cholesterol
Liquid Aminos 320 mg per serving
Soy Sauce 920 mg per serving
Total Carb.
Liquid Aminos 300 mg per serving
Soy Sauce 1000 mg per serving
Liquid Aminos 930 mg per serving
Soy Sauce 1000 mg per serving
So why liquid aminos? According to the package, there are 16 essential and non-essential amino acids that naturally occur without fermentation. The soy sauce offers no health benefits on their label, but does list six ingredients: water, hydrolyzed soy protein, salt, corn syrup, carmel color, potassium sorbate. With two ingredients in their list: vegetable protein from soybeans and purified water, liquid aminos is the winner! Especially since there is no added sugars!!! This product can be purchased at a health food store or on-line.
Health-bite: liquid aminos the better choice over soy sauce
Acts Of Kindness
Each year, I vow to make an attempt to live simply. I go through my clothes, household goods, clean up, move things around in an effort to declutter. Items are gathered up and donated to area non-profits. After all, someone will find these treasures useful, right? For a while, things go pretty good, but then, it's like something inside me snaps. Suddenly, out of the blue, when I least expect it, I need something new. I wrestle within myself this desire that I can easily rationalize. I've worked hard or I deserve it, are only a few of the reasons I can talk myself into giving into the craving. And, just like all the other times, satisfaction is only temporary. So maybe I should try something different.
This year, I am attempting to give more to others. Not just money through donations, although that is one way to give, but through acts of service. Each of us possess some skill or talent that can be used to benefit someone else. It doesn't have to even be anything complicated. Simply providing a meal or visiting a neighbor who is less mobile and doesn't get out much. Labors of love are not forgotten by the receiver and richly benefit both parties. One thing I love about living in the Shenandoah Valley, is people help each other out when life is turned upside down. People come out of no where providing all sorts of assistance.
Did you know was created right here in the Shenandoah Valley? This website came about after the creator's friend suffered an illness and were trying to organize meals for the family. As a result, this site was created, not for personal gain, but in an effort to help others. Now, this useful tool is used all over the world so others can help someone in need of a meals.
Giving of ourselves focuses the attention away from ourselves. Isn't that what we are called to be, selfless? In this world of "it's all about me," that 's tough to do. Society is searching for happiness, but it will not be found seeking self gratification. Consider volunteering, checking on a neighbor, providing a meal for the sick. We all can make a difference. Benefits of service include: community involvement, connections with others, and can transform your life.
Many names come to mind as I reflect on those that might need some type of help. There are folks who are sick and ask for prayer. Others need help with watching the children while they are out. Another needs a ride to a doctor's appointment. Mostly, it's giving of time. Our lives are busy, but isn't it funny we always find the time to do the things we want to do?
Health-bite: acts of kindness benefits the giver and the receiver
Once upon a time, many moons ago, aging was associated with wisdom. Aging was also respected and highly sought after. The eldery in the family would share stories, answer questions, even solve problems. Our culture today, puts no value on the aging. They are gathered up and placed in facilities that are kept safe and secure. Our children rarely see them and when they do, are often afraid.
Now I'm not saying I want to quicken to process of aging or even want to look older than I am, but you won't see me coloring my hair in an effort to look younger. I earned every gray hair I have! I am the mother of three lovely young ladies. Let me tell you, those teenage years added more than just one gray hair! Other health related events likely added a few more. I'm okay with my graying hair. I don't want to look like a teenager....because I'm not. I've lived a few decades now and know a few things about life.
During my girls teenage years, I asked them to not let me dress too young, but I definitely don't want to dress too old either. The benefit of having daughters is they will tell me what looks good. They are also not afraid to give me a look that says, "What are you thinking?" I totally appreciate their honesty. However, it has been suggested more than once, I dye my hair. Frankly, I don't want the maintenance of it. Call it lazy, but it just means more work and effort in chasing youth.
Now skin care is a different story. I won't pay for plastic surgery or expensive skin treatments, but I do use good skin care products. My days in the sun have affected my skin. When I was a teenager, I coveted the tans my friends could aquire. I, of course, burned, freckled, and that order! Using quality skin care products can slow down wrinkles (I really don't want them....but they are here.) I only wished I had used some preventative methods all along, especailly eye cream. The tissues under the eye are more fragile and will age faster. Also ladies, don't forget the neck. Moisturize with a quality product!
I'm totally okay with growing older, but it's okay if there are ways to slow down the process, if possible, by making smart choices. Here are a few tips on the subject, according to Health magazine:
- Drop some pounds, that is, if you are overweight. Being too large can increase risks of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, and possibly taking 12 years off your life. But, being too thin is risky too by increasing the risk for osteoporosis and poor immune function.
- Ease the stress in your life. Chronic stress makes us feel old and actually ages us. So find a way to chill out!
- Keep learning. Education lengthens your life span because it can help you be better informed about how to stay healthy. More education usually means increased income to be able to afford greater access to good health care and insurance.
- Connect with people. Having a positive, meaningful relationships with people is critical to our wellbeing.
- Extend a hand by volunteering. Simply helping out another person lowers our blood pressure.
- Work out often. Three days of cardio and two days of strength training a week.
- Reconsider your protein. A diet rich in processed meats (hot dogs, sausage, cured bacon and cured deli meats) has been linked to higher risks of heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer.
- Don't smoke.
- Sleep better and get more of it. Try for at least 8 hours a night.
Aging is apart of life. Sooner or later it's going to happen, but making better life choices will help us age gracefully.
Health-bite: aging is a part of life....don't stress over it.
Essential Oils
Centuries ago, oils were used as medicine for healing. Today, they are used in difussers, added to salts for a bath, and massage therapy among other things. The first time I was thoroughly introduced to essential oils was during a continuing education course. The hygienist that spoke had taken classes on essential oils and their use in medicine. Particularly, to be used along side today's modern medicine.
I was intrigued at the idea and decided to purchase a few and see for myself. The first thing I did was to place the oil into a diffuser. My family enjoyed the aromas of lavendar, especially after a long day of school or work. Lavendar oil is also beneficial to apply to burns to ease the pain and reduce scaring. I have found more benefits of essential oil.
During my husband's chemotherapy, he was told to apply a lot of lotion to his hands and feet. One of the many side effects was large, painful sores that would develop. This could be particularly debilitating since he was an electrical lineman. Along with the lotion, he applied frankincense essential oil to his hands. He never broke out in those painful sores on either his hands or feet. Of course, saying prayers helped too.
The most sought after oil in this house is the peppermint oil. One of my children suffers with migraines. She has since she was five years old. Once when she had the beginning stages of a migraine, I placed a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil on the nape of her neck and gently massaged the area in upward strokes toward her head. It helped...a lot, according to her. Now, whenever she has the start of a headache, she immediately goes for the peppermint essential oil. If she applies it soon enough, then she can avoid over-the-counter medications. She says the oil doesn't take it completely away, but it's tolerable. Recently, my mother-in-law had a very bad headache. I asked her if she would like to try the oil. Because her presciption medication wasn't working, she said she would try it.
She told me just prior to applying the oil, she would need to lay down and try to sleep it off. I applied the oil, as I always did before, to the nape of the neck and massaged it in upward strokes towards the head. She thanked me and I thought she was going to get up to go lay down, but we sat at the kitchen table for over an hour and had a wonderful conversation. I asked her how she was doing. She told me she felt so much better that she didn't need to go lay down. The next day, she called her friends and told them about the peppermint oil!
Beware, not all oil is the same. There is no governing body that oversees the essentail oil industry and there is no seal of approval. Generally, those that are USDA-certified organic oils are best. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when purchasing essential oils:
- The latin name is listed in the product description. If the label says peppermint essential oil, it could contain filler ingredients.
- The company tests their products (GC/MS) This oil passed a purity test.
- The company's oils offer different prices. So a lemon oil should be much cheaper than rose oil, because it is far easier to extract oil from a lemon than from a flower.
- The oil comes in an amber or dark blue glass bottle to protect it from oxidation.
There are a lot of oils to choose from. In future posts, I will relay more information and stories. Feel free to share your stories too.
Health-bite: learn the benefits of essentail oils
Smoky Three-Bean Bake
This little gem was found in a Cooking Light magazine. I have used it countless times for potlucks and summer picnics. Nothing says summer like baked beans! Therefore, on this snowy day in mid-February, I decided to make this dish....perhaps hoping for an early spring.
Smoky Three-Bean Bake
- 4 applewood-smoked bacon slices, chopped (omit for vegetarian dish)
- 2 cups finely chopped onion
- 1 cup finely chopped green bell pepper
- 6 garlic cloves, minced
- 3/4 cup tomato sauce
- 1/3 cup packed brown sugar
- 1 Tbsp cider vinegar
- 1 Tbsp honey
- 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
- 1 tsp smoked paprika
- 3/4 tsp kosher salt
- 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
- 1/4 tsp ground red pepper
- 1 (15-ounce) can organic black beans, rinsed and drained
- 1 (15-ounce) can organic chickpeas, rinsed and drained
- 1 (15-ounce) can organic great northern beans, rinsed and drained
- preheat oven to 350 degrees
- heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat
- add bacon (if using) and saute` for 5 minutes
- remove bacon from pan with slotted spoon reserving 1 1/2 Tbsp drippings in pan
- set bacon aside
- if not using bacon, heat 1 1/2 Tbsp oil in skillet
- add 2 cups onion, bell pepper, and minced garlic to oil in pan
- sauté for 6 minutes or until tender, stirring occasionally
- remove from heat and cool slightly
- combine tomato sauce and the next 8 ingredients (through red pepper) in a large bowl
- stir in onion mixture and beans
- spoon into a 11 x 7 -inch glass baking dish coated with cooking spray
- cover and bake at 325 degrees for 30 minutes
- uncover and bake an additional 30 minutes
Yield: 8 servings (3/4 cup)
Deep Waters
“Save me, O my God. The floods have risen. Deeper and deeper I sink in the mire; the waters rise around me.” Psalm 67: 1-2
Has this ever been you? Have you ever felt you were sinking so deep into darkness, light might never appear again? Life is hard. For some, life seems more hard than easy. There are lessons to be learned in this life and it is very important to pay attention. We are to be students of the Word. We begin as infants and grow into adults, however, we are to grow spiritually as well. Sadly, many never move past spiritual infancy.
God is the professor who gives assignments. Students who work hard on their assignments and study, do better than those who procrastinate, only half heartedly complete the assignment, or worse, don't work on it at all. Each person has a purpose in representing our true God. Are you working on yours? What grade would you recieve on your assignment?
Where are you in this grid? When challenges arise, how to you respond? Do you look to the Lord for answers and wait patiently for the answer? Maybe you become anxious, aggitated or angry with God and the circumstances that arise. These are not characteristics of God. These negative feelings come form the dark spiritual forces of Satan, who will work day and night to sabotage you spiritually. Don't be lulled into Satan's trap. Satan is the Father of Lies. He will whisper things to you that will bring doubt and fear. Stand firm on the foundation of God, who loves you and wants all that is good for you.
Know also that God's timing is always perfect. Nothing is a surprise to our great creator. In the season of joy...thankfully praise God. In the season of uncertainity...thankfully praise God. In the season of unrest...thankfully praise God. God is molding you and making you into the person you are designed to be.
If you haven't worked on your assignment well enough, and not recieved the grade you need, you will not be allowed to move forward. If you can't move forward, you will start over until the lesson has been learned.
Health-bite: complete the assignments
Skeleton Strong
Bone health. What does that mean exactly and how do I know if my bones are healthy? Bones are living tissues that are constantly changing by building up and breaking down cells. In our younger years, more bone is built up than broken down, however, as we age, that changes. After the age of 50, more cells are broken down than are being built up. Which gives rise to osteopenia and osteoporosis.
Osteopenia is the beginning stages of osteoporosis. It simply means the bones have low bone-mineral density. This condition increases the chance of bone fractures, but changes in diet and exercise can help lessen the chances of bone fractures. Here are some factors that could put you at an increased risk for osteopenia:
- underweight (BMI is under 18.5)
- consuming less than 1,000 mg of calcium daily
- a smoke or a former smoker
- non-active (couch potato)
- history of an eating disorder
- family history of osteoporosis
- drink more than two alcoholic beverages a day
- went through menopause before age 40
- have an autoimmune disease such as RA, lupus, celiac disease IBS, diabetes, hyperthyroidism
- take steroid medications
One way to build bone and keep bones happy is to eat the right stuff.
- Dark green, leafy vegetables not only contain calcium, but heavy doses of Vitamin K.
- Steer clear of too much salt. Too much salt can make the body lose calcium.
- Steer clear of sodas. Studies show that ingredients in soda pop bind to the calcium in the bones and is pulled out of the body.
- Drink milk. Almond and cashew milk have 45% of the calcium recommendations when compared to cow's milk, which only has 25% of the daily allowance.
How about vitamin D. Do you know your vitamin D level? Today, many of us are low on vitamin D. Without that essential vitamin, the bones will not absorb the calcium effectively. Talk to your doctor about your vitamin levels if unsure.
One easy way to get your calcium needs is in a smoothie. By adding almond milk and spinach in a berry smoothie, you will be well on your way to that daily goal!
What is fed the body is vital, however, how we move is just as important. You wouldn't think pounding bones would make things better, but it does. Weight-bearing exercises are crucial in bone health. Stressing the bones and pounding pressure on them cause cells to build new bone, which is exactly what you want. The more, the better.
- Perform weight bearing exercises for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week (jogging, jumping rope, walking).
- Resistance train 2-3 times a week (dumbbells or own body weight).
- Balance exercises whenever there's a chance (yoga or Pilates).
It's never too late to start a healthy lifestyle. What are you waiting for?
Health-bite: keep your skeleton strong
Walk To Run
As spring approaches, more folks will be seen running, jogging, or walking. It is a wonderful outlet for many people to reduce stress, exercise the heart, and be invigorated. For myself, on the other hand, I am not a runner. I want to be. I dream to be, yet I fall short. I have signed up for, and participated in, 5K races in an effort to "be a runner."
A friend suggested I download an app, Couch to 5K. I took her advice, downloaded the app, and started working. All was going well, but my 5K date arrived before I finished all the prep work. For a novice, I didn't do too bad. I just simply didn't prepare.
With great enthusiasm, I started off strong with a light jog. As people passed me on both sides, I thought, "Well good, now they won't be in my way." After what seemed like hours, I noticed I had made it to the first kilometer! Great, I should take a break. My lungs were rebelling against me for this crazy stunt! I finished, but let's just say I didn't break any records! I did learn a lot though....running is hard work! At least for me.
When I ask runners if they enjoy running, most tell me they really don't enjoy it, but enjoy the RESULTS of running. A clear mind, weight control, and overall greater sense of awareness among other things, is what seems to drive runners. I must agree, after I caught my breath, I did feel accomplished. During the next two days following the race, I was aware of my physical inadequacies....
This spring, I'm signing up for at least one 5K. It's an event my whole family can participate in. The cost is low and can help a cause. This time, I plan to start preparation ahead of time. Here are a few tips I ran across (pun intended) in case anyone else is interested in running:
Run everyday
Consistency is the key. By running everyday, the body will improve its ability to burn fat. It also teachs the mind to work through challenges whether physical or mental.
Compete only with yourself
There will always be someone who is faster, so relax. Focus on making personal improvements.
Hang around with serious runners
Spend time with seasoned runners. It will be easier to pick up tidbits such as pace, routes, and what to wear.
Build some muscle
Strength training reduces the impact on joints which will allow for longer running distances.
Find a reason
Sign up to run for a cause. It will help with motivation in reaching goals while raising awareness for organizations that make a difference.
As spring approaches, there will be more races to choose from. There is a website available to find races anywhere in the country. Go to Running In The USA to find races at all levels.
Health-bite: prepare for the race
Fried Rice
This is as close to take-out fried rice as I have tasted. What I like about this recipe is it is not necessary use cooked, cooled rice like so many other recipes call for. Feel free to add chicken, pork, or shrimp.
Fried Rice
- 2 cups rice
- 4 tsp soy sauce
- 1 tsp cornstarch
- 2 TBSP hoisin sauce
- 2 TBSP rice wine vinegar
- 2 TBSP fresh lime juice
- 1 tsp chili paste with garlic
- 2 TBSP canola oil, divided
- 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
- 1 cup chopped white onion
- 1 tsp grated peeled fresh ginger
- 3 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 cup frozen green peas, thawed
- 1/2 cup chopped green onions
- Place 2 cups of rice in a pot with 4 cups water. Bring to a boil, lower heat and cook until all liquid is absorbed, about 25 minutes.
- Combine soy sauce, hoisin sauce, and next 3 ingredients (through chili paste) in a small bowl.
- Add 1 tablespoon oil. Add white onion, ginger, and garlic. Cook 2 minutes or until fragrant. Add cooked rice, cook 1 minute. Add peas; cook 1 minute.
- Push rice mixture to the side of the wok and add eggs to open side. Cook 45 seconds, stirring constantly; stir eggs into rest of rice mixture. Add sauce mixture and cook an additional 2 minutes.
- Remove from heat and add green onions .
Tongue Damage
“So also the tongue is a small thing, but what enormous damage it can do.” James 3:5
How profound is the statement above. There are many passages in the Bible referencing the tongue. Some that speak of praise, but many others referencing hurt and lies. It's such a small thing, but can leave such huge scars. We praise with it, speak sweet, loving words with it. Yet, also use it to curse and destroy.
Its use is necessary for eating and speaking. The tongue is necessary in our health too. It moves foods around to aid chewing. Moving foods down to our stomach for digestion, the tongue is a necessary muscle, yet we seldom think of the tongue day to day.
When brushing the teeth, brushing the tongue is also essential. Eighty percent of bacteria live on top of the tongue. Even doing a stellar job brushing and flossing will not eliminate the majority of bacteria unless the tongue is cleaned too. I personally like tongue scrapers. It can feel strange at first, even gaggy; but with time, the tongue will get used to it. Even being able to place it back further that before.
Cleaning the tongue will freshen breath and improve overall oral health. So now that we have the tongue clean and fresh, how will you manage your tongue today? Will you help others with kind words? Lift someone up that is feeling down? Praise your neighbor for a job well done? Say, "Hello" to a stranger?
The tongue is both a weapon. Yielding in anger and hurt destroying relationships and leaving scars that can be felt for a lifetime. The tongue is also a comfort. Building up others with sweet, soft words of praise. Practice love, practice patience, practice restraint, practice contentment.....practice happiness. It's a choice. You are who you choose to be.
Health-bite: keep the tongue clean in all ways
Where's The Charcoal?
The first thing I think of, when I hear the word charcoal, is hamburgers and hot dogs. In the summer, the potent smell can make one's mouth start to water! I had never heard of activated charcoal until I read it in Rachel Weaver's book, "Be Your Own Doctor." Apparently, it's really good for belly aches, poisons, infections, and other things. Alternative medicine is something I'm unfamilair with. I take my vitamins, use essential oils occasionally, but to really try and heal something myself seems too good to be true. It's scary actually, largely due to it not being "main stream." What if I add too much or not enough of something. I just don't know.
So I took a chance and ordered activated charcoal off of The book said it was good to have in the household "just in case." Okay, I'll bite. My shipment came two days ago. I had it sitting on the counter and wondered, where am I going to keep this?
Yesterday, our family went out to eat to celebrate a birthday. One of us ate too much fried food, mashed potatoes, rolls, and cookies. Top it off with chemo pills and tummy is upset!
Now normally, our household is up at least until 10:00 - 10:30 each night, but this night, someone was feeling sick. I mean really sick. Pancreatitis is quite painful. After stirring back and forth, lying down and not being able get comfortable, I remembered this book I had recently purchased.
Looking through the table of contents, I found a page about charcoal and how charcoal water can settle the stomach. So I mixed it up. Waited the required 30 minutes and presented it to the patient.
The patient was not thrilled looking at this glass of grey/black water. Frankly, I'd be wary of me too! I don't know about this either. I did take a sip so I could sell it and how it tastes so good. Actually, it tastes just like water. Reluctantly, the patient took a couple of sips, laid down and went fast to sleep.
The next morning, there were no signs or symptoms of the previous night. The pain was gone in just a few moments and we were able to sleep through the night. I'm liking this stuff!
Recipe: mix 1/4 cup activated charcoal to 2 quarts water; cap the jar and mix well, wait 30 minutes, pour into a glass. Drink as much as needed during the day. Refill the jar as often as you wish until all the charcoal is used up.
Health-bite: charcoal water for stomach upset/nausea
Working In The Work Out
Finding it difficult to work in a work out? Schedules are tight and family demands don't always allow for getting a decent work out in. Not to worry, there's hope. During the day, take time to stretch. Stand up, take a deep breath and reach for the ceiling. Clasp fingers together and gently bend backward, exhale and release the tension that's been building for the last few hours. Unclasp the fingers bringing shoulder blades together gradually bringing elbows down to the side. Ahhhh, that feels good. Here's another stretch...while in the seated position, lift arms overhead and bend touching elbows. Gently rock side to side releasing tension. It's amazing how a few little stretches throughout the day will benefit the body. Tension adds muscle tightness, which leads to aches and pains. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep muscles refreshed and toxins moving through the body.
A number of sites provide easy to do exercises with videos. Listed here are two ways to work in that work out throughout the day. The 28-day squat challenge and 5 bodyweight moves don't require anything but a few moments of time and a willingness to live better and stronger. There is no special workout equipment or expensive club memberships to purchase. It truly is amazing how strong the body can be and how amazing it can look and feel with some effort. Be takes time.
Health-bite: work in a few daily moves
Making A Smooth Work Week
Meal planning can be fun and exciting. The best thing about it is getting to choose what foods appear on the menu. Sometimes, foods appear on my menu because a family member has a special request or has a favorite food. Choosing recipes that contain foods that are on sale can help save money while still eating healthy. Once the menu has been determined, make the shopping list. Including all the items necessary for the week. One way to save money is to stock up on staples when they are on sale. Items such as canned and dried beans and legumes, canned tomatoes, rice, lentils, quinoa, farro, vegetable and/or chicken stock, and pasta have a long shelf life. These items will be used frequently, so expiration will likely not be an issue. To make things simpler and speedier throughout the work week, plan to spend about a hour prepping the fresh vegetables and cooking the dried beans, if using. So, if two of the recipes this week call for chopped onions, chop enough for both recipes and store in an air-tight container. Same with other fresh veggies. If using avocado or berries, it's best to cut/rinse those the time they are needed. If food preparation will be speedier throughout the week, there will be less chance of grabbing something high in calories or fat due to hunger pangs. With some thought and planning, success will be in reach for a healthier, more nutritious suppers.
Health-bite: plan for the week ahead
The Weakest Link
What is the stumbling block that gets in the way of the goal plan? Everyone has failures from time to time. In the dental office, patients say they floss every day for about two weeks after their cleaning....then, something happens. After a medical diagnosis, patients get really interested in doing what it takes to counteract the problem...then something happens. Goals come and go. Why can't they come and stay? Why can't people stay on track?
Proper planning may be the key. What gets measured, gets done! Make a plan for success. Make goals that are achievable. Leave daily reminders if necessary. There are plenty of apps for phones to help with encouragement and reminders to help stay on track.
- Getting too hungry may be a weak point in which grabbing anything and everything may be a stumbling block. Counteract by taking along some healthy snacks and drink lots of water. Many times thirst makes one feel stay hydrated. Keeping healthy foods on hand in the refrigerator can help with healthy choices. Keep some fresh cut veggies and hummus, quinoa and garbanzo bean salad, quinoa and black bean salad, or fresh fruit on hand when those munchies seem too big to handle!
- Some days exercising seems like too much. Maybe being overly tired is the weak point. Getting enough sleep is essential in staying healthy. The body has a chance to heal during periods of sleep and rest. Over and over again, studies show the benefits of sleep, so don't deprive the body of what it needs. Getting enough rest will allow for exercise and exercise will help boost the body's energy levels.
- Perhaps the stumbling block takes the form of another person. Often the people in the circle of life, create a weak point in the goal. The greatest influence and impact in life are the people in them. Surrounded by like-minded, goal-oriented people will help create an environment suitable to accomplish the tasks.
Health-bite: discover and strengthen the weakest link
Eating Out and Not Blowing It!
Eating out is a treat! Once in a while, I will get a night off. At least in our house, I cook almost every night. That wasn't always the case. Our family used to eat out a lot, and I'm sorry to say, it was mostly fast food. With a busy schedule, it was easy and the kids were happy. With three active children, it seemed my taxi service was always in demand. Ball games, Girl Scouts, music lessons...someone needed to go somewhere. In hind sight, I would have liked it to be different. I was uneducated about the nutritional emptiness in fast food. High fat, high calories, low nutrition...not to mention the costs. Fortunately, my family is better educated and make wiser choices about the foods they eat and where they eat.
All-you-can-eat buffets are a big stumbling block, if calories are being counted. It's really easy to over consume, particularly since those spoons are too large and portion sizes are difficult to determine! We used to choose quantity over quality, but no more. I'm not saying it's wrong not to indulge from time to time. Enjoying foods is a nice pleasure in life. The problem occurs when we get mixed up about what food is. Do you eat to live or live to eat? If you are in the second might have a problem with food. Think about that for a moment. Once aware of the difference, changes can be made to slow down and think about WHAT is being consumed.
So here are some tips for staying on track next time. Maybe just choose two or three tips to try.
Consider ordering food that is "healthy", "low fat", or those on the "lighter" menu.
Beware of low-carb choices...they are usually loaded with fat.
Drink at least one glass of water before the meal arrives.
Once the meal arrives, ask for a box and place half the meal in the box to take home.
If ordering a salad, ask for the dressing on the side. Creamer dressings are higher in calories. Use the fork-dip method by dipping the fork into the salad dressing first, then skewer the salad. It's surprising how much dressing is left once the salad is gone!
Skip the drinks. This includes sweet tea and sodas. Consuming empty calories is a quick way to consume too many calories, especially, if the server continues to top it off. It's best to stick with water.
Order fish.
Ask the server to skip the bread basket.
Skip dessert. Although very tempting, serving sizes are too large and can contain as many calories as the main course.
Choosing to eat a home is ultimately the best choice, because there is control over the ingredients. It's fun to go out though, especially on special occasions. So get dressed up and enjoy the evening with family and/or friends.
Health-bite: don't get caught eating a day's calories in one sitting
An Unexpected Meeting
“Come to me and I will give you rest—all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke.” Matthew 11:28
We were running a little late to the appointment. As usual, I was up early (I'm an early riser by nature) and was trying to get more things accomplished than I should have. Whoa! Look at the time, gotta go!
These appointments usually take most of the day. Blood work, speaking with the doctor, then IV chemotherapy. A packed bag includes water, snacks, reading material, cards to write, and of course our necessary electronics. Enough stuff to try and pass the time, yet trying to be fruitful.
With a 9:00 doctor appointment, we well expected to be able to get home at a decent hour. Maybe in time to cook a good supper, although I did put some beans in the crock pot, just in case. Not long after checking in, a man came over and introduced himself as a volunteer chaplain.
He told us he normally doesn't visit in the cancer center, but today, he was. My husband, the conditioned catholic he was, began an almost confession proclaiming Jesus as his Savior. Archie, as we introduced ourselves, smiled and told him he just came over to say hello.
Now normally, there is maybe a 10 minute wait before the appointment is set in motion, however, this day was different. Other patients came in and were taken back. Meanwhile, Joe and Archie talked about football, work, faith, and life. Normally, Joe would be antsy about why it was talking so long to get started, but I was the one wondering and, admittedly, growing a bit impatient. After 45 minutes, I finally asked what was going on. As it turned out, Joe wasn't on the schedule to see the doctor that day. He was on the chemo schedule, but not to worry, they were working him in.
Surprisingly, Joe was at ease with sitting and waiting. As all three of us sat there, sharing life stories, it became evident this was no chance meeting. God was visiting the cancer center in the form of a volunteer chaplain, named Archie, who was bringing hope, reassurance, and love to his people. Christ continues to carry us through difficult times, and we rest in His arms knowing how deep his love is for us.
“For God sometimes uses sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from sin and seek eternal life.” 2 Corithnians 7:10
God loves to give surprises. He has given me some really wonderful ones in my life. You see, we had a 9:00 appointment with Archie, who was sent from God. He is on time, never late, bringing peace, reassurance, and love. As we were about to leave to see the doctor, Archie told us that God wanted us to know He loves us. Joe and I got a hug from God and it felt great!
Health-bite: rest in the arms of Jesus who will carry you