Giving Outside Of The Box
What a joyous time of year! So many things to do: shopping, addressing cards, choosing gifts, baking, visiting, and the list goes on. This time of year gives many people pleasure and excitement, yet for some, a sense of dread and loneliness. In this modern era, the joy of Christ is pushed to the side for the materialism that Christmas has become. Consumers are bombarded with the start of the season along side back to school shopping. We have been conditioned to “think of everyone” by purchasing them a gift. How can we think of everyone and be financially sound at the end of the month? Have you ever received a gift that was later re-gifted? Chances are each of us has re-gifted an item at one time or another. Why do we drive ourselves crazy buying up anything and everything? It’s because we want others to know how much we care for them. Likely, the people in our lives already know how much we care for them. Now that the list is made, it’s time to get going. Wading through the crowded stores to find just the right gift can be both confusing and frustrating. Shopping on-line can be helpful, but all too often retailers entice us to purchase more to avoid shipping costs. Retailers reward the gift givers by giving away an additional gift card for the purchaser. Now both the giver and receiver get gifts. What’s a savvy shopper to do?
For many, Christmas has become a financial burden and a rat race that leaves a feeling of exhaustion. The day is supposed to be marked as a celebration of the birth of our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. How can we re-focus our attention to what Christmas is meant to represent? To live differently, one has to think differently. That’s easier said than done. Instead of full filling the “wish list” for the family, perhaps consider full filling a need list for someone you may never meet.
Give with purpose to a charity that helps others in the honor of someone
Adopt a needy family
Prepare freezer meals for an elderly or shut-in
Purchase gifts from a fair trade organization
Give a gift of time like baby sitting or dinner out
Host a pot luck to bring others together
Volunteer to ring the Salvation Army bell as a family
Last year, our family began to streamline our gift giving. We have parents that really don’t need anything and usually purchase what they want. Our siblings usually exchange gift cards to restaurants, which is the same each year. We tried exchanging names in the past, but some of the family didn’t want to participate because it was too draining financially. Instead of purchasing gifts for the adults in our family, we decided donate to charities in their honor. My office typically adopts a family for Christmas instead of exchanging gifts for each other. There are many ways to celebrate Christmas and many ways to glorify the birth of Christ. What Christmas memories and traditions will you leave?
health-bite: give a gift that will last---yourself
The New Tobacco
For years, ad campaigns show consumers the negative side of tobacco use. Taxes have increased making it more difficult to purchase tobacco products, but I have another addiction issue that is affecting more of us than tobacco. I'll even go as far as to say it's more addicting because it's in virtually everything consumed. Sugar is the new tobacco. Words spoken over a message from a smart phone. The words ring true to me as I have been conducting an action research study about sugars and how it affects our health. I’ve written several posts relating to sugars and its addicting properties. The population is gaining more girth, while Big Food is gaining more profits.
Back in the 1970’s a call to action was made when heart disease was reaching an all time high. Scientists from all over the world where summoned to figure out why the increase in heart disease and a plan to stop it. One scientist, Ancel Keys, a professor from the University of Minnesota, announced that fat was making us fat. He proposed removing fat from our foods was the answer to a healthier heart. As a response to an ongoing call from the public to have healthier food choices, Big Food wasted no time in providing us with “low fat” and “fat free” options. Something needed to be added to the ingredient list so that the food didn’t taste like cardboard. You guessed it…sugar! And we’ve been getting fatter and fatter ever since.
The “no fat” option did not help the heart disease epidemic either; nor has it helped our waist lines. With Type II diabetes on the increase, something else must be the cause. Another voice, spoke out in opposition, John Yudkin, founder of the nutrition department at the University of London’s Queen Elizabeth College, had a different spin on the situation. Yudkin had been doing his own experiments and laid blame not on fat, but the consumption of sugar. His research in laboratory animals fed sugar and carbohydrates showed raised blood levels of tryglycerides which is considered a risk factor for heart disease. Sugar also raised insulin levels, which links it directly to type 2 diabetes. For years, we have known there is a link between oral and systemic disease. High carbohydrate intake can been seen in the oral cavity between weeks or months, however the systemic effects may take decades.
Two patients come to mind that I want you to meet. When Mr. A came into my operatory two years ago, he had a full list of health concerns: diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease to name a few. His medical doctor told him he would likely be on dialysis within four years. He was unable to walk any length of time due to being short of breath and walked with a cane. A year later, Mr. A was back to playing golf, had drastically reduced his diabetes medications while completely eliminating others. He was enjoying life once more. His oral health had also improved. So what changed? Everything! He became a vegetarian, and eats primarily beans, grains and vegetables. He will have some dairy, but very little and almost NO sugar other than honey. He says he feels better now than he has in years.
Ms. C came into my operatory recently looking thin. At first, I thought she was going to tell me had been really sick, and I guess in some way, she was. Ms. C told me she quit eating sugar thirteen months ago! What?!? I asked her what happened thirteen months ago that made her quit eating sugar. Previously, she was diagnosis with Type II diabetes. Even though she went to the gym on a regular basis, she had been unable to loose weight or control the diabetes. When the doctor told her it was time for insulin, that’s when she decided it was time to get serious. She gave up fermentable carbohydrates and lost 65 pounds. She says she feels great, but this new way of eating is difficult when going out to eat. She is determined to continue this lifestyle as she no longer takes any diabetic medications. That’s right…NONE!
What an inspiration they are to all of us. Sugar is the new tobacco. It’s killing us one spoonfull at a time. No amount of exercise will ever beat a bad diet. What we consume should feed our cells, not our tongue. Isn’t it time your took control of what you eat?
health-bite: sugar is serious stuff
Staying Sugar Free
It's the time of year where sugary foods are found at the office, parties, and at home. Baking goodies as gifts has been a way to let others know you are thinking of them. Sugar cravings can become strong and temptations are difficult to resist for those who have a sweet tooth. How is a person to maintain a healthy lifestyle with so much eye candy? Here are a few tips that can help:
Protein up: Protein is a plays a valuable role in balancing the blood sugar levels. Often times when a craving for sugar or carbohydrate hits, what is needed is a good source of protein. It's also digested at a slower rate than carbohydrates and the protein-rich foods are usually low on the glycemic index.
Balanced sugar level: When sugar is ingested, blood sugar levels spike and that "sugar rush" is reached. Whatever goes up, comes down and that crash can leave the body feeling sluggish and desperate for another sugar fix. Stabilize the blood sugar by consuming meals that include a mix of complex carbohydrates, fiber, healthy fats and protein. Since this mix will take a while to break down and absorb, the blood sugar level will be more balanced and cravings for sugar will be reduced.
Drink water: Staying well hydrated improves digestion, reduces pain, lubricates joints, fuels cells, transports chemical messengers throughout the body, enhances kidney function, and keeps up feeling energized. Studies show drinking water prior to a meal will prevent overeating and may lead to weight loss. When satiety is reached, there is a less likely chance of indulging in a cookie or a slice of cake.
Go to sleep: Sleep deprivation increased the production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin. When the body is sleep deprived, the chances of eating junk food like pizza and candy are greatly increased. These foods activate the reward centers of the brain which indicates likely unhealthy choices will be made when the body is really craving is sleep. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night and those sugar cravings will reduce or may even disappear altogether.
Sip some tea: Before reaching for a sugary snack, brew a cup of tea first. By the time the water gets hot and the tea seeps, the craving will likely pass. Choosing a tea with spices like cinnamon, ginger or turmeric will help regulate blood sugar.
Keep sugar out: The best way to beat sugar cravings is to not purchase them in the first place. If the sugary treats aren't in the house, there is a less likely chance of temptation. Instead stock the pantry and fridge with fresh vegetable, fruits, nuts, seeds, spices and teas that is in ready reach when a craving or hunger strikes.
health-bite: fight off sugar cravings
It's Not About The Food
How many days a week do you eat together as a family? I grew up with a stay-at-home mom who pinched every penny. We ate every meal together unless my brother and I were at school. Eating out for my family happened about twice a year. Fast forward into today’s busy mainstream America. Most of us are running from place to place, and the children are often on their own to find food. Grabbing some cereal for supper and going into their room or sitting in front of the television is considered normal in this day. Eating together as a family is still as important now as it was then. Yes, it’s more difficult with after school activities and/or work, but it can be and should be done.
Family meal time is a moment in a busy day to connect as a family, learn about how each other’s day went, and bond together. There are numerous benefits for children who share in the family dining experience at the kitchen table. A family who cooks together even has greater experiences. Learning basic cooking and communication skills are just a couple of benefits. According to a research study by the University of Florida, families who dine together at the dinner table are better adjusted, family bonds are stronger, eat more nutritional meals, are less likely to be overweight, and are not as likely to abuse alcohol or other drugs.
Things to consider when planning your meal time:
- Eating in front of the television, although together, does not promote communication.
- Picking up fast food and eating at the dinner table, does not promote nutritious meals.
Here are some tips to get the whole family at the dinner table:
- Make meal time a priority. Set regular meal times and let everyone know what time dinner will be and that they must be home.
- Start small. If the family is not used to eating together, plan two or three days per week and increase more as time goes on.
- Make family meals fun by allowing the children or teens to help plan and prepare the meals. Of course, the parents will have the final say what the menu will be, but allowing the other members of the family to participate can create a fun environment.
- Keep conversation light and humorous while at the dinner table. No criticizing of each other allowed. Creating a positive environment will lead to healthy communication.
- Eliminate distractions like television and cell phones.
- Be a good role model by showing children good table manners and etiquette.
- Eat slowly, because this is an opportunity to spend precious family time together. It’s not about the food, it’s about the family.
This week, plan family time together with food at the kitchen table. You’ll be amazed at the fun conversations that arise and the close bonding that occurs. No, it won’t solve every family dispute or problem, but it will give a foundation to which can grow and become strong.
Health-bite: It’s not about the food, it’s about the family
My Sugar Addiction
I think I’ve been addicted to sugar all my life. When I was little, I would sneak cookies from the cookie jar, and would frequently ask my dad to buy me a candy bar at the store check out. When I was old enough, I started baking cookies, brownies, and cakes. Not sure how all of this sugar stuff started, but I’ve been feeding my cravings for years. There wasn’t a reason for me to stop the habit initially, even though I knew it wasn’t considered healthy. For most of my life, I’ve been able to maintain my weight, did not have problems with my teeth, and have been healthy…according to my doctor. It wasn’t until my spouse was diagnosed with cancer that I started looking into health, particularly, food.
The more I learned about systemic disease and cancer, I was convinced that sugar is a primary culprit in disease. What I found frustrating is that my husband’s doctors did not really touch on foods to eat or avoid. When I asked about sugars, one oncologist told me that cancer will feed on anything and that it’s not necessary to avoid sugars. On the other hand, when a patient has a PET scan (an image to help diagnose cancer), the patient drinks sugar water prior to the scan. Why? Because the sugar water goes directly to the cancer cells or tumor. If cancer doesn’t consume sugar, why use sugar water?
So why stop consuming sugar? Here a just a few reasons:
- Sugar has no nutritional value and is only adding empty calories, and empty calories mean you are hungry more often.
- Loose weight, because consuming empty calories and eating more often leads to weight gain.
- Have more energy, because instead of the highs and lows of the sugar rush, you will have sustained energy.
According to the Web MD, between 2001-2004, Americans consumed an average of 22 teaspoons of sugar a day, amounting to a 355 calories.
It’s not easy. So what’s the first step? Decide you are going to cut out sugars. You can decide how far you want to go. Will you give up added simple sugars or will you give up starchy pastas and potatoes too? You decide. See now you feel is a few days. First, though, set yourself up for success. Remove temptation from your eyes and brain. If you have cookies or soda in the house, get rid of it. This may not be so easy, so be prepared.
- Stock your pantry and refrigerator with alternatives to sugars.
- Prepare snacks ahead of time: celery and no-sugar added peanut butter, nuts like almonds or cashews, fruit like apples, grapes, etc. (you will enjoy fruit more once you give up the table sugars) and enjoy a fruit smoothie, hummus and veggies, and chips and salsa
- Have meals ready to go when you get home from work or school.
- Convince a friend or family member to do the challenge with you.
- Keep a food journal so you can see your progress. I like My Fitness Pal
- Weigh yourself in the beginning of the challenge and then again in two weeks.
It’s exciting to see what progress is being made. When you start to feel better, you'll want to continue. Remember, moderation is key. It's okay to have some sugar once in a while. Just know that sugar is a treat NOT a food.
Health-bite: Feel better without sugar.
Chronic Inflammation and Sugar
People are living longer, largely due to better medical care and early diagnosis. Yet, in spite of information to live healthy, pharmaceutical companies continue to grow and thrive. Why, with so many people taking statin drugs (cholesterol), is heart disease still the number one killer? Recently, I had a patient who informed me he is pre-diabetic. I inquired by asking him if he was doing anything differently with this new health concern. He confided that he is now monitoring what he is eating so he doesn’t have to take more pills. Apparently, his wife does not feel the same way. Her recommendation was to take the medications and eat he wants. Two very different ways in dealing with a health issue. What would you do? Our culture has moved far away from healthy living, and now many are paying the price for it. Prepared, processed foods loaded with sugars and harmful fats have expanded our waistlines and caused our health to decline. It’s so easy to unknowingly purchase foods that have added sugars. As a matter of fact, I recently purchased some chips that were certified organic, gluten free, etc. However, I neglected to read the ingredients prior to the purchase. Once at home, I was made aware that cane sugar was an added ingredient. Our tongues are so used to sweets; nothing else tastes quite as good.
The more I research sugars, the more I’m convinced it’s the leading cause of chronic health related concerns. When sugars are consumed, the pH in the mouth drops making an acidic environment conducive to cavities and dental disease. Studies have shown that consuming sugars and inflammation go hand-in-hand. As a matter of fact, chronic gingivitis (bleeding gums) could mean a future diagnosis of Type II diabetes. Medical literature continues to publish the connection between the oral-systemic link, making it crucial we monitor what we eat.
So why don’t we just give up sugar? Because it tastes so good. When I ask people why they chose to drink soda instead of water, the answer is always the same. Soda tastes good and water doesn’t. We have trained our brains to love and crave sugar, and as a result, we need more and more to feel satisfied. Our blood sugar rises rapidly then drops down making us feel lethargic. But, that’s okay…..just have more sugar! What a vicious cycle.
Challenge yourself this week to give up sugars; at least the added sugars in foods and drinks. See how you feel by day seven. Will you have more energy? Will you loose weight? Will you feel better?
Health-bite: you are what you eat
How much does your debt weight?
Saving money…no one wants to spend more than necessary. Don’t we want the best deal, sale or bargain? The bible teaches us to be good stewards of our money; yet, many of us were never taught how to be good stewards. Many parents don’t teach their children about the responsibilities of money. My parents gave me an allowance, so I learned to save money to buy things, but never how to invest it or why I should save it. Money can also create conflict between couples when one is a “spender” and the other is a “saver.” Money can make us a prisoner or it can be freeing.
Recently, Dave Ramsey has become a household name. He was introduced to me initially by one of my daughter’s friends. Now his pod casts are playing frequently in the background. I like his no nonsense approach to debt. Like so many Americans, I was told to get a job, get a house and make a life. That's what we did, but not really in our budget. We took out a mortgage, auto loans, and credit cards. Pretty soon, we had the American dream…..debt! It’s a snowball that difficult to get out of.
Compounded by the extravagant life we want others to see, the debt cycle continues. There’s no way to catch up unless we “cease fire” on the current lifestyle and live simply. Simply doesn’t mean poor, it means not being entertained every weekend by dining out or going to the movies. It means cooking and eating at home at every meal. It could mean you are boring for a while. Wouldn’t it feel so free to not have debt…including a mortgage? What a weight that would be lifted?
Living debt free will give the opportunity to give to others freely and bless them with the abundance that God so wants. If you are interested in learning more about being debt free, I invite you to check out Dave Ramsey. His Christian view on money is spot on.
Health-bite: become debt-free
New Beginnings, New Stress
New beginnings and new routines can be exciting, but also stressful. Maybe it would be less stressful if we, as people, learned how to relax. I’m probably the worst when it comes to taking care of self, but also know that it’s important. Recently, I had a conversation with a woman who had recently retired from a very stressful job. Within several months, she reported she felt better and has been able to get off some of her medications. Not only that, she has lost weight. Many of us carry around too much stress causing health risks. We say yes without letting go of something else. Technology is supposed to make things easier, convenient and efficient. Is this efficiency allowing us to take on more? We have our calendars at our fingertips, and social media to let everyone know our latest status. Are we so busy recording our life we forget to live it? Side note: I wonder if the next generation will be able to stand up straight, since nowadays people are bent over looking at their cellular devices.
Granted, there are segments in life when raising a family creates a lot of hustle and bustle. In my generation the “woman” of the house bore the main responsibility of child rearing and caring for the home, even if she held down a full-time job. Today’s generation has a more team approach. This is good on all fronts with both parents working together. I’m on the other end of child rearing as my daughters are now in their 20s. Still, stress creeps in with family, job, finances, illness, and thoughts of the future. A certain amount of stress, I think, gets us up and going; somewhere to be or something to do. We just have to be careful not to spend too much time thinking about certain situations.
If your family is suffering because of stress, then it’s time to make a change. Stress, from even one person, rubs off and affects everyone in the family. It’s time to deal with it before too much damage is done.
Here are some tips for handling stress:
- Get plenty of sleep
- Eat a healthy diet—not fast or processed food
- Pray—carve out some quiet time each day
- Say NO to added responsibilities
- Make a to do list and check it off—and it’s okay if everything didn’t get done
Health-bite: stress is a part of life; it’s how you deal with it that matters
Whoops, I didn't mean to ask for help.
It was a Monday when she came in the office excited to tell me about her new grandson. Beaming from ear to ear, she told me all about this new addition to her family. In the conversation, she admitted to gaining quite a bit of weight, and if I would help her, well that would be great. "Maybe I can," was my rely. "How much sugar is in your diet?" I asked. "Oh, honey. I have to have sugar. It gets me through the day," was her answer. So I asked her why she chose sugary drinks instead of drinking water. Dehydration will slow down the body, so keeping hydrated with water will actually give you quite a bit of energy. She told me she doesn't like the taste of water, but she does drink the flavored, bottled water sometimes. Occasionally, in the morning she will also put some honey and lemon in her water before she goes to work. Wait, there's more.
I'm beginning to sense some defense, but I keep going. "Do you prepare your own meals or do you tend to eat out?" I ask. "I don't have time to cook with my busy schedule. I usually go to McDonalds. You know it's amazing what you can eat in a car driving down the road," she chuckles. "I order the chicken sandwich with tomato, lettuce, and cheese. That's well balanced, right?" Oh, boy.
Now it's clear to me why she had gained the extra weight. She is busy and stressed. Unable or unwlling (I'm thinking the later) to prepare herself for the battles ahead, she has fallen in the pit of a fast food cycle. Of course, it's easy and convenient, but it's not a healthy choice if weight loss is the goal. I was beginning to understand she wasn't ready to make a change. Even though she asked for help, she wasn't ready to take the necessary steps to reach her goals. Every question I asked was lined with excuses and defense. In retrospect, I should have asked her what measures she had laid out to reach her goal. Her answers would have help me better understand if she was ready and willing to make some changes.
Hopefully, our conversation will replay back to her the next time she thinks about her weight issue or her next McDonalds trip. Sometimes, even though we want to change, we just aren't ready to commit to the hard work.
health-bite: it takes hard work to make a change
Don't Exercise Like This....
Have you ever watched a hamster play with their favorite toy? That wheel is very entertaining and yet, the hamster doesn’t seem to tire. Over and over again, the hamster spins around as if it’s seen a ghost and can’t get away fast enough! It doesn’t seem to care that it’s not going anywhere. If only we could be as satisfied, but we are humans, not a hamster.
Sometimes, our lives can mimic this same past time. We don’t mean to, but we, like the hamster, start spinning in circles. We just think we are going somewhere, but guess what? We get caught in a cycle we want to climb out of, but our wheel is going so fast, we are afraid to jump off. Over and over again, we keep doing the same things hoping for a different outcome. Guess what? That is the definition of insanity. When the same action is taken over and over and expecting a different answer, that’s the hamster wheel.
Are you on a cycle of insanity? Spinning around and not going anywhere? It happens to everyone at some point. Just don't stay there! Get off...quick! For some, the wheel is our job that is not satisfying and a manager that is “out to get you.” Maybe it’s an attitude of behavior that make’s you feel like “nobody cares.” It can be any number of things that keep you on that wheel.
If you are tired of going no where, or have a friend or family member who is on the wheel, it’s time to get off! It comes down to a state of mind over matter. So many times, we try to fix the other person, when it’s us that needs fixing. How we respond to the situation is vital to its outcome. Is the person you are conversing with angry? If you follow the course, you’ll be angry too. Is that what you want? Responding with compassion, love, and understanding will allow a different type of outcome. Is your manager unreasonable? Maybe there is something going on you are unaware of. Having the courage to respond differently with humble humility may make work life better.
Behaviors are engrained in us. We have been practicing them for a long time. They are who we have become and the cycles are not easily broken. It will take a conscience effort and a friend to help keep you on track along the way. If you are on the hamster wheel, ask a good, honest friend to help you get off. Make a plan of action and discuss it with your friend. Be prepared. Accountability for our actions is a successful way to be free. Meet regularly in person or a phone call to discuss success and failures with your friend. It’s important to keep the objective in the forefront so you will be prepared when the “wheel’ shows up again. Life is too short to spin on a wheel. Get off and start living a happy life!
What experiences have you had with the hamster wheel?
How You Should Spend The First 5-Minutes Of Your Day
A number of years ago, my family joined a health club. It was there that I was turned on to yoga and it's benefits. As a novice, I was unable to articulate the exact poses, but over time I gained flexibility. My yoga practice has slacked off a bit since dropping the membership, but every now and then, I'll whip out that mat and practice some yoga moves. So what's the benefits?
During the meditation portion, I pray to my Lord and breathe, relax, focus. The stretches are different each day. Some days I can bend easier than another. At the end, though, I feel good. Stretching those muscles will help reduce pain and fatigue during the work day. Balance and flexibilty decrease as we age, which leads to injuries. Just taking a few minutes each day can be so beneficial. Like everyone else, however, I can give myself some great excuses why I can't practice yoga today. I'm tired, cold, too many things to do. Let's face it, though, we really have time for the things we want to do. Recently, I read an article about incorporating yoga into the daily routine. Here are some tips I learned, which will help us all.
Place your mat beside your bed
Place your mat beside your bed. It will be the first thing you feel when you get up. That way you are reminded of your goal to practice yoga. If space is a challenge, place your mat in the walkway to the coffee pot. Either way, walking across the mat and seeing the mat will remind you of your practice goals.
Break the yoga rules
Yes, you can wear socks on your mat if your feet are cold. Remember you are trying to just get started. After a few poses, though, I'll bet those socks come off.
Wear yoga friendly PJs
If you have to change your clothes, you're not going to practice, especially if you are cold. Try to find some comfortable clothes that will be comfortable for sleeping but not too loose for yoga.
Try Yin Yoga
Yin yoga is a series of stretches that will encouarge flexibility and the feeling of well being. It will help with tension as well the strength. It can also provide relaxation and peace as you begin your day.
Child's pose
If nothing else, just do child's pose. This pose, as simple as it is, stretches hips, quads, and lower back. It's the easiest pose in yoga, yet provides so much.
Even if you only have 5 minutes, stretch your sleepy muscles. Tension, stress, and a variety of activities await you. Take time now to honor your body, mind, and soul.
health-bite: start the morning with yoga
Spring Into Gardening
New beginnings, re-birth, green grass, colorful flowers, and of course...allergies. I've been blessed not to suffer from seasonal allergies, however, a fair amount of people do. Just look at the sale ads and commercials offering medications that claim their product is the best choice to alleviate the suffering of runny noses, watery eyes, and sneezes. In an eariler post, I commented about how alfalfa can be used to diminish allergies, even permanently. It may work for some, but will take persistence and time.
Spring is also a time to enjoy being out doors. Since I work inside all day, I'm busting to get home, get supper done and go outside. For me, working in the garden is a great stress reliever. In the end, I'm working out my frustrations and have something of beauty in the end. For years, I primarily gardened flowers with an occasional tomato and pepper plant. Last summer though, my husband tilled up a patch so I could plant some food for us. Thinking back, it does seem silly to spend so much time outside weeding and trimming flowers and yet, unable to provide anything more than beauty (which I do enjoy). My flower beds are mature and don't require as much maintenance now. That gives me more time to spend in the vegetable garden. I also added a chicken coop with four ladies to provide the family with fresh eggs. There is NO comparison with fresh eggs to store bought ones. They actually have a nice taste and are more nutritious by providing 1/3 less cholesterol, 1/4 less saturated fat, 2/3 more vitamin A, 2 times more omega- 3 fatty acids, 3 times more vitamin E, and 7 times more beta carotene.
With last year's patch being derived from the removal of trees and weeds, the soil was poor. Excitedly, I ordered seeds and planted accordingly. Nothing came up in that soil. Even the squash didn't grow, and I thought squash would grow on a rock! What's a new vegetable gardener to do? I went to my local cooperative store and purchased vegatable plants. The yield that year was nothing to brag about, but I did get a few things from it.
This year, with the addition of chicken poo and compost, the soil is spot on! Early in the spring, the garden was tilled and radishes were planted along with some other cool crops. Within a month, I had fresh radishes on my kitchen counter. Every seed seemed to sprout. The down side to this rich soil is now the weeds are growing like crazy too. Soil is something to pay attention to. If the seeds and plants don't have the right stuff, then your hard work will be in vain. If you are having trouble with certain plants, there are places to take the soil for testing. Contact your local extension agent for advice.
Container gardens are a great option if you live in an area that is not conducive to a plot of ground. I've seen some really nice, attractive containers that provide delicious veggies all through the summer. Even growing your own herbs in a container can provide delicious additions to cooking throughout the spring, summer, and fall.
As a vegatable gardening novice, I frequently ask for my mother's advice on plantings. She also helps me preserve for the winter. There is a lot to learn, but I am excited about growing my own non-GMO vegetables that are free from pesticides. Last year was definetly a learning year and very few things developed well. With the addition of my chicken coop and the fertiziler it provides, this year's soil seems much more conducive to growing plants. While it is work, I feel good about knowing where the food we eat comes from. I'm also looking forward to preserving for the winter months so we can continue to enjoy the "fruits of labor."
health-bite: grow your own food
Time Away
"Everybody needs a little time away...." as the song goes. So true. How on earth did pioneer women do it? There was no grocery store, microwave, washer/dryer, or vacuum cleaner. I'm imagining they were responsible for caring for the children, household, meals, and probably fighting off an Indian or two. Now that's work!.
In comparison, my life should be easier, and in many ways it is. While I do enjoy modern conveniences, I think in general, American women are overbooked. Knowing the washer and dryer will take care of those chores, we can schedule something else in that space, like going to work, pay bills, washing the dog..... Since fast food is easy to pick up, we can schedule something in the time it would normally need to prepare nutritious foods, like taking the kids to practice or games. I think we are probably busiernow than our pioneer sisters. Why else would we need a vacation?
With the demands of work life, home life, and personal life, it's easy to get run down. Carving out a time each day can help. Each morning, I rise in anticipation for my quiet time. It's a time when everyone else in the house is sleeping (except the dogs who will cuddle up beside me in my chair.) I make coffee, grab my IPad and read my devotions. This quiet time is an essential part of my day. My Type A personallity doesn't sit still very well and it's something I struggle with. Having made this my morning a routine, I can start my day with a clearer mind and a focus on what lies ahead.
Some families take an annual vacation. Vacation is an opportunity to break the cycle of busyness, relax and enjoy a change of scenery. Since my family lives on the east coast, many folks head to the beaches. Water is theraputic. The sound of crashing waves and salt air will restore anyone's worst day. On the other hand, a mountain vacation can also be a rewarding way to enjoy the quietness and beauty of nature. Vacations are an opportunity to reconnect as a family, share stories, and make new memories. It's also a time to laugh and be completely goofy. Even if a get-a-way is not fesible this year, take time to "unplug" and spend time as a family. Plan a weekend with no plans. Break out the board games, cook together, play a round of badmitten. The idea is to reconnect. Talk to each other. Love one another. No matter where you go to get away, even if it's in the back yard, take time to take a break from the busyness of life and rejuvenate. Your family will appreicate the break too!
health-bite: take time to recharge
Defining Healthy
How do you define healthy? Not every one views health or healthy in same way. Health is defined as: thegeneralconditionofthebodyormindwithreferencetosoundnessandvigor, soundnessofbodyormind;freedomfromdiseaseorailment. Is this you? Are you free of disease or ailments? Is an achy back or sore shoulder health? Not according to this definition. The more I think about this definition, the more I realize I don't know many people at all that are actually healthy.
Being healthy is not the same as living healthy. We are all so different in the way our body works with metabolism and immunity. One person seemingly can eat whatever "junk food" they want to and never gain a pound, while someone else gains with every bite. While there are many genetics that play a part in how we fight disease, it's important to realize our bodies need an adequate amount of certain vitamins and minerals to keep us healthy. Living a healthy lifestyle takes practice. It takes a strong desire and will to accomplish good habits daily to live out those goals. It's also important to lay out a plan for yourself. I love the Fitness Pal app that truly helps you stay on task. It monitors calories, nutrition, and exercise and will help you meet your goals.
So why work so hard to live healthy? There's no guarantee that we will be disease free. Why not just do what we want, enjoy what we want for as long as we can? Our western culture is very use to things done quickly...and why wait? We have fast food, diet pills, and ready made foods. If you have a problem, don't worry, there's a pill for that. Just keep doing what you want to do. Besides, everyone's going to die one day, right? Yes, that is right. One day we will die. So how do you want to live in the meantime? Not everyone will die quickly. As a matter of fact, most suffer prior to death. Many suffer as they try to hold on to life. Everyday choices bring everyday results. Over time, a healthy lifestyle can be achieved. So how do you define health? Is it giving up sodas? Maybe it's not eating fast food.
We allow our addictive brains to steer us wrong. It's so much easier to give into cravings instead of fighting them off, and the food industry is not on our side when it comes to living healthy. Packed full of ingredients no one can pronounce, full of fat, sugar and salt. Our bodies crave those foods that stimulate our brains making us feel least for a little while. I encourage you to make a step. Step out of your comfort zone and go out beyond your boarders. Make a promise to yourself to stick to your goals to live a healthy lifestyle. You won't be sorry.
health-bite: choose a lifestyle worth living
Decisions, Decisions.......
So many decisions are made throughout our day. What to wear, what time to leave, do I have time to get that laundry started? According to a recent article in Health Magazine, the number of decisions we make throughout the day can be sabotaging our health. According to Judith Beck, PhD, and author, our decisions should be automatic. When we are faced with too many choices, our brains are overloaded with making decisions, creating decision fatigue. The result? Poor decisions. Making choices in advance will help us stay on track and eliminate the "Should I? Shouldn't I?" struggle. The article goes on to give us five ways to help with day-to-day decision making for staying on our nutrition track.
FORGET YOUR FREE DAY--For many dieters, a "free day" means eat whatever you want. For some, weekends means no control until Monday morning, however, this type of splurging undermines all the hard work you've done. Getting on the scales and seeing your hard work become undone is often discouraging. Those people who allow "free day" are more likely to gain their weight back.
TREAT YOURSELF EVERYDAY--How about a cookie or a piece of candy? Allow yourself a treat each day, but plan it out in advance. Keeping the calorie count in your day's allowance, you may decide to have a piece of candy after supper. If you have decide to have the cookie someone brought into the office, that' s okay too. Just plan it into tomorrow's calorie plan.
SAY YES TO SOUP SUNDAY--Limiting choices makes it easy to stay on task. Soup on Sunday, Fish on Friday, Tacos on Wednesday, you get the point. Don't rely on the brain to make good choices last minute. Have a plan. Limit yourself to take the guess work out the menu.
HAVE BACKUP MEALS HANDY--Sometimes life gets busy. Having a few quick meals can help you stay out of harms way and ward off pizza delivery. These can be foods you've doubled and put into the freezer, or maybe a prepackaged frozen meal. Either way, it's good to have a back up plan in case things go wrong.
CUT YOURSELF OFF--It's easiest to overeat at night. Set yourself a time limit. No eating after 7:00 p.m. Floss and brush your teeth so you will be less likely to snack. When you tell yourself the kitchen is closed, you won't be as tempted to go looking. It will also help you get a better night's sleep. Plus a clearer mind will help you make better decisions tomorrow.
What strategies work for you? How do you stay on track?
Health-bite: make decisions in advance
Who Stole Your Joy?
"It is better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and complaining wife.”
Proverb 21:19
Do you know anyone who complains? No matter what, there is always something to complain about, be upset with, or just plain angry. Hopefully, it’s not you. Complaining and negativity has an affect on anyone in earshot. So what do you do? Do you go along with the conversation agreeing with all that’s being said? Do you walk away? Or do you try to bring the person around to see that life is full of disappointments and it’s best to learn and grow.
Happiness begins within the person, and no matter what goes on around us, happiness is a choice. That's right. A choice. It’s a moment to decide if YOU will allow someone to “steal” your joy. No one can make you be upset or angry. You are the only one who gets to choose how you feel. I love the Proverb above, and laugh when I insert different names for the “wife” when I’m around someone who is constantly complaining. I really wonder who stole their joy and why they won’t fight to get it back. Life is too short to spend it complaining and arguing about things that really don’t matter. My guess is that pride is the biggest culprit. When it all boils down, we often think it's about us....and that's why we complain, wine, and bicker. It’s our pride that stands in the way of us and God. Over and over again, the Word speaks of humbling ourselves not only to our Lord, but to each other. What about you?
I’m sure you all have heard the question, is the glass half empty or half full? How do you see your life? I think we often look outward thinking we are the only ones dealing with our circumstance. No one knows how I feel. There it is…the I. It will stand between you and happiness or between you and contentment. It’s not until you begin to look outward, really seeing, that you will experience a peace. When a person starts down the complaining road, I try to detour them by asking them to name three things they are grateful for. At least that way praise can be given for a moment and perhaps the other things will be in a different perspective.
Now there are times, when we all complain a little. That’s not what I’m speaking about. Every now and then we all need to “vent” about something. Many times for me, talking about a problem will help me work through the solution, even if the other person has no idea what I’m talking about.
King Solomon in his wisdom knew the consequences of living with a quarrelsome and complaining wife. I would think living in a desert could be pretty rough, but evidently, the contrary is worse! Keep the I to I love you and look around at your life. Sometimes life gets overwhelming and all Satan needs is a foothold. Keep your sword and your shield ready for battle. Satan is crafty and will do whatever it takes to steal your joy. Has your joy been stolen? Then what are you waiting for? Go after it! Ask God for his wisdom and guidance on your life so that joy can once again be restored. May you find peace in this life.
Health-bite: Fill your glass full of joy.
Wisdom Teeth--Should they stay or Should they go?
Most humans develop 32 permanent teeth. There are occasions in which permanent teeth do not develop, usually due to heredity factors. Some people don't develop any wisdom teeth while most have anywhere from one to four. There are other instances, in fact, when tooth buds don't appear to replace the primary teeth. In which case, primary teeth remain for a longer period of time. On the other hand, I have known some people who have developed more than four wisdom teeth! So why do dentist recommend they be removed? After all, God placed them there. There are some ethic groups whose jaw line is large enough to withstand that extra row of teeth, but not necessarily keep them clean enough to be disease free. Those of us who have a European background don't have jaw lines that provide that extra room for our wisdom teeth. As a result, they become impacted or partially erupted. In which case, they can become painful. Dental professionals have the unique opportunity to see outcomes of poor decisions over a life span. Looking into the mouth of a young adult, the dental professional can in vision, in some ways, the future outcomes of the teeth. On the other hand, looking into the mouth of the older adult gives much information.
"They aren't bothering me" is the usual response from a patient as to why the wisdom teeth are still present. The fact is they don't hurt YET! The photo on the left is a radiograph of an impacted wisdom tooth that has "grown" into the second molar. Because of the inability to clean around it well, bacteria has invaded the second molar. As a result, the second molar may be lost in a lifetime due to extensive decay caused by the wisdom tooth. Please note that the wisdom tooth still needs to be extracted PLUS a root canal, post, and crown will likely be placed on the second molar in an effort to save the tooth. "An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure" certainly applies to this case.
Other things to consider as the dental patient ages, medications need to be evaluated if an extraction is necessary as well as an expected longer healing time. Dental professionals give recommendations based on overall oral health. Are you seriously going to floss those wisdom teeth? It's difficult to have flossing compliance for the teeth the patient can reach. That's why wisdom teeth are often a reservoir of bacteria that infect the rest of the mouth. Removing the wisdom teeth is beneficial in helping to prevent decay and periodontal disease. If you have any questions regarding your overall dental health, contact your dentist.
Health-bite: Removal of wisdom teeth can prevent future oral disease.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing apples and allowing them to sit in wooden barrels until it matures. During the process of fermentation, the vinegar develop enzymes and minerals that can help aid our health. The "mother" is the necessary ingredient in apple cider vinegar (ACV) that promotes health. Most ACV that are found in commercial supermarkets have been processed by filtration and over-heating, whereby the "mother" has been removed. The "mother" can be identified by its web-like appearance that floats around in the bottle of the ACV. The cost of the natural apple cider is more expensive than that found in the grocery stores. You will find in the natural ciders a lot of "webbing" and is darker when compared to the filtered ciders. This "webbing" is the beneficial part of the cider.
Here's what ACV has to offer: mineral and trace elements like potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, copper, iron, silicon, and fluorine. It can help with regulating cholesterol and blood pressure because of the pectin fiber in the vinegar. Just as people use vinegar to marinate meat so that it's tender, the same is true for our own fat cells. Apple cider vinegar can break down our own fat deposits helping with weight loss. ACV can also help with arthritis.
A couple of years ago, I noticed a bump on my finger joint. It would get sore and red from time to time. It just happens to be on the hand that I use most in my work. When I asked my doctor about it, he told me it was likely arthritis. Over the next year, it would flare more often. Thankfully, I don't have any other areas yet that have appeared. So why am I telling you this? Because I started mixing 2 teaspoons of ACV with a glass of water in the morning before work for the health benefits. After about a week or so, I noticed I could bend my finger more without the pain. Because I'm curious and just wanted to see if it was the ACV, I stopped for about a week, and I noticed I wasn't able to bend my finger quite as well. I need to work a few more years, so I'm back on the ACV daily. The taste doesn't bother me, but for some, it's a bit difficult to get down. You can add a teaspoon of honey if necessary.
Here are a few more things ACV can help with:
- Acid reflux--take 2 teaspoons in an 8-ounce glass of water prior to a meal
- Arthritis--can be applied externally to painful joints in a hot solution for 10 minutes
- Breaking a fever
Here is story my daughter told me: One of her co-workers has an infant who had been really sick. She had her infant son at the emergency department once and the doctor's office twice. The medications given to him didn't really seem to help. My daughter told her about ACV on the body could break a fever. So this worried mom soaked a towel in ACV, warmed it and wrapped his body up for the night. The next day, the mom said he was a new baby. His fever was gone and he was so much better. Now this mother is a believer in natural remedies.
God gave us so many resources to use in helping aid ourselves in good health. We just need to find them and educate ourselves, myself included.
Health-bite: ACV a wonderful natural remedy
Blood Thinners and Toothbrushing
Communication. Most gets lost somewhere between the one speaking and the other hearing. Statiscially, only 10% is understood, so I guess we must make up the other 90% in our heads as to what the speaker is telling us. It happens everyday. I guess because the hearer thinks what the speaker is saying and doesn't ask clarifying questions. In our dental office, clarifying questions are encouraged so that both the speaker and the listener have a better understanding of the communication taking place.
Recently, during the course of reviewing his health history, a patient informed me he had been put on a blood thinner due to a heart issue. During the dental hygiene exam, I noticed heavy amounts of plaque all along his gum line and (once the plaque was scraped away) several areas of white, chalky enamel. I proceeded to ask him how his daily plaque control was going. He informed me it was going very well. His doctor had told him to use a very soft toothbrush, and don't brush the gums because it might make them bleed.....oh boy.....
Whelp, I'm sure his gums didn't bleed, because he didn't even get close with the toothbrush. Now he has gingivitis AND three cavities at the gum line. I'm thinking something got lost in communication!
Probably the MD said something like, "With this blood thinner, you may experience more bleeding. When you brush your teeth make sure you have a soft bristle toothbrush and brush gently." What the patient heard was, "Don't brush your gums, because they will bleed." To go one step further to clarify, the doctor may or may not have (or should have) said, "Now it is important to brush throughly, because if you don't clean the bacterial off, especially at the gum line, MORE bleeding will occur because the body has to fight off the bacteria that is left there." If the patient can say back to the speaker in their own words what was said, then both parties will have a better understanding of its meaning.
Now this patient has generalized gingivitis and cavities, and he has to be reappointed to have restorations in the teeth with cavities. Hopefully, words were communicated in a way that he is better educated with his condition so that problems like this can be avoided in the future. While it is up to the speaker to communicate the message to the listener, the listener also has to ask questions to clarify communications.
Health-bites: brush plaque away from gums to avoid disease AND ask clarifying questions
In her book, Weeds That Heal, Racheal Weaver describes Alfalfa as the "Father Of All Foods". She goes on to describe how Alfalfa's long root system provides minerals in large amounts such as iron, calcium magnesium, postassium, plus trace minerals and vitamin K. Alfalfa helps remove toxins in the body while neutralizing acids.
Here are some of the uses alfalfa can be used for: allergies, anemia, appetite, arthritis, digestion, kidney problems, lowers cholesterol, rheumatism, morning sickness, stomach ulcers, and a blood cleanser. Alfalfa is also used in relief for bloating and water retention. What caught my eye is it can help with unstable blood sugar and help to balance pituitary gland function.
During the coarse of my work day, I ask patients about their health history. If diabetic, I ask if they know their A1C level (an inflammatory marker). A level of 6.5 and over signifies higher than normal range. This matters because if the sugar levels are not controlled, healing is very slow, circulation is compromised, and big problems can result.
Did you know that our small pituitary gland tucked away in the middle of the brain controls the hormone levels of the thyroid and adrenal glands? The pitutiary gland also plays an important role in growth and development, espeically during puberty. Sometimes a tumor or growth will devleop on the pituitary gland that could either block messages to stimuate production of a hormone or could send messages to secrete too much hormone.
So let's get back to alfalfa. With the spring approaching, fields will be filled with alfalfa. I personally ordered seeds to sprout. They are quite easy to do and are useable in about 5 days. After they sprout, I place them in the refrigerator and add to sandwiches and salads. The sprouts are quite tasty. Even my skeptical husband likes them. If you are trying to regulate blood sugar, you can sprinkle some seeds on every meal you eat, or take an alfalfa supplement. Using the sprouts or seeds will also help that pituitary gland, which provides energy and balance in the body.
With spring also brings allergies. Believe it or not, alfalfa could rid you of your seasonal allergies. One story tells of a mother whose son had severe seasonal allergies. She took him to the doctor, but medications were not helpful. This mother began to look into natural remedies and began using alfalfa tablets. Reporting in just a week, her son felt better and was symptom free for the rest of the season. She gave him 4-5 tablets 3-4 times a day. Luckily, alfalfa supplements are one of the least expensive supplements out there. They can be found at your local healthfood store. I have two members of my immediate family that suffer from seasonal allergies. I have my supplements bought, and I'm ready to take on the season!
Precautions with alfalfa: do not use if taking a blood-thinner or anticoagulant medication such as Coumadin or Warfarin. Using alfalfa in large doses could cause anemia. Ask your doctor prior to using if on a blood-thinner.
Health-bite: Give alfalfa a try for seasonal allergies and overall health.