"Just act normal." "Why can't you just be normal?" Normal. It seems like a simple word, but it has great depth. Likely each person strives to be normal just to fit in; and normal looks different for each person depending on the stage of life. One thing that is constant is
"Just act normal." "Why can't you just be normal?" Normal. It seems like a simple word, but it has great depth. Likely each person strives to be normal just to fit in; and normal looks different for each person depending on the stage of life. One thing that is constant is change and with change brings a shift in life. This shift can be good, bad, or indifferent. High school graduation, marriage, a newborn baby, or death bring about these changes each of us need to adapt to. Filling in the blanks or trying to fit it all in; it's all making a shift in life to adapt to something new.
A disease diagnosis affects everyone who is close to the person effected. A shift in direction takes place. A death of a loved one creates a hole where that person once stood. A newborn baby crowds the family with time and energy, and a shift must happen to accommodate this bundle of joy. Likewise a new marriage can be a huge shift as the one becomes two. Each of these new stages can be both challenging and joyful and new purpose comes into play. Life is a journey, and we are not to become stagnant.
Finding the new normal can happen each day, each week, every month, or yearly. We are all walking this journey together as brothers and sisters in Christ. He walked our paths before and He knows what steps we need to take to find the new normal. Sometimes getting through difficult times means taking things day by day. Other times it's minute by minute.
This culture pushes us to be a part of the crowd. Peer pressure influences us to take risks we may not otherwise partake in. Is it really necessary to fit in and be normal?
Will that bring us to our full potential? The dreamers of our society certainly were not normal. They were risk takers and thought outside the normal ranges of most people. They were probably the weird ones in school. The nerds, geeks, socially awkward, or strange classmates. Yet, they rose above the labels and became entrepreneurs, leaders, and inventors.
So what would it mean to fit out? To not go along with the crowd, or be abnormal? How would that make you feel? Some people will never fit in and they should not. It's not for them. Trying to fit in could trigger stress, anxiety, and low self esteem.
Each of us are called to do something special in our lives. Some are gifted speakers, writers, mechanics, doctors, artists, mothers, etc. What is life calling you to be? What comes to mind when you are relaxed? How could those thoughts be a part of your future? Try journaling or writing down some key words that come to mind during the drive to work or while in the shower. Often times those deep thoughts come through when we are relaxed. Try writing down words or phases for a few days or weeks. Then go back and review what is written down and you may discover your path.
Health bite: Embrace your individuality
The Love Connection
Every day each of us encounter someone, somewhere. Maybe it's at work, the grocery store, or the gym. Eye contact is made, perhaps a greeting or even a conversation. Some contacts are superficial while others
Every day each of us encounter someone, somewhere. Maybe it's at work, the grocery store, or the gym. Eye contact is made, perhaps a greeting or even a conversation. Some contacts are superficial while others are more meaningful and depending on the mood, stress or activities of the moment. These relationships can be strengthened or weakened in any given day.
Materials of this world come and go. Jobs come and go, but our relationships are all we will die with. When we are newly attracted to a person, we want to spend all of our time with them. Once an avid hiker, we find ourselves on the couch watching movies with our new interest, because we want to spend each waking moment with that person. The relationship blossoms.
The work environment gives the opportunity to spend time with people we normally wouldn't have had the opportunity to know. Most of our waking hours are spend with our co-workers. Relationships can grow and become quite meaningful. Likely, there are people you have worked with in the past that remain friends. We have to opportunity to share life experiences and frustrations. The key is to not overstep the boundaries between work and play. Co-workers of the same gender can be safe, while those that are not, can be tricky to navigate. Working closely to a person of the opposite sex can easily move into a relationship that is not healthy, especially if both parties are married. These relationships are further strained when one or both marriages are not a happy. Office affairs commonly happen because of the closeness felt when striving to meet the same goals, working closely together, and late night meetings, social entertaining with clients make a window for opportunity to cross the sacred boundary.
Raising children is both rewarding and stressful. It's a very busy time of life that puts strain on many marriages and friendships. The core of life seems to be wrapped around raising the children and just surviving another day. Pressures of work and career with late nights, traveling and meetings, puts an even bigger strain on the relationship. Statistically, only 50% of marriages make it through to the end, with the other half calling it quits. In Christian marriages, only about 10% end in divorce, however, of those staying in the marriage, only about 20% report being happy. What happened to those thrilling days in the new relationship?
In the beginning, we want to spend all our time with the other person, often taking on roles we wouldn't have otherwise. According to Harville Hendrix, PhD, in his book Getting the Love You Want, he identifies four stages couples go through. The first stage is romantic. It's the selection process and attraction, and we try to be what the other person wants us to be. From that stage we move to a power struggle when each person resumes their own identity. At this stage couples move from diffusion to differentiation. Not as much time is invested in the relationship as hobbies, careers, and activities draw the couple away from one another.
The third stage, according to Dr Hendrix, is the resolution stage. There are two possible scenarios in this stage. First is the parallel relationship, whereby, the couple withdrawals from each other and operate their lives with great care around their children or business. They engage in social activities, but are no longer intimate or sexual, but decide to stay together and individual needs are met through careers, spirituality, or affairs. The other relationship is the hot marriage, whereby the couple continuously and constantly fight. Most of these end in divorce.
The fourth then, is the coming together stage. When two people have become aware of the unconscious interactions in their relationship, they can decide to work on the relationship. The first thing that needs to be done is to close the exits that take each person away from the relationship and make a re-commitment to the each other. Not fulfilling self desires or one's own needs, but the other persons needs. Removing negativity and accept the other partner's otherness and who they are.
Dialog is vital to any relationship, especially in a marriage. By taking action that sustains the connection, it will deepen intimacy. When one partner speaks, listen. Repeat what you think they have said. Validate what they are trying to say, and then, accept their truths by showing empathy. Relationships can wax and wane throughout the years. The daily stresses can be magnified and become a real fracture in a relationship, but working together, couples can come out on the other side victorious.
health bite: The relationship that is nurtured is the one that will survive.
Children are wonderful! When they are hungry, they eat. When they are sleepy, they sleep. They truly listen to what their body tells them. Children are also pretty keen in knowing what they want to eat and ask for it. We adults
Children are wonderful and so very smart! When they are hungry, they eat. When they are sleepy, they sleep. They truly listen to what their body tells them. Children are also pretty keen in knowing what they want to eat and ask for it. We adults often try to persuade our children to eat or do things they don't necessarily want to do because we think we know what they want or what is best. That's not to say, that children don't get it wrong. It could be the child is asking for candy or sugar because that's addicting, and what their body really needs is water. But for the most part, children listen to their bodies and know what it's saying. Adults on the other hand, well, that's another story.
We, as adults, often "go with the flow," "follow the crowd," or say "it's the in thing." How many times do we stop to really listen to what our body is trying to tell us? Often we are so busy, we just don't hear and feel what is happening to us. There are so many distractions that take our minds away from how we feel that we simply loose touch with ourselves. For instance, have you ever eaten something that your body just didn't like? How did you know? Did you get a stomach ache or didn't feel very well? Likely, your body was telling you that isn't good for you. Sometimes it is subtle and there's only a small discomfort. Other times, our bodies really reject what we have given it. How about sleep? Do you go to bed or take a nap when you are tired, or do you just stop by the nearest Starbucks or 7-11 for some coffee? Sleep is so important in staying healthy, but the average person doesn't get enough sleep.
Over the last year, in particular, I have really made an effort greatly reduce simple sugars in my diet. Over Christmas there were a lot of goodies in our office. One snack that really got my attention were some candied pecans. I love nuts...just about any kind, so these were tempting. I've had them in the past and really enjoyed them. I took a handful and devoured them in a matter of a minute or two. Feeling pretty happy, I went back to work. About 30 minutes later, my stomach began to hurt, and I didn't feel so well. Any other time, I would have said, "Well, that's weird," and thought no more about it. Because I'm trying to listen to what my body is telling me, I thought back about the nuts with the sugary coating on it. My body was telling me it wasn't happy with my choice and it's not good for me. Needless to say, I didn't have any more. Ordinarily, I would have had another handful later that day, and so on. In the past, I would have just ignored what my body was telling me because my tongue and brain were in charge...especially if it was sugar! Since giving up the sugar foods, my body does not them when I give into temptation and lets me know pretty quickly! Please understand, my brain LOVES sugar and tells me to eat more, but when I do, my body tells me I messed up! It takes discipline to say no to certain foods. Maybe it's sugar for you, or gluten, or caffeine. Whatever your body is telling you, take note and listen. Our bodies know what is best for us and each person needs different foods at different times in life. Tastes change over times and that's okay. We are individuals with individual needs.
Health-bite: Your body is talking to you....are you listening?
Crowding Out
There was always such excitement for me on the first day of school! It was a fresh year with new subjects, new teachers, and new friends. I felt like this could be the best year ever! That feeling lasted about a month until
There was always such excitement for me on the first day of school! It was a fresh year with new subjects, new teachers, and new friends. I felt like this could be the best year ever! That feeling lasted about a month until I got the results of my first test grade and then the newness was all over. Similarly, the same feelings apply to a new year with goals, ideas, and dreams. At first, it's game on! Eating more salads, exercising three times a week, it's all going great. Then crash, I go out for dinner, feeling a bit too tired to exercise, and I just give up. Sound familiar?
For many reasons, I don't like the word "diet." The word means restriction and that restriction is the reason most of us fail at diets. Instead, I challenge you to use the word "lifestyle." A new lifestyle is a process. It's making small changes that can lead to better overall health. Rather than using restrictive guidelines commonly associated with leading diet plans, adopting a new lifestyle is about adding in better choices while destructive choices are crowded out.
What does that look like? Well, let's say you drink three sodas a day and eat out four times a week. Maybe drink more water and one less soda during the day, and/or eat at home one more time each week until sodas are cut back and the eating out is only on special occasions. These small changes begin to be weaved into a new lifestyle, which can create a healthier and happier you.
The biggest complaint is the cravings, usually from sugar. When we completely stop all the bad habits, our body goes into withdrawal mode. Our brain goes crazy and all we can think about is food! By adding in good things slowly, we crowd out the bad choices, therefore, creating less or no cravings. The key is to start slow and gradually build on the good choices. You will be amazed at how much better you feel even in a week's time. Pay attention to your body and live the life you have always wanted. Our bodies were designed to be healthy, it just needs to have the nutrients each day to stay that way.
Health bite: crowd out the bad by adding in the good
Finding the Joy
Life is difficult and each of us will experience a season in life when joy seems unattainable. We are left wondering if God is listening, does He care, what does this mean. During the holidays the family unit is placed with high expectations on gathering and making memories. It’s an opportunity to take time out of the normal schedule to visit with loved ones. Difficulties arise
Life is difficult and each of us will experience a season in life when joy seems unattainable. We are left wondering if God is listening, does He care, what does this mean. During the holidays the family unit is placed with high expectations on gathering and making memories. It’s an opportunity to take time out of the normal schedule to visit with loved ones. Difficulties arise when members of a family are no longer present at the dinner table. Others still dread seeing their family due to fractures and hurts from the past. The emptiness could be overwhelming.
It’s also one of the busiest seasons of the year with a host of commitments, purchases, and demands, one can feel…well, exhausted and wishing Christmas were over. Joy is defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness or rejoices. Is that how you are feeling right now? Are you feeling happy? How can someone find joy in the midst of this hectic season you may wonder?
During the next year, I will be learning to be a health coach. One of the things I have learned so far is that health begins with other things that are not food…such as relationships. A loving relationship can bring joy; in contrast, one that is toxic brings turmoil. Here are some ways to try and find your joy:
- Pray. Deep relationships with Christ will open doors that will otherwise stay closed. He cares for us and wants to know every detail we are dealing with. He has the answers and there is something wonderful about turning our troubles over to Him.
- Be grateful. Practicing gratitude is important in finding joy. Be thankful for the many blessings in your life. Everyone has blessings. Living in the United States is a blessing. We don’t have to worry about bombs going off today. Be thankful for family, food in the refrigerator, work, health, family, and the lists go on. Even a warm house on a cold winter night is a blessing. Think on these things throughout your daily, and joy will come.
- Say “No.” Self care is important. We are conditioned to help others, lend a hand, give care to family, work hard, etc. We sacrifice ourselves and end up exhausted and sick. Take time for you. You are important to many people….they will understand. Get enough rest so your body can deal with all the things that come at it; and get a massage.
One more thing to consider is that constant negativity will steal not only your joy, but the joy of those around you. Our brain naturally moves toward negativity. We find fault and judge others, because that’s our tendency. That negativity creates anxiety in both parties, which blocks access to higher cerebral functioning. We will then have difficulty with problem solving and ultimately our relationships with others will suffer. You may know someone who is negative and you may know someone who is positive. Which person do you want to spend your time with? How do people view your position? Not sure? Maybe you should ask someone you are close to.
Joy is obtainable. “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—mediate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9.
Health bite: Joy is inner peace...find yours
Simply Live
Ever wonder why some people seem to have everything while others struggle to make ends meet? Or people who should be happy really aren't. Instead they are bitter, angry and broken. What's up with that? There is a saying
Ever wonder why some people seem to have everything while others struggle to make ends meet? Or people who should be happy really aren't. Instead they are bitter, angry and broken. What's up with that? There is a saying that happiness is wanting what you have, not wanting what you don't have. I believe this is true to find joy and being content. I've often found myself running around looking for just the right item...sometimes driving myself crazy, only to start the whole process over in a couple of weeks. Could it be, I was looking for something that wasn't tangible?
We are so very blessed here in the U.S. We have plenty of everything! Fresh fruits and vegetables are available year around. We can drive to the grocery store and purchase fresh lettuce or grapes anytime we want them. We also indulge is other pleasures like dining with friends or attending sporting events. As Americans, we spend $2,000 to $3,000 a year on recreational activities...that's a lot of dough. I guess we are bored and want to be entertained. We go to concerts, sporting events, movies, theaters, and I can't leave out dining out at restaurants. All of these are luxuries that cost money.
I tend to be a high energy person that checks things off of my to do list. My late husband, though, did things differently. He got around to it, whenever. Opposites attract and he certainly helped me to stop and smell the roses, and for that I am truly grateful! He enjoyed entertainment, especially television. He watched many programs at the same time..a channel surfer, if you will. He would tell me often, "I just haven't had time to get that done." One day in frustration, I informed him I was going to give him the gift of time. He asked me how I was going to do that? "I'm cancelling cable!" I declared. I didn't, of course, and he continued to spend a lot of time watching television. I digress...
Could it be that the more we have the more we want? Plus the more we gain, the more time we spend taking care of, guarding, or obsessing over our stuff. I'm now in a phase of life with aging parents. Years of tangible items that are important to one is not so important to another. Wouldn't be better to let go of those things we can do without? This year, I lost two people in my life. The reality of going though things happened and it allowed me to minimize my own material items. When I went through my mother-in-law's house, I found that in each of the closets in her three bedroom duplex where coats and clothing. She was just one person, and I wondered why she kept all those coats. I mean no disrespect to my mother, as she was a very generous and kind woman. She had four closets full of clothes and continued purchasing clothes up until a month before she passed away. It just makes me wonder what we, as humans, keep chasing.
Could it have been that something else was missing? Perhaps a relationship or an experience left us feeling out of control, so consumerism filled in the gap.
How can each of us be more content without consuming so many material possessions? This is an individualized decision and journey. If you could just make one change toward simplifying your life, what would it be? Write it down and do it. I think you will be surprised by how freeing it is. After the first one is accomplished, write down another and then another. Free up your life and find contentment.
Health bite: Living simply is freeing and allows one to simply live.
Hymn of Response
Ever since I can remember, I’ve gone to church. There was a time in my life I “took a break” to test what I believe, and found what I was looking for. If you were like me, as a child, going to church was much like making the bed or doing homework. It was just something I did because it was expected. I was raised to respect my parents, and I was an obedient child. While others my age were
Ever since I can remember, I’ve gone to church. There was a time in my life I “took a break” to test what I believe, and found what I was looking for. If you were like me, as a child, going to church was much like making the bed or doing homework. It was just something I did because it was expected. I was raised to respect my parents, and I was an obedient child. While others my age were experimenting with smoking and drinking, I was at home with family, shopping or hanging out with my girl friends. I guess I was a “goody, goody.” Mostly, I was afraid of my dad! He was tall and a superintendent of a prison. He had my respect, and I didn’t want to displease him.
Our family went to church just about every Sunday, and each one was much like the last, prayers, hymns, offering, sermon, and finally the hymn of response. It’s interesting that the hymn after the sermon is always called the hymn of response. It’s the congregation’s way of admitting our flaws and sins. Humbling ourselves and showing gratitude to a God who loves us anyway. It dawned on me how the hymn of response should be practiced everyday. Not that we shouldn’t hear a sermon each day, but with our current level of life, that would be difficult to obtain. We live in a reactive world. This culture says to “get even,” “don’t judge me,” “don’t tread on me.” I say the hymn of response is one that says be kind, considerate, and loving to everyone. Praise the Lord in ALL ways and in ALL situations.
The car won’t start, praise the Lord, because He knows what’s best; and there is something to learn. You got a raise today! Praise the Lord, because now you can be more generous! This practice will take time and discipline. The response to situations is watched by others around us. Children watch their parents driving skills. A reactive, aggressive driver will raise a reactive, aggressive driver. A disrespectful parent will raise a disrespectful adult. A parent who shows patients and kindness toward a stranger will raise an adult who will be the same. Are you seeing a trend here? We are placed here on earth to praise and worship our Lord, Jesus Christ. He owes us NOTHING and we owe Him EVERYTHING! This life is only temporary. Live each day to please God…you’ll be surprised with the amount peace you will find in your heart!
Health-bite: Respond with gratitude in ALL situations
Take A Deep Breath
Take a deep breath. No, a really, really deep breath. This time when you exhale, let it out very, very, very slowly. We, as people, tend to be shallow breathers. I know, because I’m one of them. Modern conveniences and technology have made us more sedentary; therefore, breathing
Take a deep breath. No, a really, really deep breath. This time when you exhale, let it out very, very, very slowly. Okay, one more time...breathe in slowly, hold, and exhale. Do you feel better? We, as people, tend to be shallow breathers. I know, because I’m one of them. Modern conveniences and technology have made us more sedentary; therefore, breathing deeply really isn’t necessary. Back in the day, physical labor was normal. There weren’t the modern conveniences of automatic washing machines, dryers, electric ranges, chainsaws, tractors….you get the picture. Our society now primarily sits at work these days. With so much automation, even the more physical laborers have equipment to allow them to work faster. So what’s the big deal?
Shallow breathing has health consequences. Our lungs were meant to be used completely. Shallow breathing only uses a fraction of our lungs; therefore, the lower lobes become compromised. Our lungs need to be exercised too! Our bodies also become more fatigued because of the reduction of oxygen to the rest of the body through circulation. Not taking those deep breathes means we aren’t expelling enough carbon dioxide and toxins build up in each cell. Oxygen reduction in the body can lead to premature aging and a weaker immune system. We as people only use about one-tenth of our lung capacity. It’s enough to get us by, but not enough for a high quality of life or to resist diseases.
On the other hand, deep breathing has many benefits. If you have ever taken a yoga class, it’s all about the breath. In warm up, the participant breathes in slowly and exhales, then breathing in again and holding that breathe for a few seconds before the exhale. This practice allows the oxygen to be used throughout the body and the long exhale releases the carbon dioxide with all those toxins! The good news here is that you don’t have to join a yoga class to get the benefits of deep breathing!
First, breathe in slowly through the nose….count to four, the exhale through the mouth. Do this several times. Feel the tension release in the body and the brain wake up. Feeling stressed? Take several deep breaths and reset your body. Breathing in through the nose allows the circulatory system to function at its best and nourishing that oxygen rich brain. Mouth breathing does not allow as much oxygen through the body which can compromise our health. Heard of sleep apnea? All mouth breathers!!!
Deep breathing through the nose has been shown to improve digestion, function of the nervous system, improve function of the abdominal organs, improve respiratory function, reduces blood pressure and helps prevent heart disease. Deep breathing also has been shown assist in weight control as extra oxygen burns excess fat more efficiently. The best fact is that it reduces stress and promotes relaxation.
No doubt you’ve told someone or been told by someone to “Just take a deep breath; it’s going to be alright.” Now you know that was good advice.
Health bite: Take a deep breath….throughout the day.
All Water is NOT Created Equal
Sometime BC (before children), my husband and I drove across the mountain to a larger city. I needed to stop, so he pulled into a convenience store. When I got back into the car, I said to Joe, “You’re not going to believe what I just saw! There was bottled water FOR SALE! Can you believe someone would buy water when it’s FREE?” That seems decades ago…well it was decades ago; my how things have changed.
The United States has some of the safest water in the world. Treatment centers test the water prior to allowing it into the public for consumption, yet the population at large purchases bottled water. Other countries in the world are certainly not as fortunate to experience clean water, but we can actually drink ours from our kitchen or bathroom sink.
According to the Beverage Marketing Corporation, in 2014, the U.S. bottled water market neared 11 million gallons and Americans consumed 34 gallons of water per person. By the end of the decade, bottle water is expected to be the largest beverage category by volume in the United States. Water is free from calories, artificial ingredients, and our body needs this important substance for health. Are you wondering why I’m discussing water yet? What most people don’t realize is all water is not equal.
Dasani and Aquafina are manufactured by Coke and Pepsi, respectfully. Both have a pH under the optimal standards of 6.5 – 8.5. We want to be as close to a pH of 7.0 as possible. When the pH falls below 6.5, there is an acidic attack going on in our mouth. This attack disrupts enamel and root surfaces raising the incidence for cavities and gingivitis. Soft drinks have a pH range from 2.38 to 4.75.
Below is a table that lists the pH of some of more popular waters sold:
Vitamin water 3.4
Propel Zero 3.5
Aquafina 4.0
Dasani 4.5
Perrier 5.5
Poland Spring 5.8
Crystal Geyser 6.0
Deer Park 6.3
Smart Water 6.5
Great Value Walmart 6.5
Arrowhead 6.8
Evian 7.0
Fiji 7.5
As we get older, our mouth becomes drier. The tendency is to drink water to “wet our whistle.” Medications can make the mouth very dry as does smoking. When the mouth is dry, bacteria stick to the teeth. Many people will drink water to help the dryness, but what choice we make can be a difference in our health. To fight off disease, our bodies need to remain more alkaline. The typical American diet sets us up for an acidic body, and then we drink some acidic bottled water. The body is then ripe for disease to take place. If bottle water is what you do, then here a few tips to bring it back to basic. Place a half teaspoon of baking soda in the water or squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the bottle. Both will raise the pH to be more basic and healthy place. The best choice, in my opinion, it to purchase a good-quality, stainless steel or glass water bottle and fill it from either the sink or filtered refrigerated water. Water used to be free, but we have turned the corner here in American, making water one of the best selling beverages. No wonder Coke and Pepsi wanted in on this market.
Heath bite: Not all bottled water is equal.
This is only a test......
Have you ever experienced a moment you thought you had lived before, a second chance, or déjà vu? Sometimes I wonder if these encounters are “do over” scenarios because the first time wasn’t pleasing to God. As we move through life, we learn and grow, but then comes a test of how we respond to the situation we just learned about. I’ll give you an example:
Recently, our family planned a trip to Colorado to bury my mother-in-law. We purchased tickets to fly from Richmond in the afternoon. Due to many unfortunate events (car trouble, over sleeping, traffic, food, wrong directions,) we were running very close to catching our flight. Finally, we got to the gate within ten minutes before take off! We had checked in earlier through our phones, so everything was going to be alright. We made it….so we thought! The flight agent looked at us and frankly told us she had given our seats away, and then proceeded to close the door! We had missed our flight!
Now, this was about to get ugly. In my mind, I wanted jumped across the counter and demand she make things right. The agent was rude and unprofessional in many ways. She was also unwilling to help us find another flight that would leave in time for us to get to Colorado for the graveside service the next morning. We were all stressed beyond measure and exhausted from the day’s events. It would have been easy to cause a scene and yell at the agent for the unfairness we were feeling. Even the thought of going home seemed like a good option. It took a few moments to calm down and begin to let our brains absorb what just happened. Then I remembered: this is a test….how will you respond?
Last year, while traveling to Belize, we had a similar situation arise. Due to events beyond our control, our connecting flight left for home without us. The handling of the situation was, obviously, not pleasing to God so our family had to take time to learn, grow, and re-test.
After some time to regroup, we were able to secure a flight that evening, receive a full refund for the flight we had missed, and meet a flight agent who was a very helpful young lady. She was a home school graduate and a Believer. We arrived in Colorado to celebrate life with extended family and friends. It was a wonderful adventure, and we are hopeful this time passed our test!
The next time when situations keep repeating, stop and think. Is this a test? How should I respond so that Christ will be pleased, honored, and glorified? Life is full of lessons, and we should be open to keep learning and growing.
“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.” James 1:2-3
Health-bite: Stop, think, pray, pass your test!
New Ways
What if you were to learn something new that could prevent disease....would you change your habits? What role does ease and convenience play into behavior change? Each day, news reports suggest we add this or avoid that to stay healthy or avoid problems, yet we are still unhealthy as a nation. How often do we change our habits in light of this information? Again, will it be an inconvenience?
Do you find disease, hospitalization, chronic illness, or pain convenient? Does spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on medical costs and prescription drugs convenient? Are you rolling the dice that problems won't happen for you? Chances are at some point in life there will be an "inconvenience" of disease. We've been lied to by so many agencies and commercials about health that now we are a sick nation. Obesity is an epidemic, heart disease with all the prescription drugs taken, is still the number one killer. How can this be?
Are we on a wheel spinning around the medical world hoping to get well, only to have more prescriptions drugs given to us to take care of the side effects from the last pill?
I think medical doctors genuinely care and want to help people. They have to be caregivers from the heart. Doctors spend a great deal of time and money in their chosen careers. Researching and studying to help people or even cure diseases. Yet, I wonder how many doctors become discouraged because people seem to get sicker instead of better. More tests, more drugs, and more disease. What is the missing link? Why aren't people, as a whole getting healthier?
Could the missing link be nutrition? The medical community, as a whole, has little to no nutritional education. Recently, I was talking with a PA who works with a local cardiologist, and we were having a conversation about reading and hobbies. I revealed to her that I was reading a much as I could about healing, nutrition, and diseases. She told me that many of her heart patients ask her what she thought they need to be eating now that they have heart disease, and what she said shocked me! She told me she didn't know what to tell them! She had NO, ZERO, NADA, classes on nutrition! Does the daily dose of drugs replace a healthy diet? It seems the doctors are saying, "Keep eating what you want, because you are taking drugs now. No'll be fine!"
There as been repeatable scientific data that shows the reversal of heart disease through a proper diet. Unfortunately, most people don't even know what a healthy diet looks like. There's more to it than granola bars, yogurt, and salads with lots of dressing. Eating a whole-plant, vegan lifestyle has been shown to greatly reduce disease and in some cases reverse disease.
The most difficult part of adapting this change in the one in the mind. Getting the mind on board and creating a discipline for a plan will take some time. Take a 30-day challenge to give up something that could be harming your body. Maybe its meat, dairy, or sugar. Choose to give up only one for now. After two weeks, you will feel different....better......healthier. It's worth the inconvenience of a better lifestyle to avoid the inconvenience of disease.
Health-bite: You are what you eat
Seeking Healing

The definition of healing is the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. Healing is a process indeed, yet don't we want things instantly? The body and mind can seem to become ill quickly, however, the healing can take weeks, months, or years. Many times, while looking back, we can see signs of illness that was not picked up on in the beginning until the illness was at a point where it altered our way of life.
Healing is a process that does take time, energy, commitment and discipline. All of these things are also required too for a healthy relationship with God. As people, we are creatures of habit...more often bad habits. We choose foods that are unhealthy, we stay up way too late, and we only talk to God when we want something. Pathetic isn't it? While it's true we will all die, it's how well do you want to live while you are alive? What purpose does Christ have for you? Are you using your skills and talents to serve Him?
The more I read, the more I realize I have a lot to learn. There is growth to be done. In some ways, I think God continues to teach and work within us until we die...that is if we allow him. I certainly have gone my own way and thought I knew best. That is until I came crashing down. This journey called life takes time, patience, and lots of prayers. Daily devotion to our creator, basking in His glory, giving credit when credit is due are all ways to honor the Father of the universe.
Healing of the body, mind and spirit is also a journey of faith, commitment, and dedication. No one escapes pain and disappointment in this life, but how we react to what comes our way matters. "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans. 8:28. Trust the One True God who will give you strength. Spend daily time at his feet and seek comfort. He will heal all the brokenness.
Health-bite: run to God for healing of mind, body and spirit
The pH Balance
Balance. According to the dictionary, is defined as a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportion. Our body is constantly striving for balance. The pH is a measurement of acidity or alkalinity in the body. Our system constantly strives for balance of pH. A healthy body pH is between 6.0 and 7.5.
An acidic body will bring about problems such as weight gain, headaches, depression, back pain, constipation, muscle stiffness, allergies, and aging skin. A low pH in the oral environment leads to tooth erosion and decay. Over acidity can also bring serious health problems like osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, inflammation, cancer, heart dishes and colon disease. When our body is constantly in a state of over-acidity, nutrients are taken from the bones, muscles, and organs in an effort to neutralize the acids and restore balance. Over time, this leads to a compromised immune system.
Scientist agree that to maintain health, our diet should be 60 percent alkaline forming foods and 40 percent acid forming foods. Unfortunately, the typical American diet is 80 percent acid forming foods and 20 percent alkaline forming foods. Inflammation and disease thrive in acidic bodies. When we are on the go, fast food, processed and pre-packaged foods are what we go for. We are setting ourselves up for big problems.
Below, you will find a chart that lists foods in both categories. Remember, our body wants balance, so choose foods from each side in the 60/40 ratio. You may be surprised to find lemons on the alkaline side. While chemically acidic, lemons in the body are extremely alkaline in the body. The pH of the lemon is 9.0 and sits on top of the chart for alkaline foods. Squeeze some lemon in your water throughout the day to help you maintain the pH balance you need.
Health-bite: Alkalinity leads to a better healthy-style
Beet it!
Beets, one of the most nutritious vegetables for us, doesn't usually get rave reviews at the supper table. For some people it's the color that is off putting, while for others it's the texture. Consumers eat more canned beets than fresh, and of the fresh, usually without the tops on them. Research tells us that the tops of the beets contain more antioxidants that the roots themselves. Most consumers who do purchase their beets with the tops on, once home, cut them off and throw them away.
Even without their greens, they are among the healthiest of all commonly eaten vegetables. Their sweet taste has a low impact on blood sugar, a good source of fiber, folate, and potassium. They have nine times more antioxidant properties that the typical tomato and fifty times more than orange carrots. Beets get their red color from betalains. Betalains are proving to be good cancer fighters. In a 2009 test-tube experiment, beet juice blocked the proliferation of human cancer cells of the pancreas, stomach, prostate, lungs, and brain by 85-100%. It was also found that those eating beets on a regular basis had a lower risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and diseases of the digestive tract.
Beet leaves are one of healthiest greens you can buy. With seven times more antioxidant than romaine lettuce, they are on the same level with kale in terms of overall nutritive value. Use the greens in salads, substitute for spinach in recipes or serve them with the beets themselves.
Purchasing beets with their leaves still on will likely mean they are the freshest in the store. Once the leaves turn yellow, the produce manager will cull them and repackage the roots for sale. Choose beets that are deep red, as they will contain more betalains than those that are lighter in color. Canned beets are a good choice too. Even though the are less flavorful than the fresh beets, they provide more antioxidant value.
Beets could even help athletes perform better. A 2012 British study determined that fit men and women who had eaten a serving of whole beets daily for several days could run faster than they could when they had eaten a serving of other vegetables. Interestingly enough, with these findings, a number of British athletes who competed in the 2012 Summer Olympics drank beet juice rather than Gatorade before their events, including Mohamed (Mo) Farah, who won the gold metal for the men's five-and ten-kilometer races.
Health-bite: Beets, it's what should be for dinner
Find the Connection
No doubt you have likely heard the phrase "oral systemic link" shot around in literature and on news shows, but what does it mean? The medical and dental community for years had separate thoughts about what the other practiced, and so was divided in assisting people in their health quests. Not so any longer.
What research has been suggesting over the past decade is that the health of the mouth tells us much about the health of the whole body. No longer should we treat each separately. Finding ways to bring health to one, can bring health to the other. Gingival inflammation (gingivitis) is often the first onset of diabetes. It is marked by bleeding and swelling gums, although it slips through the radar of the general population because most people don't clean in between their teeth. You see, this is where the disease starts. The tissue is more fragile and susceptible to disease in between the teeth. It's likely to have more bacteria stuck there because it can hide and not get dislodged with daily activity (eating, drinking, and talking.). The oral cavity can show disease within a few months, but it takes decades for it to show up in our bodies. Take notice to how your gums look. Ask your dental professional how your oral health is at your check ups. Talk to your hygienist, ask questions, and take their advice.
Even though diabetes is a serious disease, heart disease is another issue that has been linked to the oral cavity. Autopsies have shown bacteria that is normally found in the mouth in the heart, causing infections. Endocarditis is a serious and fatal infection. Inflammation in the gums happens because too many bacteria have made a home round the teeth. This initiates an immune response in which blood vessels open to allow white blood cells to start killing the bacteria. Just as easily as the white blood cells can work through to fight the bacteria, the bacteria also have access to enter the blood stream and flow to the heart. Thus, if the bacteria is able to stick around a little while, an infection can occur around the heart.
Pregnancy can be a factor in inflammation and gingivitis. Countless studies have linked oral infections, like severe gingivitis and active periodontal disease, for premature births. An autopsy performed on an infant that was still born revealed oral bacteria in the amnionic fluid causing infection and ultimately death. The mother had untreated periodontal disease.
Taking care of the gums and teeth is more than just brushing, which the only means in which most folks do. Diet places a part as well. Sugar is an inflammatory factor and the main source of food for bacteria. When you consume simple sugars, the bacteria begin to feast and then excrete acids that breakdown tooth enamel and cause the gums to become red. A high carbohydrate diet will leave behind more plaque that hardens into tartar, which is contributing factor to oral disease.
Using something to clean in between the teeth is actually more important than brushing. Why? Remember what I said about the tissue being more fragile in between? Bacteria want to make a home. A place to raise a family and build a community. You give them that opportunity when you don't clean in between the teeth. It's stuck there. It's not going anywhere. It's safe from chewing forces and getting swished around. As a matter of fact, it just has to sit and wait for food to come toward it in the saliva. It grabs what it wants to eat and lives on.
Do you get the picture? This is the oral-systemic link. Seek professional oral hygiene care regularly, and practice good oral hygiene at home. What you do at home makes the biggest impact!
Health-bite: practice excellent oral hygiene care for a healthy body
BAYERing All
Pharmaceutical companies make medicines to help people. Their interest is in allowing people to live longer, happier lives. If you believe these two statements then you shouldn’t ready anymore of this post.
Bayer is most known for its aspirin. The company has done a great job with name branding. If someone were to say aspirin, the immediate thought is Bayer aspirin. The Bayer pharmaceutical company is a German company founded in 1863. They manufacture veterinary drugs, women’s health products, over-the-counter drugs, diabetes care, pesticides, along with polymers and adhesives. The company is worth over $18.57 billion.
Even though best know for its aspirin, Bayer also trademarked heroin in 1898. It was sold as a cough suppressant and a non-addictive substitute for morphine. They also created Phenobarbital and Cipro (antibiotics) and Yaz (birth control). In 2014, Merck’s consumer brands like Claritin, Coppertone and Dr. Scholl’s were purchased by Bayer. Bayer also develops genetically modified crops and pesticides. What's next will shock you.
Before WWI, Bayer had business in the United States. Because of the conflict, ties with Bayer pharmaceuticals were cut. What most people don’t know about this company is their role in WWII. During the war, Bayer participated in Nazi war crimes. IG Farben, that included BASF, Bayer, Heochest and other German chemical and pharmaceutical companies, was intimately involved with the human experimental atrocities committed in Auschwitz. Prisoners were “purchased for disposal” by the pharmaceutical giant, according to the Auschwitz files. As a matter of fact, their facility in Auschwitz was built by some 300,000 concentration camp slaves. Once the facility was finished, the workers were disposed of. To date, no apology or compensation has been made to the survivors or their families. Those prisoners that some how made it through the experiments, live with the results all those years ago.
After the war, Bayer became independent of IG Farben; and in 1978, Bayer was once again in the United States. This information is difficult to conceive. How can a company, who is suppose to help people, dispose of people so freely? Can money really be the root of this evil? Yet no one speaks of these facts in our history classes. Perhaps it’s too difficult to speak about. It was difficult for me to read about them and then to think about it again as I write this post. Consumers have purchasing power, and I will no longer support a company like Bayer or their subsidiaries. Whenever possible, go a natural way to heal yourself or a loved one.
Health-bite: know about the companies you support
What the health?
The life span of the average person in the United States has significantly increased over that last century. Medical research and medications have made it possible to treat disease and provide longer lives for the sick and elderly. Diagnosis, treatment, and medical coverage have allowed patients to extend their lives, but at what cost?
Long life, does not necessarily mean quality life. Living to the age of 90 or above seems wonderful, unless the last 20 years were at the nursing home with the inability to communicate due to a stroke. No one dreams to be placed in a nursing home. As a matter of fact, we all want to avoid them anyway possible. Even visiting someone in there can be depressing.
Being independent is freedom and brings a certain quality of living we all hope to achieve. So let's talk about having a long health span. If we can achieve both a long life span and health span, then that would be golden. Unfortunately, odds are not in our favor with the current dietary recommendations. With a heavy emphasis on breads and grains, the waists bands will continue to expand along with the diagnosis of disease. Consuming processed and pre-packaged foods is definitely contributing to this epidemic. To lengthen our health span, requires more work in the kitchen and more planning in meal preparation, but the payoff is well worth the effort!
For Christmas, I received a book entitled Eating on the Wild Side, by Jo Robinson. In it, she outlines how our current food industry has transformed away from the nutrition once found in foods into food that is more sweet and less nutritious. Consumer demand has forced food scientists to continue to alter foods that people will buy. What we want is sweeter food. With this demand, plants no longer contain the necessary nutrients to fight off disease.
Many of our wild foods are so nutrient dense, it could prevent and even possibly cure cancer. Still, many of today's food still have the nutrients to fight off disease, but know which one to purchase is key. The other factor is this: once vegetables and fruits are picked, the nutrient content begins to expire. Picking food at its ripest and then consuming it quickly will allow the body to gain the most nutrients possible to stay healthy and achieve a long health span. Pay the farmer or pay the doctor!
Health-bite: the gold metal is achieving health span
Chemotherapy Drugs Exposed
Do chemotherapy drugs work? I guess that depends on how one describes work. The first line against cancer is usually surgery (if possible) followed by chemotherapy agents. Chemotherapy agents is a complex concoction of drugs that are toxic to all cells, healthy and cancerous. It is typically administered through an IV, but oral medication can also be prescribed in addition to or in place of IV drugs. Those mixing and handling these drugs must wear hazmat suits that protect them from these harmful chemicals. Oral medications come in a plastic bag with a hazmat symbol on the package. It seems counter productive to give a sick person poison, yet in centers all over the country volunteers line up for their therapy in hopes to gain a longer life. How did all of this come about?
In Italy autopsies were completed on soldiers exposed to mustard gas during World War I. What was discovered was those exposed to this toxic gas had lower leukocytes. It was then theorized that using this type of chemical could benefit those with leukemia or lymphoma. Thus, chemotherapy agents were born. Since that time, more and more money has been funded to the development of chemotherapy drugs in the hopes to cure cancer. At least that's what we are lead to believe.
Chemotherapy agents target daughter cells of the tumor, but not the stem cell that is the main source of the disease. As the daughter cells die off, the tumor shrinks, but the stem cell is still alive. Typically, when it comes back, it will be more aggressive and likely will have metastasized. I wonder how many patients know this information? Cancer treatment is a lucrative business. What's more, remember those hazmat signs I talked about earlier? The reason they are required is that these drugs cause cancer! That's right! The same drugs administered to kill cancer also causes cancer. Ever wonder why cancer comes back? Not only is it ineffective in killing cancer, it also causes cancer to occur.
It's the only medicine recommended by doctors when a patient is diagnosed with cancer. The medical community offers NO other means of treatment. This standard of care leaves cancer victims looking like WWII concentration camp prisoners, and we accept it! Chemotherapy is ugly. It rips away lean muscle, taxes major organs, and leaves the patient close to death. Sadly, more patients die of complications from the chemotherapy agents than from the cancer itself. Is this really all there is? What about building up the body with nutrition and natural ways instead of mustard gas?
It's difficult to make decisions that go against the normal protocols. Even people closest to those with cancer diagnosis won't understand. My husband has been taking chemotherapy drugs for nearly three years, both IV and oral medications. I know first hand the high costs of therapy and the ill effects on the body. Yet in spite of all of this, he continues to use this type of therapy. While taking chemo, he was sick, lost weight, and had very little appetite. The reason he chose this route was because he trusted that the medical community had his back. He and I think differently about his treatment, but because I love him, I have been supportive with his decisions. There is no way I would every put those chemicals into my body. It's not worth the risk to me. Chemotherapy treatments affect EVERYONE! I am helpless as he lays in bed sick and weak. We have both cried as he lay suffering. I have watched his muscles melt away leaving him skinny while his once pink and healthy flesh has turned pale and grey.
Thankfully, we have walked together with our Lord, Jesus, who has given us light and hope in this dark season. He has given us wisdom in dealing with evil for it is all around us. I know there is reason for everything, and He continues to point us in the directions He wants us to go. You can plan to hear more about this subject very soon, as I am embarking on wonderful information about the history of this highly profitable therapy that will not cure cancer.
New Year.....New You
The day after New Years, weight loss advertisements begin. Each program promises results with convincing before and after photos of people, just like you. If you are constantly on one diet or another, then likely there was a breach in the plan and the goal was not met. With so many diet plans available, which one do you choose? Some plans require that the foods be purchased that contain the right ingredients to loose weight, and it probably does. Unfortunately the participants often times gain their weight back. Research has shown that those that teach lifestyle change are the most successful. Habits are difficult to change and require time, discipline, and patience. Of all the plans available, Weight Watchers has been the most successful in the long term weight managment. Being able to use regular food, the participant counts points throughout the day; and once those points are met, no more food should be consumed. This plan teaches one portions and choices that help lead to healthier lifestyle changes. There is also a variety of books and web searches that give valuable information about weight loss, strategies, and plans. Clean eating the newest term circulating in nutritional and social circles. While it seems simple, it requires much more planning. Clean eating teaches using fresh fruits and vegetables and discourages processed, sugary foods.
Several years ago, I learned the negative affects of sugar first hand. During lent, I gave up added sugars. What you need to know is I used to give sugar its own food group category. My sweet tooth has been with me my entire life and it was fed regularly. What I learned during lent, was how much sugar had a hold on me. The cravings were strong in the first days but I just keep telling myself it was only for a little while. In the end, I lost seven pounds! Weight loss wasn't my goal, but a nice side effect. Since then, I've been letting others know about weight gain associated with sugar consumption.
The overconsumption of sugar has led to an increase in the incidence of obesity, heart disease, and cancer. Research points to sugar, not fat as the problem ingredient added to our foods. As a matter of fact, our bodies need fat to adequately use and store vitamins and minerals. Personally, I use olive oil or coconut oil with most of my cooking. As you look to make healthy choices this year, read your lables and sharpen your knives. The more hands-on, the healthier the outcome will be.
Health-bite: curve the sweet tooth, loose the weight
Cocoa vs. Cacao
Cocoa, better know as chocolate, is commonly found in grocery stores. It's also what is used to make candy bars and desserts. Cocoa comes from a bean that is roasted, processed, and sold to consumers. Like most products that are overly processed, the nutritional content is virtually non-existent. Let me introduce you to cacao.
An ancient mayan superfood, cacao is an excellent source of dietary fiber and high in essential vitamins and minerals. Cacao is also a rich supply of antioxidants. Cocoa and cacao come from the same bean pod. Cocoa looks the same but it's different. Cocoa powder is raw cacao that has been roasted at high temperatures. Roasting changes the molecular structure of the cacao bean, and thus making it less nutritional. Cacao can be found in natural food stores or on-line.
Here are a few things that are beneficial about cacao:
- lowers insulin resistance
- protects the nervous system because it is high in resveratrol
- reducesthe risk of cardiovascular disease
- reduces the risk of stroke
- reduces blood pressure
- boosts mood
- rich in minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper and manganese)
Research suggests that using dairy with cacao blocks some of the nutritional values in cacao. So if you are making a shake or dessert, it's better to use a milk substitute like almond or coconut milk.
Below is a receipt for chocolate pudding that is both sugar and dairy free.
Dark Chocolate Pudding
3 TBSP cornstarch
3 TBSP xylitol* sweetener
2 TBSP organic cacao powder
2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
In a saucepan, thoroughly combine the cornstarch, xylitol, and cacao powder. Add the milk and stir until very smooth. Cook on medium heat, stirring constantly, until the pudding comes to a boil. Then lower the heat and gently simmer, stirring continuously, for 3 or 4 minutes. Stir in the vanilla, pour the hot pudding into a decorative serving bowl or individual custard cups, and serve warm or chill for about 2 hours, until cold and set.
*xylitol is a natural sweetener that has a low glycemic index and is safe for diabetics
Health-bite: replace cocoa with cacao